[John Ramsay McCulloch, Scottish political economist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister, thanking him for sending details of a 'system' which will aid his work.

John Ramsay McCulloch (1789-1864), Scottish political economist, editor of The Scotsman [Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), novelist]
John Ramsay McCulloch,
Publication details: 
‘Stationery Office / 8 June 1838’.
John Ramsay McCulloch,

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount at corners of the blank reverse. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘T. H. Lister Esq, / &c &c’ and signed ‘J. R. McCulloch’. Sending his ‘best thanks for the account you have sent me of the new system of [Registration?]: it is exactly the sort of thing that I wished for, and will be a most valuable addition to my work’. See Image.

[James Martineau, Professor in Manchester New College, Oxford, brother of Harriet Martineau.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. G. E. Cheeseman, defending a paper on ‘Unitarian modes of thought’.

James Martineau (1805-1900), Unitarian minister, Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Political Economy in Manchester New College, Oxford, brother of Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)
Publication details: 
31 January 1887. 35 Gordon Square, London W.C.

See his entry, and that of his sister, in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Fifty-eight lines of text. Signed ‘James Martineau.’ On biofolium. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice for postage. A very good letter, filled with matter. He begins by conceding that there is ‘ground for displeasure of some of my fellow-believers’ in his ‘paper in the “Christian Reformer”: ‘that the description it gives of the Unitarian modes of thought does not invariably fit to the more recent phases of feeling & conception’.

[Francis Horner, Scottish Whig politician, journalist and political economist; Slave Trade] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Harrison’, regarding ‘Stephen’s book’, a pardon for thieves, the Attorney General, ‘Thorpe’, and the General Assembly.

Francis Horner (1778-1817), Scottish Whig politician, Member of Parliament and political economist, one of the founders of the Edinburgh Review [Harrison]
Publication details: 
1 April 1815. Taunton [Somerset].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing, a year and a half before his death, Horner was Member of Parliament for St. Mawes in Cornwall. 1p, 4to. Eighteen lines, neatly written. Addressed to ‘My dear Harrison’ and signed ‘Fra Horner.’ In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible remnants of windowpane mount adhering at edges of blank reverse. Folded for postage. He has received both of Harrison’s letters, and is ‘particularly obliged’ to him for ‘sending the copy of Stephen’s communication.

[John Ramsay McCulloch, Scottish economist, first Professor of Political Economy at University College London.] Autograph Note in the third person, accepting an invitation to dine with Sir James and Lady Emerson Tennent.

J. R. McCulloch [John Ramsay McCulloch] (1789-1864), Scottish economist, first Professor of Political Economy at University College London [Sir James Emerson Tennent (1804-1869), Governor of Ceylon]
Publication details: 
'H. M. Stationery Office, | 26th June 1860.'

See McCulloch's entry in the Oxford DNB. He was appointed Comptroller of H.M. Stationery Office in 1838. 1p, 16mo In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Reads: 'Mr. McCulloch presents compts to Sir James and Lady Em. Tennent, and begs to thank them for their kind invitation to dine with them on the 5th proxo, which he has much pleasure in accepting.'

[Herman Merivale, historian and civil servant, to his brother Charles Merivale.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('H Merivale'), discussing his activities and writing, and ending with a shrewd assessment of Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

Herman Merivale (1806-1874), historian and civil servant, Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, brother of Charles Merivale (1808-1893), Dean of Ely, historian [Edward Bulwer-Lytton [Lord Lytton]]
Publication details: 
'7 Carey Street. [Lincoln's Inn, London] Tuesday.' With postmark 3 December 1833.

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with small seal in red wax and postmark, to 'Revd. Charles Merivale | St John's College | Cambridge'. A long letter, with the four pages of text followed by a long postscript at the head of the first page, continuing to the last.

[John Stuart Mill, philospher and economist.] Autograph Signature ('J. S. Mill') with valediction to letter.

John Stuart Mill [J. S. Mill] (1806-1873), philosopher, political economist, and civil servant, a leading figure in the history of classical liberalism
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 2 x 11 cm slip of paper cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small tape stain from mount at the edge to the left of the signature. Reads: 'very truly yours | J. S. Mill'. On the reverse, in Mill's autograph, are the words: 'the Government for a pecuniary'. Mill is considered one of the most influential figures in the history of classical liberalism, and one of the leading English-speaking philosophers of the nineteenth century.

[ Dugald Stewart; Scottish Enlightenment ] Autograph Letter Signed "Dugald Stewart" to an unnamed "Lordship" who had loaned him books with notes.

Dugald Stewart, Scottish philosopher and mathematician
Publication details: 
"Saty Evening" [no place or date].

One and a bit pages, cr. 8vo, flimsy paper, remnants of being in an album, (strip of card on left margin), some damage with no loss of letters. No "Dear Sir", commencing: "I am extremely sorry to be disappointed in my hope of waiting upon your Lordship this Evening by the return of a Cough which has been distressing me a good deal of late. As I presume you do not propose to carry your Books along with you, I shall take charge of the two volumes you lent me, till your return, unless you send me directions to the contrary.

[ Charles Neate, Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch. Neate') to Lord Valencia, offering to show his 'Yankee' friend around Oxford.

Charles Neate (1806-1879), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, and Member of Parliament for Oxford [ Lord Valencia [ Arthur Annesley, 10th Viscount Valentia ]; Oriel College ]
Publication details: 
'Oxford & Cam Club' [ London ]. 16 July [ no year ].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with reverse of second leaf laid down on leaf removed from album. Valentia's father had been, like Neate, a Member of Parliament for Oxford. The letter begins: 'Dear Lord Valentia. | I am sorry it so happens that I was away, and shall be till next Monday - when I return home


street for the next six Weeks'. He would have been 'very glad to meet even a Yankee at your

[ George Pryme, economist, and Edward Raleigh Moran, editor of the Globe newspaper. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Pryme') from Pryme to Moran in reference to William Freeling Jerdan, whom he employs, with Autograph Letter Signed from Moran in reply.

George Pryme (1781-1868), economist and Whig MP; E. R. Moran [ Edward Raleigh Moran ] (d.1852), editor of The Globe newspaper, London [ William Freeling Jerdan, son of William Jerdan (1782-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Pryme's letter dated from 34 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, 28 May 1842. Moran's letter from the Globe office (London), 30 May 1842.

The letter and reply are on the same 12mo bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Pryme to Moran. 3pp., 12mo. He writes that Jerdan has referred him to Moran 'for inquiry respecting him'. He is satisfied with Jerdan's account, but as he is 'a stranger to me & I am acting for others as well as myself I wish to ask whether in your opinion we may place reliance upon him in every respect as to his making out from the Books & adjusting some complicated accounts of a Provincial Newspaper & some disputed balances thereon'. TWO: Moran's reply to Pryme.

[ Pitcairn Island; economics ] MS. lecture or draft for an article on the workings of capitalism on an island (Pitcairn used)

[Charles Baron Clarke; Pitcairn] C.B. Clarke, eminent botanist but also writer on politics and economics.
Publication details: 
No date

], 12pp., [12mo], incomplete or not completed (since p.12 has only a few lines), additions and corrections. He commences: "Let us picture to ourselves an island in the North Temperate Zone, as Pitcairn Island, with a small community entirely cut off from the rest of the world. We will begin by supposing ten households on it; and that, at the end of September the harvest has been got in . . . | The capitalist . . . will allow himself as much food as his appetite disposes him to consume. With the rest, he will set the nine laborers to work . .

Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance. Japan (1896). No. 1937.

[Foreign Office. 1897. Annual Series]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, 1897

Pamphlet, stitched as issued, sl. foxed and dusted, mainly good condition, 22pp. , 8vo. Report for 1896.

[ Pamphlet; Free Trade; Tariffs ] The Annual Meeting of the Cobden Club, 1897, with the Committee's Report and Speeches by [ ...]

[ Cobden Club ]
Publication details: 
Printed or the Cobden Club, 1897.

40pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, damaged with small loss, contents good. FFull title appesars to be (front cover): "Free trade. Preferential tariffs. Canadian fiscal policy. Imperial trade and foreign trade. Sugar bounties & sugar taxes. Foreign prison-made goods. Merchandise marks. Trade questions & the diplomatic service : the annual meeting of the Cobden Club, 1897 with the Committee's report". Copies in seven libraries, home and abroad, but no copy in BL (COPAC and WorldCat).

[ Printed economic pamphlet. ] Half-past Twelve. Dinner Hour Studies for the Odd Half-hours.

George W. Gough, Sometimes Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford [ George Woolley Gough (1869-1943), historian and economist ]
Publication details: 
Privately printed by 'Sells Ltd., 168, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.'. [ 1919. ]

[6] + 77 + [1]pp. With frontispiece photograph of Draft. Stapled. In orange printed wraps. Compliments stamp of the Yorkshire Evening news on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Two-page introductory note on Gough states that 'His first close interest in the study of economics was aroused when an old shoemaker - of the class now largely driven out by modern machinery - advised him to read Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations." [...] Mr.

[ Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lansdowne') to the economist Nassau Senior (acting as his agent), directing him to arrange accommodation for him at Ilfracombe.

Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice (1780-1863), 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne [ Lord Henry Petty ], British Liberal statesman [ Nassau Senior [ Nassau William Senior ] (1790-1864), economist ]
Publication details: 
Bowood [ Bowood House, Wiltshhire ]. 5 September 1837.

2pp., 12mo. On leaf with mourning border. With 7.5 x 12.5 cm frank cut from front of envelope, reading 'Calne September fifth 1837 | Nassau Senior Esq | Ilfracombe | Devon | Lansdowne'. In good condition, lightly aged. While Senior is known to have been a protégé of the Marquess of Lansdowne, this letter suggests that he acted as his agent. The Marquess asks him to 'secure me a lodging at the hotel at Ilfracombe or if full at any house in the town on Friday, when I expect to be there pretty early'.

[Printed ephemera] Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D to ACT 18 and 19 Vic., Cap.55, During the Year 1859 on Account of he Year 1858.

[Victoria, Australia]
Publication details: 
By authorty; John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne. | No.7.

Four pages, sm. folio, pp.[2] and [4] blank, disbound (a little roughly leaving edge ragged, with small holes), some foxing, and marking, but text complete. No separate listing although the State of Victoria appears to hold a Statement from the previous year.

[Rev. Thomas Chalmers.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grace Chalmers') from Grace Pratt Chalmers to her mother Grace Chalmers, wife of Rev. Thomas Chalmers, asking for control over her clothing allowance, to show that she is 'not altogether the Hottentot

Grace Pratt Chalmers (1819-1851), daughter of Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), theologian, economist and leader of the Church of Scotland, and his wife Grace Chalmers [nee Pratt] (1792-1850)
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Stirling, 1838.]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 62 lines of text. In good condition, lightly-aged, with short unobtrusive closed tears along crease lines and '(Grace Pratt)' in a later hand at head of first page. On the reverse of the second leaf is the address, with remains of red wax seal: 'Mrs. Chalmers. | Inverleith Row - | Edinburgh.' Docketted: 'G. P. Chalmers | 1838'. Closes 'Yr. ever affectionate daughter | Grace Chalmers'.

[Bonamy Price, political economist.] Autograph Note Signed ('B Price').

Bonamy Price (1807-1888), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford
Publication details: 
Norham Gardens, Oxford. 28 February [no year].

On slip of paper, 7 x 13 cm. Reads: 'Norham Gardens. Oxford | Feb 28. - | I send a second article on Free Trade. | B Price'. In purple pencil on reverse: 'Bonamy Price | Professor Poll. Economy | Oxon.'

Autograph Letter Signed "Leo Chiozza Money", economist, to Robert Lynd, essayist.

Sir Leo George Chiozza Money (1870-1944), economist.
Publication details: 
London, no year given.

ALS, on letterhead of the Royal Societies Club, St James's St, SW1. 29 June [no year], 2p., 12mo. Returning proofs and offering his services for the 'reviewing of scientific books'.

Autograph Letter Signed "H.S. Foxwell" to Messrs Stoakley & Sons, bookbinders, about paying the [Cambridge] University Account.

H.S. Foxwell [Herbert Somerton Foxwell (1849–1936), economist and bibliophile
Publication details: 
[Embossed] 1 Harvey Road, Cambridge, 27 Sept. 1914.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, closed tear at fold discreetly repaired, some marking but mainly good, text clear and complete. As follows: "I an surprised that you should be worrying me about paying the University Account. I explained most carefully to you the situation in regard to both accounts at the beginning of the year,& it was open to you to have declined the work if you did not like hte condition. | I have no funds to p[ay this account, which musr first be sent in to the University.

[Dr César De Paepe, French syndicalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dr. De Paepe'), in English, to the Liberal economist Thorold Rogers, asking for a copy of one of his books to review in his journal 'Le National Belge'.

Dr César De Paepe (1841-1890), French syndicalist, a major influence on the Industrial Workers of the World [Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), economist and Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Le National Belge, Bruxelles. 2 May 1885.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. De Paepe's grasp of the English language is not firm, but he makes himself understood. He has seen Rogers' 'new scientific book' 'Six Centuries of Work and Wages' advertised in 'many English papers'.

Autograph Letter Signed Leo Cza Money", economist, to Robert Lynd, essayist.

Sir Leo George Chiozza Money (1870-1944), economist.
Publication details: 
London, no year given.

ALS, on letterhead of the Royal Societies Club, St James's St, SW1. 29 June [no year], 2p., 12mo. Returning proofs and offering his services for the 'reviewing of scientific books'.

[Printed pamphlet.] [Drophead title] The Claims of Capital considered. By William Browne.

William Browne [of Montreal, Canada] [John Lovell (1810-1893), Canadian printer and publisher; John Stuart Mill]
Publication details: 
'Published by JOHN LOVELL, Montreal, and Rouse's Point, N.Y.' [1870?]

16mo, 36pp. Printed in small type. Disbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A separate title-page may have been printed on a front wrap, now lacking. The pamphlet begins in stirring style: 'The conflict between labor and capital becomes more and more the struggle of the age. On both sides there are titanic powers engaged in what appears to be headlong and indiscriminating war. There may be now and again a lull in the contest - there may be some kind of truce proclaimed - some good sort of people may approach the combatants andn induce them for a season to lay down their arms.

Autograph Letter Signed ('B Price') from Bonamy Price, Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, to 'My dear General' at Yale, following an 'American journey'.

Bonamy Price (1807-1888), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, and Fellow of Worcester College [William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), Professor of Sociology, Yale University]
Publication details: 
2 March 1875; on letterhead of 2 Norham Gardens, Oxford.

4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 63 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Difficult hand. He thanks him for 'the Statistical Tables', admitting with 'some shame' that he needs 'an interpreter for part of the tables on page 68'. Describes the problem in detail, and discusses 'the sly remark that "the change is being made quite as abruptly as would be safe".

Autograph Letter Signed "R.L. Ellis" to R. Rothman, M.D., applying mathematics to a political economy issue.

R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859), remembered principally as a mathematician and editor of the works of Francis Bacon.
R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859)
Publication details: 
No place or date.
R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859)

Three pages, 8vo, good condition. He commences with a mathematical supposition (in formula terms) then proceeds with putting the suppositions of "the master" [Malthus, Ricardo or their like?) in mathematical terms, concluding a fall of price to "3/4d or one quarter", adding that "The suppositions he makes are incompatible with the ratio theory ...", doing sums which he concludes with the an answer he describes as "absurd".

Autograph Letter Signed from Sir George Birdwood ['George Birdwood'], a reference for William Martin Wood, editor of The Times of India, in his application to become Examiner in Political Economy at University College London.

Sir George Birdwood [Sir George Christopher Molesworth Birdwood] (1832-1917), English administrator in India [William Martin Wood, editor of The Times of India; University College London]
Publication details: 
19 March 1887; No 7 Apsley Terrace, Acton.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 47 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. As 'an intimate personal friend from 1865', Birdwood endorses Wood's application, stating that he was 'a frequent Examiner in political economy for Bombay University' between 1874 and 1880. He explains that Bombay University took in 'the greatest interest' in the subject, and 'always endeavoured to secure the best qualified examiners, - having the whole Civil Service, beside the Educational Department to select from', and that they 'always preferred' Wood.

The Duties and Encouragements of the Poor. [With wood-engraving.]

[Religious Tract Society]
Publication details: 
[Religious Tract Society.] No. 22. [1820?] 'Printed and sold by R. TILLING, 68, Circus-street, Liverpool.'

16mo, 8 pp. Unbound as issued. Following slug: 'Price 2s. 8d. per 100. | Great Allowance to Shopkeepers and Booksellers.' Text clear and complete. On aged and grubby paper. Vignette, beneath title, of priest exhorting poor family in their humble home. Separate sections on duties and encouragements, each with numbered sub-sections of 'inspired passages'. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library, Lambeth Palace, Manchester and the V&A.

Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance. France [Tahiti] (1896). No.1931.

[Foreign Office. 1897. Annual Series][TAHITI]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, 1897

Pamphlet, stitched as issued, sl. foxed and dusted, mainly good condition, 10pp. , 8vo. Report for 1896.

Western Pacific. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Trade of Tonga (1896). No. 2174

[Foreign Office. 1897. Annual Series][TONGA]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, 1897

Pamphlet, stitched as issued, blue wraps, 8pp., stained wraps, mainly good condition. Report for 1896.

Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Trade of the German Colonies [Togo, Cameroon, East Africa, German South-West Africa, Kiau-Chow, German New Guinea, Marschall Islands (1896). No. 474.

[Foreign Office. 1897. Annual Series] [GERMAN COLONIES]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, 1897

Pamphlet, stitched as issued, blue wraps, 44pp., 8vo, sl. marked, mainly good condition. Report for 1896.

Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Trade of the Hawaiian Islands (1896). No. 1900.

[Foreign Office. 1897. Annual Series] [Hawaiian Islands; HAWAII]
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, 1897

Pamphlet, stitched as issued, 14pp., 8vo, sl. foxed and dusted, mainly good condition. Report for 1896.

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