[ George Pryme, economist, and Edward Raleigh Moran, editor of the Globe newspaper. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Pryme') from Pryme to Moran in reference to William Freeling Jerdan, whom he employs, with Autograph Letter Signed from Moran in reply.

George Pryme (1781-1868), economist and Whig MP; E. R. Moran [ Edward Raleigh Moran ] (d.1852), editor of The Globe newspaper, London [ William Freeling Jerdan, son of William Jerdan (1782-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Pryme's letter dated from 34 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, 28 May 1842. Moran's letter from the Globe office (London), 30 May 1842.

The letter and reply are on the same 12mo bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Pryme to Moran. 3pp., 12mo. He writes that Jerdan has referred him to Moran 'for inquiry respecting him'. He is satisfied with Jerdan's account, but as he is 'a stranger to me & I am acting for others as well as myself I wish to ask whether in your opinion we may place reliance upon him in every respect as to his making out from the Books & adjusting some complicated accounts of a Provincial Newspaper & some disputed balances thereon'. TWO: Moran's reply to Pryme.

[ Edward Raleigh Moran, editor of The Globe. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. R. Moran') to the actor-manager Ben Webster, suggesting he produce a previously 'interdicted' play titled 'Where's His Regal Highness?'

E. R. Moran [ Edward Raleigh Moran ] (d.1852), editor of The Globe newspaper, London [ Ben Webster [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster ] (1797-1882), actor-manager ]
Publication details: 
Globe [ London newspaper ]. 3 February 1849.

3pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. For information on the eccentric Moran see F. David Roberts' article 'Who Ran the London "Globe" in the 1830's, 1840's, and 1850's?' (1971). The letter begins: 'My Dear Webster | If you want a useful subsidiary piece producible without cost or trouble. It contains a part that of Frederick William of Prussia admirably adapted for your own filling up.

Autograph Letter Signed from Raleigh Trevelyan ('R. Trevelyan') to Robert Thorp of Alnwick, agent to the Duke of Northumberland, with signed autograph draft of letter by Thorp, and manuscript copies of four Trevelyan letters, and of a cheque.

Raleigh Trevelyan (1781-1865) of Netherwitton Hall [Robert Thorp of Alnwick; the Duke of Northumberland; John Abernethy; Sir John Richardson]
Publication details: 
October and November 1832.

Seven items, all in very good condition on lightly-aged paper. Trevelyan's idiosyncratic and hypochondriacal character comes through strongly in this correspondence, ostensibly concerned with his application to become a magistrate, but largely devoted to the state of his health. ONE and TWO. Manuscript copies of short letters from Trevelyan to Thorp and the Duke of Northumberland. Both dated 22 October 1832, and both 4to, 1 p. Requesting 'a Dedimus, as a commencing Magistrate'. THREE. Manuscript copy of letter from Trevelyan to Thorp. 23 October 1832; Netherwitton, Morpeth. 4to, 1 p.

ALS, Winifred Gales, wife of Joseph, to her sister in law, Sarah Gales (Sheffield, England)

[ Joseph Gales, American journalist, friend of Joseph Priestley, fled England after advocating Thomas Paine's principles, founder of Raleigh, North Carolina, etc., etc.]
Publication details: 
2 Sept. (n.y.)

4pp., folio, tears and other damage marginally affecting text. She writes at length about the loss of a daughter, describing her last days and the family's grief. The daughter had been heavily involved in charitable works and involved with the activities of a "Benevolent Society. She gives some other family news, including the activities and state of health of Joseph Gales and news of the community, and talks of their friend "Judge Johnson" becoming Governor of Louisiana. A very substantial letter.

The names of those persons who subscribed towards the defence of this country at the time of the Spanish Armada, 1588, and the amounts each contributed. With historical introduction [...]; and index.

T. C. Noble (intro.)
Publication details: 
London: Alfred Russell Smith, 1886.

1st edition, 1886. 8vo. Pages: xxxv + 92. Original cloth blind stamped on front board. Paper browing with age, some fraying at head of spine and title leaf loosening; otherwise good copy. Variant spellings of some of the names in the list have been added in ink in a neat small contemporary hand.

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