[G. Lionel Wright of Bristol.] Printed educational work on 'How Children may Read at the Age of 6', titled 'The Vocal System based on The Fundamental Laws of Language'.
20pp., 4to. Stapled into card wraps printed in blue and red. In fair condition, aged and worn, with vertical crease and rusted staples. The front inside wrap carries an 'Introductory Note' (including the claim: 'Half-an-hour's daily practice will produce material results in a very short time.') Labels and stamp of the Board of Education Library. The cover is illustrated with an engraving of two hands emerging from mountains and icebergs and shaking across the waters, above which are the Union Flag and two ensigns (Australia and Canada?), captioned 'Semper Fidelis'. In manuscript, evidently by Wright, at the head of the first page: 'On pp. 7 9 & 15 a few corrections remain to be made'. Comprising a system of tables and rules. Another note by Wright on p.6: 'Mastered in 3 lessons by a boy of 5, who had no other knowledge save that of the names of a few letters | The table is accountable for 50 % of the whole language'. Beneath the introductory note on the inside front cover is reprinted an article from the Morning Post, 21 February 1902, titled 'How to read and spell' and beginning: 'Mr. G. Lionel Wright, 38, Upper Belgrave Road, Clifton, Bristol, writes pointing out the important bearing of reading well and spelling correctly on a child's early education. There are, he says, “quite old children” everywhere who can do neither, and he asks whether this arises from inherent linguistic difficulties of the language or from faulty school methods.' Only three copies on OCLS WorldCat (at BL, NLS and Cambridge).