[Philip Webb [Philip Speakman Webb], Arts and Crafts architect and Pre-Raphaelite.] Autograph Letter Signed (or draft?) to J. R. Holliday, discussing the difficulties of bookplate design.

Philip Webb [Philip Speakman Webb] (1831-1915), Arts and Crafts architect, Pre-Raphaelite, associate of William Morris [James Richardson Holliday (1840-1927), art collector; Sir Sydney Cockerell]
Publication details: 
31 August 1901. Caxtons [at Worth, near Crawley, Sussex].

An interesting letter, in which Webb sets out his approach to bookplate design. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, ‘By 1899 Webb was in poor health and losing money. His meagre savings were insufficient to build a cottage, so he accepted Caxtons, a four-bedroom sixteenth-century yeoman's house at Worth, near Crawley, Sussex, offered at a selflessly low rental by his friend William Scawen Blunt.’ For the context of the present letter, see the letter from Webb to Sydney Cockerell, 1 September 1902, in volume 3 of John Apin’s edition of Webb’s letters.

[Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys], English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School.] Autograph Signature to printed voucher for Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court.

Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys] (1829-1904), English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School [Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court; Imre Kiralfy]
Publication details: 
Voucher with printed date 27 August 1897. Old Welcome Club, Earl's Court [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘Old Empire Club’, presided over by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar, was part of Imre Kiralfy’s ‘Empire of India’ exhibition. The voucher, printed in red, is an attractive item, 13 x 7.5 cm, with perforated edge. In good condition, laid down on leaf carrying typed biographical details. Signed ‘Fredk. Sandys.’ with stamped number 732. Reads: ‘Name and Address of the Holder must be filled in / OLD WELCOME CLUB, / EARL’S COURT. / FRIDAY, 27th AUGUST, 1897. / Gentlemen’s Voucher, No. [732] / Admit ... / of ... / Signed [Fredk.

[W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills], Irish playwright and painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, fellow-playwright and ‘Punch’ editor, recommending Walter John Knewstub, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s assistant.

W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills (1828-1891)], Irish playwright and painter [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, Punch editor; Walter John Knewstub (1831-1906), assistant to Dante Gabriel Rossetti]
Publication details: 
‘76 Fulham Rd / Brompton [London] / May 4 - 77 [1877]’.

See his entry and Taylor’s in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: ‘My dear Mr. Taylor / Would you allow me to introduce a friend of mine Mr. Knewstube to you.

[Sir Thomas Fairbairn, Manchester industrialist and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites.] Autograph Note Signed, inviting ?Yonge? to bring his rod and 'try the river'.

Sir Thomas Fairbairn (1823-1891), industrialist with engineers William Fairbairn & Sons, and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites, leading figure in the foundation of the Manchester City Art Gallery
Publication details: 
?Saturday? [no date or place].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ?Dear Yonge / Will you bring your rod & try the river this morning / Yours always / Thomas Fairbairn / Saturday?.

[John Ruskin.] Carte de visite by Elliott & Fry, London, with facsimile signature.

John Ruskin, pre-eminent Victorian art critic; Elliott & Fry, nineteenth-century London photographers noted for their cartes de visite
Publication details: 
1867 or 1869. Elliott & Fry, 55, Baker Street, Portman Square, London, W.

Rather long for a carte de visite: 6 x 9 cm albumen print laid down on 6.5 x 10.5 cm card. In fair condition, lightly discoloured and worn. On the card beneath the photograph is a facsimile of Ruskin’s signature (‘John Ruskin’) and ‘ELLIOTT & FRY Copyright. 55. BAKER ST.’ Printed on the reverse is the royal crest and the firm’s address. A copy of the present item was offered by Sotheby’s in 2021, dated to 1867, with the claim that it was ‘signed on the mount’. That claim is erroneous: the signature to that copy is identical with the present lithographed one.

[Lady Burne-Jones [Georgina Burne-Jones, née Macdonald], wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones.] Her calling card (‘Lady Burne-Jones’) with autograph addition.

Georgina Burne-Jones [née Macdonald, known as ‘Georgie’], Lady Burne-Jones (1840–1920), wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See her entry by Jan Marsh in the Oxford DNB, added in 2022 after the publication of Marsh’s ‘Pre-Raphaelite Sisters’ (2019). 9 x 5.5 calling card, engraved in copperplate. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid out in the customary fashion, with centred ‘Lady Burne-Jones.’, and at bottom left: ‘The Grange, / 49, North End Road, / West Kensington, W.’ In her autograph at head: ‘with sincere thanks / from’, and beneath her engraved name ‘& family’. See image.

['Nearly made bankrupt' by this work: Henry Hugh Armstead, sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Dafforne of the Art Journal, describing his extensive work on the Colonial Office in Whitehall.

Henry Hugh Armstead (1828-1905), British sculptor associated with George Gilbert Scott, Gothic Revival and Pre-Raphaelites [James Dafforne (1804-1880) of the Art Journal; Colonial Office, Whitehall]
Publication details: 
3 November 1874; Bridge Place, Eccleston Bridge.

See both men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight spot from previous mount at one corner. Folded twice. Signed ‘H. H. Armstead’. In reply to a letter of Dafforne, he reports that ‘the Statues I have made for the “Colonial Office” Niches are not yet in situ - but are now being raised to the niches, and they will be in their places within the next few days.’ He gives the names and positions of the statues, adding: ‘The eight men are there as Secretaries of State for the Colonies’.

[Edward Dalziel of the Brothers Dalziel, London wood-engravers.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward Dalziel') to 'B Forster [sic] Esqr', i.e. illustrator Birket Foster, advising him to lay prints in the sun, and giving the address of printers.

Edward Dalziel (1817-1905) of the Brothers Dalziel, wood-engravers associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and Lewis Carroll [Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899), illustrator]
Publication details: 
48 Albert Street, Mornington Crescent [London]. No date, but endorsed 27 September 1849.

A very nice association between two central figures in Victorian book illustration. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Penny Red stamp and three postmarks, to 'B Forster [sic] Esqr | Cavendish Villa | Carlton Hill | St Johns Wood'. Endorsed with date. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount to one edge.

[Thomas Gordon Hake, poet and physician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. G. Hake') to 'MM Dalziel Bros', regarding their engraving of Arthur Hughes's drawings for his 'Parables and Tales'.

T. G. Hake [Thomas Gordon Hake] (1809-1895), poet and physician [Arthur Hughes (1832-1915), Pre Raphaelite illustrator; Dalziel Brothers, engravers; Chapman & Hall, London publishers]
Publication details: 
On his monogrammed letterhead, Coombe End, Roehampton, S.W. [London] 28 February 1872.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with small circle of ink placed by Hake at bottom right. Regarding his 'Parables and Tales', illustrated by Arthur Hughes and published by Chapman & Hall in 1872, he writes: 'Dear Sir [sic] | Please to give me a line to say when Mr Hughes drawings will be ready for press and when you will require my proofs - | Yours truly | T. G. Hake'.

[ Thomas Heron Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ranelagh') to an unnamed recipient, complaining of the actions of 'Mr. Clarke

Thomas Heron Jones (1812-1885), 7th Viscount Ranelagh, leading figure in the volunteer movement [ later incorporated into the Territorial Army ] and "known for his links to glamorous women"
Publication details: 
7 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 16 April 1861.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'very much disgusted and indignant against Mr. Clarke for his Impertinence' in calling on the recipient, and has 'expressed as much to him'. He discussed with Clarke the question of the number of gentlemen contacting him about the matter, and hoped to put Clarke in touch with the recipient. The letter concludes: 'It seems Mr. Clarke, when I was out of the Room, took up your Letter addressed to me, and copied your name and direction, a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable act.'

[ Rossetti ] Autograph Note Signed "Olivia Rossetti" to "Dr Rukes[?]".

Olivia Rossetti [ Olivia Rossetti Agresti ] (1875–1960), activist, author, editor, and interpreter. member of one of England's most prominent artistic and literary families
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 3 St Edmund's Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. [no date].

One page, 12mo, black border, speckled (foxing?) and smudged, text clear although hand difficult. She tahnks him for enquiries and tells him all are "fairly well". She has heard form a Mrs Coben that "Coben is very ill" and encourages him to visit him, giving him directions and expressing sympathy with the wife.

[Rugby School; Pre-Raphaelite] Autograph Letter Signed "F Temple", Headmaster, to [John Lucas] Tupper, obscure member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

Frederick Temple, Headmaster Rugby School [later Archbishop of Canterbury].
Publication details: 
Embossed "Oxford & Cambridge Club". Written, "Rugby", 7 Feb. 1865.

Three pages (expansive hand), 12mo, fold mark, good condition. "Ihave decided on offering you our Drawing Mastership. | The salary will be half a guninea for every Boy in the School not on the Foundation up to a maximum of 160 guineas. | The boys have steadily exceeded 320, not on the Foundation, for years. But [...] is our rule of payment in all cases. | I should be glad if you could come in about a month."

[George Charles Williamson, art editor to George Bell & Sons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo C Williamson') to H. C. Marillier, reporting the high opinion of the Pre-Raphaelite patron George Rae of Birkenhead of his book 'Dante Gabriel Rossetti'.

George Charles Williamson (1858-1942), art editor to George Bell & Sons [Henry Currie Marillier (1865-1951), textiles expert; George Rae (1817-1902) of Birkenhead, Pre-Raphaelite patron; Rossetti]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of G. Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, London. 24 August 1900.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. For further information about Williamson and his publications, see his entry in 'Who Was Who'; see also Marillier's entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[Dalrymple Press limited edition reprint; Proofs] PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54

Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 
Dalrymple Press in association with Ian Hodgkins & Co. Ltd,

44[3]pp., 4to (25.3cm), in three 8-leaf gatherings, not bound, browning of the edges of several pages, commencing with half-title and concluding with printing information and number of copies (this not numbered!) ([3v] and a blank ([3r]). Preface by Christopher Sykes and Postscript by Christopher Wood. The statement "As proofed 8-7-82" is written on the first page of all gatherings (hand unidentified, see below), and there are occasional marginal corrections. With additional related material comprising two letters from Robert Hamilton Dalrymple himself, and printed ephemera. A.

Manuscript Letter, written by an amanuensis for the blind poet 'P. B. Marston' [Philip Bourke Marston], to John T. Baron of Blackburn, referring to two of his books, and to a photograph taken six years before, which 'does not please' his friends.

Philip Bourke Marston (1850-1887), blind English poet, protégé of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and friend of James Thomson ('B. V.') [John T. Baron of Blackburn autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
191 Euston Road, London. 11 October 1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed in the same hand to 'J. Y. [sic] Baron Esq. | 48, Griffin Street, | Tritton | Blackburn'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in slightly discoloured envelope. It is not known who acted as Marston's amanuensis after the death of his sister Cicely in 1878: the present letter is written in a neat and somewhat childish hand. It dates from what had been an extremely trying year for Marston, with Rossetti dying the previous April, and the dying James Thomson being carried from Marston's rooms two months later.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Combe') from Martha Combe, wife of the 'Printer to the University' Thomas Combe of the Oxford University Press, discussing the terms of lodgings with 'Mrs. Capel', with a reference to 'Mr. Hunt' [William Holman Hunt'].

Martha Combe (1806-1893), wife of Thomas Combe (1796-1872), 'Printer to the University' at the Oxford University Press [William Holman Hunt (1827-1910), Pre-Raphaelite painter]
Publication details: 
'The University Press' [Oxford]. 19 April 1862.

2pp., 12mo. 14 lines. With the address and date on the second leaf of the bifolium, the top part of which is lacking. Fair, on aged paper. Writing to an unnamed male correspondent, Mrs Combe states that if he should arrive during her absence, he will find his lodgings 'at Mrs. Capel 7. St. Giles's, Pastry Cook'. She describes the terms as '£1 a week including attendance, plate, cooking linen, with a gratuity to the servant at the end of the term'. She concludes: 'I hope Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H Calderon.') from Philip Hermogenes Calderon, member of the St John's Wood Clique, to fellow-artist John Callcott Horsley, describing a trip to the 'dissolute city' of Paris.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), English painter born in France of Spanish extractino, member of St John's Wood Clique, Keeper of the Royal Academy, London [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 9 Marlborough Place, St John's Wood, NW. 'Sunday Evening' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin neat strip of paper mount at head of third page.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from the Oxford Professor of Fine Arts, Selwyn Image, to 'My dear Barnard' [Rev. P. M. Barnard?], regarding funghi and moths.

Selwyn Image (1849-1930), Slade Professor of Fine Art at Oxford University [Rev. Percy Mordaunt Barnard (1868-1941) of Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, antiquarian bookseller]
Publication details: 
Both from 20 Fitzroy Street, W.; 12 and 17 August 1908.

Both items good, on aged paper. Written in Image's distinctive calligraphic hand. Letter One (12 August 1908): 1 p, 12mo. The 'Galatheas' arrived the previous evening 'quite safe'. 'Fancy your being at The Warren as well as at Deal! The Warren [Folkestone] is famous for being stocked with good things. You are indeed in the very heart of the richest entomological country in England.' Letter Two (17 August 1908): 2 pp, 12mo. He is delighted with 'these beautiful ochroleuca, which arrived this afternoon quite safely'.

Substantial collection of press cuttings relating to the arts and crafts firm of F. B. Goodyer of 55 New Bond Street (The Aesthetic Gallery), assembled for the firm by press cuttings agencies. With a few photographs and other items of ephemera.

The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor) [Arts and Crafts Movement; funiture; fabrics; silk]
The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor)
Publication details: 
From the firm's foundation in 1889 to 1947.
The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor)

Goodyer has long been recognised as a significant figure in the arts and crafts movement (see Adburgham's 'Shops and Shopping' and Aslin's 'Aesthetic Movement, Prelude to Art Nouveau'), but surprisingly little is known about him. A former partner in the firm of Liberty's, he founded his Aesthetic Gallery at 55 Bond Street in 1889. It specialized in 'English silks, cashmeres, velveteens, fans, cushions, handkerchiefs, table covers, and other dainty manufactures', and numbered Voysey among its suppliers.

Large advertising board, bearing a 'SPECIMEN PLATE' ('The Shadow of Death': 'Holman Hunt, Pinx. The Art Journal. Goupilgravure.'), for 'The Life and Work of W. Holman Hunt. By Archdeacon Farrar.'

William Holman Hunt; Archdeacon Frederic William Farrar [Dean Farrar; Pre-Raphaelite; The Art Journal; Alice Meynell; J. S. Virtue & Co. Ltd.; Goupilgravure]
Publication details: 
[1893.] 'London: J. S. Virtue & Co. Ltd.' [The Art Journal.]

Printed on one side of a piece of cream paper, roughly 33.5 x 25.5 cm. Laid down on card. Clear and complete, with a good impression of the plate (22.5 x 17.5 cm), on lightly-aged, grubby paper, with slight wear to extremities. Presumably produced for display in a shop window. The title ('THE LIFE AND WORK OF | W. HOLMAN HUNT. | BY ARCHDEACON FARRAR.') at head, and 'SPECIMEN PLATE.' at foot, in large orange letters; the rest printed in black. Beneath the plate: 'THE SHADOW OF DEATH. | BY PERMISSION OF MESSRS. T. AGNEW & SONS. | LONDON: J. S. VIRTUE & CO.

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Sydney C. Cockerell" and "SC Cockerell" respectively, one to to "May [Morris]", daughter of William Morris, the other to "[Emery] Walker".

S.C. Cockerell, museum director and bibliophile (DNB)
Publication details: 
Wayside, Cavendish Avenue, Cambridge, 29 March 1914 and Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 20 May 1914.

Six pages, 8vo, water-stained but texts clear and complete. Much of the letters are concerned with elements of his executorship of the will of William Morris - (and trusteeship). In the letter to May he begins by expressing relief that "the Horace [book or manusript] was safe", then discussing a payment of £785 due to her (she adds the comment "About £785 due to me" in pencil at the end) and the payment due to Jenny. "When we were at Kelmscott I explained ot her that all claims contracted after Jan.26 would be payable by your father's executors.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Francis'.

Walter Charles Horsley
Publication details: 
5 July 1904; 6 Bedford Gardens, West.

English artist (1855-1934) of the oriental school, a member of a family whose papers are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, though grubby and on paper discoloured with age. He thanks her for her note and is sorry that she 'should have had any trouble about the bundles' Has heard 'on all hands that the Bargain went off extremely well', and hopes 'it was as financially successful'. 'The Egyptian called on me to-day and seemed much pleased with himself.' Hopes he 'behaved and acquitted himself well.' Signed 'Walter C Horsley'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Watkins'.

Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell
Publication details: 
18 June 1910; on letterhead '11, BUCKINGHAM GATE, S.W.'

Poet and literary critic (1856-1930). One page, 12mo. Discoloured but very good. Folded once. One might almost think he was being sarcastic. 'The unflawed pleasure of my short visit to the Archdeaconry will never be effaced from my memory. Heartily I thank you all very much. | Most sincerely yrs | Mackenzie Bell | [autograph]'. Last word and square brackets Bell's.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Pollock'

Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell
Publication details: 
12 May 1906; on letterhead 33 Carlton Road, Putney, S.W., deleted and repaced in manuscript by 11 Buckingham Gate S.W.

Scottish writer (1856-1930), biographer of Christina Rossetti. 2 pages, 16mo. Somewhat grubby and stained, and with minor glue damage. He thanks her for her letter 'which indeed I appreciate. | I have just come to the above address - now my permanent one - after a year's residence in Madeira; and, just at present, am much occupied, but later, I shall hope to come to see your treasures, telling you beforehand.'

[TRAVELLER'S SAMPLE] An essay on the history of English church architecture prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience.

George Gilbert Scott
Publication details: 
London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. 1881.

4to. In good condition, in original stamped patterned cloth and with attractive red leather label (somewhat worn) stamped with gilt on front board. Boards with bevelled edges worn and frayed at corners. Marbled endpapers, with front hinge cracked. Contains ten leaves comprising: frontispiece ('PLATE II. | TINTERN ABBEY. | EXTERIOR VIEW OF THE EAST END.'); title-leaf (title-page in red and black, with vignette and ruled with red lines); leaf with 'TABLE OF CONTENTS'; first two leaves of 'PREFACE' (pp.i-iv); and five leaves of text (pp.103-112).

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