[Lady Burne-Jones [Georgina Burne-Jones, née Macdonald], wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones.] Her calling card (‘Lady Burne-Jones’) with autograph addition.

Georgina Burne-Jones [née Macdonald, known as ‘Georgie’], Lady Burne-Jones (1840–1920), wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See her entry by Jan Marsh in the Oxford DNB, added in 2022 after the publication of Marsh’s ‘Pre-Raphaelite Sisters’ (2019). 9 x 5.5 calling card, engraved in copperplate. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid out in the customary fashion, with centred ‘Lady Burne-Jones.’, and at bottom left: ‘The Grange, / 49, North End Road, / West Kensington, W.’ In her autograph at head: ‘with sincere thanks / from’, and beneath her engraved name ‘& family’. See image.

[Rudyard Kipling.] Printed keepsake by C. W. Parish, titled 'Mrs. Fleming's Visit', describing a visit in 1945 by Kipling's sister Ann Margaret Fleming to his home (Bateman's in Burwash)

C. W. Parish, Bateman's, Burwash, Sussex [Rudyard Kipling; The Kipling Society; T. O'B. Horsford, photographer]
Publication details: 
Printed by The Medici Society Ltd., London. [Introductory note by Parish dated 'Christmas, 1945 | Bateman's | Burwash, Sussex.']

8pp., landscape 12mo. Saddle-stitched into light-brown printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. A tasteful production, with two full-page illustrations by 'T. O'B. Horsford', captioned 'Bateman's' and 'The Hall'. Introductory note by Parish, inside the front cover: 'The following article was written for the Kipling Society's Journal and is here printed by courtesy of its Editor.' The piece begins: 'It was not long after our arrival in 1940 as the tenants of Bateman's that we learnt that Mr.

[Dalrymple Press limited edition reprint; Proofs] PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54

Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 
Dalrymple Press in association with Ian Hodgkins & Co. Ltd,

44[3]pp., 4to (25.3cm), in three 8-leaf gatherings, not bound, browning of the edges of several pages, commencing with half-title and concluding with printing information and number of copies (this not numbered!) ([3v] and a blank ([3r]). Preface by Christopher Sykes and Postscript by Christopher Wood. The statement "As proofed 8-7-82" is written on the first page of all gatherings (hand unidentified, see below), and there are occasional marginal corrections. With additional related material comprising two letters from Robert Hamilton Dalrymple himself, and printed ephemera. A.

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