[Sir Thomas Fairbairn, Manchester industrialist and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites.] Autograph Note Signed, inviting ?Yonge? to bring his rod and 'try the river'.

Sir Thomas Fairbairn (1823-1891), industrialist with engineers William Fairbairn & Sons, and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites, leading figure in the foundation of the Manchester City Art Gallery
Publication details: 
?Saturday? [no date or place].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ?Dear Yonge / Will you bring your rod & try the river this morning / Yours always / Thomas Fairbairn / Saturday?.

[J. F. Finlay [James Fairbairn Finlay], Financial Secretary to the Government of India, and rugby player for Scotland in first-ever international.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Enthorne’, with regard to instructions from Sir James Westland.

J. F. Finlay [James Fairbairn Finlay (1852-1930)], Financial Secretary to the Government of India, and Rugby player for Scotland in first international, and Edinburgh Academicals [Sir James Westland]
Publication details: 
4 January 1896; on Calcutta letterhead of the Financial Secretary [to the Government of India].

See Westland's entry in the Oxford DNB. Finlay was, as the Marquis of Crewe told the House of Lords in 1912, ‘a distinguished Indian official’, responsible for, as the Statist stated in 1914, ‘the details of the financial administration of the Empire of India. The magnitude and complexity of the financial transactions of the Government of India need not be enlarged on.’ He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1875, was made a Companion of the Order of the Star of India in 1896, and a Member the Governor-General’s Council in 1902.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Fairbairn') from the Scottish civil engineer Sir William Fairbairn to 'Mr. <Wittine?>', expressing gratitude at his good fortune after 'a long and laborious life'.

Sir William Fairbairn (1789-1874) of Ardwick, Scottish civil engineer and shipbuilder
Sir William Fairbairn
Publication details: 
1869 [rest of date lacking]; Manchester.
Sir William Fairbairn

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. 37 lines. Text of letter clear and complete, but with damage to head of letter, causing loss to date, with traces of the album leaf to which the letter was attached on reverses. Otherwise good, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his 'friendly congratulation', and has now entered his '81st. year under the most favourable conditions'. He is 'truly thankful that my affectionate Partner and Myself have through a long life been so mercifully dealt with'.

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