'Secret' document, titled 'Brief Tactical Notes | 6th Armoured Division | To be carried by Officers on all training in the field.'

C. F. Keightley, Major General Commanding, 6th Armoured Division [ General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974) ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ North Africa ]. 20 September 1943.

[1] + 14pp., 16mo. Unbound stapled pamphlet. A frail survival (no copy found on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC). Aged and worn, with rusting staples. Stencil of the Division's insignia on cover. Divided into seven sections: 'Tactical Notes', 'Appreciations', 'Orders', 'Approach and Contact', 'Attack', 'Defence' and 'Breaking Contact'. In his 'Foreword' Keightley urges the reader, somewhat confusingly, to 'make absolutely certain that there is nothing left to help him ['your men'] fight efficiently and gallantly which it is in your power to do'. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt.

Yr American; yn Cynwys Nodau ar Daith O Ddyffryn Ohio i Gymru golwg ar Dalaeth Ohio, Hanes Sefydliadau Cymreig yn America . . .

B.W. Chidlaw, A.M.
Publication details: 
Llanrwst: Argraffwyd, Gan John Jones, 1840.

48pp., 12mo, unopened save title, original green wrappers, chipped, good condition"Yr Ail Argraffiad" (Second edition - no record found of a "First"). The author, in a "Notice" (the only English in the work), says "I have disposed of my Book called "The American," to Mr. J. Jones Printer, Llanrwst, and grant to him all the right and Claim to the same. / B.W. Chidlaw, A.M. / Paddy's Run, Ohio. / Llanrwst Decr. 25, 1839. The purpose of the pamphlet is to encourage Welsh emigration to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois at an interesting time.

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