[C. Dudley Langford, chemist and mathematician whose discussion of ‘Langford pairing’ (Langford sequence) is of importance in computing.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Sir Richard [Dundas Hamilton]’, one about his health, the other about a theorem

C. Dudley Langford [Charles Dudley Langford] (1905-1969), chemist and mathematician [Sir Richard Dundas Harington (1900-1981), 13th baronet]
Publication details: 
27 March and 2 October 1945; both from 16 Henrietta Street, Girvan, Ayrshire [Scotland].

Langford trained as an industrial chemist and was a member of Royal Chemical Society. In later life he turned to mathematics, and published thirty articles in the Mathematical Gazette. One of these (‘Problem’) appeared in 1958 and concerned what came to be known as the Langford Sequence. Its significance is discussed by Martin Gardner, in his ‘Mathematical Magic Show’ (1978). Both items aged and creased, with closed tears, but with text complete and legible. Both are addressed to ‘Dear Sir Richard’ and signed ‘C Dudley Langford’. ONE: 3pp, 12mo. On two leaves.

[Karl Pearson, mathematician, biostatistician and eugenicist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Karl Pearson.') to 'Dr. Peirce', regarding 'Mrs Baker's death', ancestry and Professor Benjamin Osgood Peirce of Harvard.

Karl Pearson (1857-1936), mathematician, biostatistician and eugenicist, pioneer in the field of mathematical statistics [Benjamin Osgood Peirce, Harvard Professor of Mathematics]
Publication details: 
7 Well Road, Hampstead; 11 November 1902.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins with a reference to 'Mrs Baker's death'. Pearson and his wife 'had not realised the gravity of her illness', as they had recently seen her 'so well and fresh in spirit'. He wishes he had been able to accept Peirce's suggestion of 'putting me up for tonight' in order to be 'present tomorrow', but he is 'overdone and had work till 6 o'clock arranged for today, so that to come down by the night train tonight & track back tomorrow night have been more than I could safely attempt'.

[ Harvey Goodwin, mathematician and Bishop of Carlisle. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Goodwin') to 'Mr. Jefferies'., sending 'the mathematical investigation of the problem of the blind-gaoler'.

Harvey Goodwin (1818-1891), Cambridge academic, mathematician and Anglican Bishop of Carlisle
Publication details: 
Rydal [Cumbria]. 16 September 1868.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Writing in the year before his elevation to the bishopric, Goodwin writes: 'I do not know whether you dabble at all in Algebra; if you do, you may like to have the mathematical investigation of the problem of the blind-gaoler, which I inclose - It exhibits distinctly the limits of the problem & shews how others of the same kind might be constructed'.

Sir Richard Dudley Harington: mathematical correspondence with T. A. A. Broadbent, G. A. Garreau, C. Dudley Langford, T. B. W. Spencer, A. S. Gosset Tanner and J. Travers.

T. A. A. Broadbent [ Thomas Arthur Alan Broadbent ]; G. A. Garreau [ Gabriel Armand Garreau ]; C. Dudley Langford; T. B. W. Spencer; Arthur Spencer Gosset-Tanner; J. Travers [ Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
London; The Royal Naval College, Greenwich; Girvan, Ayrshire; Wimbledon; Derby, Harrow. Between 1941 and 1947.

16 Autograph Letters Signed, 10 Autograph Cards Signed and one Typed Letter Signed. The letters total 32pp. The collection is in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The correspondence deals exclusively with mathematical questions raised in the Mathematical Gazette, with the writers providing mathematical calculations and demonstrations. From six individuals, as follows. ONE: T.A.A. Broadbent [ Thomas Arthur Alan Broadbent ] (1903-1973) of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich: 4 ALsS and 3 ACsS. TWO: G.A. Garreau [ Gabriel Armand Garreau ]: 2 ALsS and one TLS. THREE: C.

[ Eric Harold Neville, mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Neville') to 'Sir Dundas' [i.e. Sir Richard Dundas Harington ]

E. H. Neville [ Eric Harold Neville ] (1889-1961), English mathematician, of Trinity College Cambridge and the University of Reading, who convinced Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Copse, Sonning on Thames. 26 October 1944.

See W. J. Langford's glowing obituary of Neville (described as 'the greatest of them all' from a pedagogical point of view) in the Mathematical Gazette, May 1964. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by reassuring Harington that his books are 'safely here', but continues: 'I fear that every book I possess on numerical equations is on duty for the time being in the computing department of one of the RAF establishments.' He does not know of 'any book which gives an account of the processes actually used nowadays.

[ Francis Maseres, lawyer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person, from 'Mr: Baron Maseres' to the printer Robert Wilks, regarding the disposal of copies of his 'Scriptores Logarithmici'.

'Baron Maseres' [ Francis Maseres ] (1741-1824), English lawyer, Attorney-General of the Province of Quebec
Publication details: 
[ London. ] 5 March 1807.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with central spike hole. Addressed on reverse 'For Mr: Wilks, printer, in Chancery Lane'. Having received a letter from 'Dr: Mackay' he gives instructions regarding copies of the fifth volume of the book, 'which he proposes to be sent to Newcastle and Inverness, and other places in Scotland'. If Wilks has not received copies from the bindery, he should 'take the said six copies back from Mr: Maseres's chambers'. He also asks for a copy to be sent to Dr Aikin.

[Printed item.] Evening Pastimes; or, Amusements for Hearths and Homes: A Magazine of Fun and Frolic; Containing Parlour Games and Forfeits, Riddles, Enigmas, Charades, Conundrums, Practical Puzzles, and Paradoxes, [...]

[Victorian Scottish puzzle book; parlour games; charades; riddles, pastimes; Cameron & Co., publishers, Glasgow, Scotland]
Evening Pastimes
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Cameron & Co., Publishers, and sold by all booksellers. [1880s?]
Evening Pastimes

128pp., 12mo. In original wraps, with 11.5 x 7 cm label pasted on cover with coloured illustration of a man performing a magic trick for a group of ladies, beneath the title 'EVENING PASTIMES | OR AMUSEMENTS FOR | HEARTHS AND HOMES'. In fair condition, a tight copy on aged paper, in worn wraps. Ownership stamp of the Sussex ornithologist H. L. F. Guermonprez on front free endpaper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John B. Inglis') from the book collector John Bellingham Inglis to Isaac Preston Cory of Caius College, Cambridge, about the superiority of his 'method of trisecting an angle' over that of 'Mr. Rowbotham' [John Rowbotham].

John B. Inglis [John Bellingham Inglis] (1780-1870), book collector [Isaac Preston Cory (1801/2-1842), Hebrew Lecturer, Caius College, Cambridge, and writer on accountancy; John Rowbotham (1793-1846)]
Publication details: 
21 Upper Montagu St; 24 February 1836.

2pp., 12mo. 42 lines. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'I. P. Cory Esq'. The letter begins: 'A friend of mine Mr. Jackson having told Mr. Rowbotham [Ruskin's tutor John Rowbotham] that I had discovered a method of trisecting an angle that gentleman said he had done it himself, which I believe he has, upon the proposition you showed me - he says it was originally published by Professor Leslie'. Inglis considers that 'Mr. R. seems to have hit upon something he does not quite comprehend'.

Rules of the Mathematical Association.

The Mathematical Association [founded in England in 1871 as founded in 1871 as the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching]
Publication details: 
January 1939. Printer and place of publication [England] not stated.

8vo, 12 pp. Stapled and in original blue printed wraps. Good, with minor staining to wraps at top of spine. Eight 'Rules' and three 'Regulations', with a separate entry on 'Regulations for the Use of the Library'. Not listed on COPAC.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. de Jonquieres'), on visiting card, to 'Monsieur Lalanne, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque de l'Institut'.

Ernest de Jonquières (1820-1901), French naval officer and mathematician [Léon Lalanne [Léon Louis Chrétien Lalanne] (1811-1892), French engineer and mathematician]
Publication details: 
9 July 1886; Paris.

Written on both sides of the card, dimensions 5.5 x 9 cm. Good, with a little light scuffing on the front. Communication between two leading lights of French nineteenth-century mathematics. Printed text reads 'VICE-AMIRAL DE JONQUIERES | MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT | AVENUE BUGEAUD, 2'. Asks Lalanne to 'inscrire Monsieur Bonnaffé, lauréat de l'Institut, parmi les lecteurs'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Costaz') to 'Monsieur Dupont' and his son.

Baron Louis Costaz (1767-1842), French mathematician and engineer
Publication details: 
19 October 1841; Mousseau.

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines. Inviting 'M.M. Dupont, père et fils' to help him eat 'le civet d'un lievre qui a eu la Bêtise de se laisser tuer par une femme du hameau du Mousseau'.

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