[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets. ] Two printed forms, proofs completed in manuscript, one with diagrams, the other 'Private Signals for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom [...]'.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets, signals of 1812 ]
Publication details: 
[ Royal Navy. ] Dating from May 1812, with later notes referring to cancellation in March 1818.
SKU: 18760

Four items, in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Printed form, partially completed in manuscript. On one side of 31.5 x 19.5 cm piece of laid paper with Britannia watermark. Headed: 'PRIVATE SIGNALS for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom, Commanded by Lieutenants, viz.' Above the heading, in manuscript: 'Proof | See letter 1st. October 1812. | These Signals are to commence on 1st January 1813.' The descriptions of the various signals to be made 'By Day' and 'By Night' on the various days (including 'Week Days. Fore or Main Top-Mast Head.') are corrected and completed in manuscript. The day section ends with the note: 'N. B. Where Pendant is not mentioned, Flag is implied.' The following is an example of the 'Night' text, with manuscript parts in square brackets. 'The first Signal [is to be] made [by burning two false fires - which first made] { Answered by [shewing 3 lights of equal height.]' Also: 'The Vessel that is first hailed is to answer ["Bath."] { And the Ship which hailed is to reply { ["Richmond."' Printed at foot of page: 'N. B. The Night Signals are also made use of by the Packets in the Service of the Post-Office.' TWO: Printed form - clearly a proof - on one side of a piece of 31.5 x 19 cm paper. The top corners, previously stuck down, have been cut away, resulting in some loss of text. Printed heading: 'IVATE SIGNALS, to be observed between His Majesty's S and the Post Office Pacquets.' Above this, in manuscript: 'May 1812. To commence 1st. July <...>'. Seven diagrams of signals, hand-coloured in blue and yellow, with the days of the week given in manuscript, followed by a five-line printed note, amended and deleted in manuscript. In manuscript at foot of page: 'See note of 1813'. THREE and FOUR: Covering packets with manuscript inscriptions in ink: one reading 'Signals for Small Vessels | & | Post Office Packets | Cancelled by those Established 26th. of March 1818.', and the other reading 'Post Office Packets | Signals'. Above the second inscription, in pencil: 'Signals for Small Vessels'.