[Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey], sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Hawkins, recommending the artist William Beetham for permission to draw at the British Museum.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), sculptor [Edward Hawkins (1780-1867), Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum; William Beetham (1809-1888), artist]
Publication details: 
‘Belgrave Place [London] / 15th. June 1830’.

See his entry, and Hawkins’s, in the Oxford DNB. The subject of the letter, William Beetham, was an early emigrant to New Zealand, where he was one of the colony’s first European artists. 1p, 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, aged and worn, with a tiny piece of loss to one corner. Traces of paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Edwd. Hawkins Esqr.’ and signed ‘F Chantrey’. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / The bearer Wm.

[Henry Hawkins, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to William Loney of Macclesfield, regarding a ‘successful’ portrait he is painting of ‘Mr Roe’, and upsetting a bottle of varnish over a letter.

Henry Hawkins (c.1796-c.1881), English landscape artist and portraitist [James Holmes (1777-1860), miniature and genre painter; William Loney, Macclesfield surgeon]
Publication details: 
No date [franked 3 July 1838]. 11 Bulstrode Street, Manchester Square [London].

An uncommon signature of a neglected artist. Hawkins was a founding member of the Society of British Artists, exhibiting there prolifically from 1824 to 1881. He also showed at the Royal Academy eight times between 1822 and 1849. (See Holmes's entry in the Oxford DNB.) On 14 cm square piece of watermarked wove paper, cut from a frank. The letter is written on the reverse of the cover, which is laid out in the customary way: ‘London third July 1838 / Wm. Loney Esq / Macclesfield.’ With red dated postmark, and signed in the customary way at bottom left: ‘John [Baron?]’.

[Oxford University Act 1854.] Autograph Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, headed 'Oaths imposed by College Statutes and Declarations against change in Statutes'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Edward Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College]
Publication details: 
[Oxford University'At a meeting of the Commission Committee held on March 5. 1853.'

In 1850 Lord John Russell had set up a Royal Commission to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'. The Law Magazine, in its issue of August-November 1852, praised the Commission's report as 'most valuable' and 'meritorious', noting among the obstacles to its completion 'the resolute and dogged refusal of information on the part of many, intimately connected with the University', including Harington's college Brasenose. The Spectator discussed the report on 29 May 1852, and reproduced all 47 recommendations on 5 June 1852.

[Oxford University Act 1854.] Autograph Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, headed 'Oaths imposed by College Statutes and Declarations against change in Statutes'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Edward Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College]
Publication details: 
[Oxford University'At a meeting of the Commission Committee held on March 5. 1853.'

In 1850 Lord John Russell had set up a Royal Commission to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'. The Law Magazine, in its issue of August-November 1852, praised the Commission's report as 'most valuable' and 'meritorious', noting among the obstacles to its completion 'the resolute and dogged refusal of information on the part of many, intimately connected with the University', including Harington's college Brasenose. The Spectator discussed the report on 29 May 1852, and reproduced all 47 recommendations on 5 June 1852.

[Royal College of Surgeons.] Document with ten Signatures: Thomas Keate, Master; Sir Charles Blicke, Sir David Dundas, Governors; Sir William Blizard; Henry Cline; Sir James Earle; Sir Everard Home; George Chandler; Thompson Forster; Charles Hawkins.

Royal College of Surgeons: Thomas Keate; Sir Charles Blicke; Sir David Dundas; Sir William Blizard; Henry Cline; Sir James Earle; Sir Everard Home; George Chandler; Thompson Forster; Charles Hawkins
Publication details: 
Royal College of Surgeons [London]; 6 July 1810.

The document bearing the ten signatures is 1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of document. Folded twice. A printed form, completed in manuscript, with the ten signatures of leading figures in the medical world of Georgian London in a column at bottom right, the first two grouped as 'Governors' and the other seven as 'Examiners': 'Charles Blicke | David Dundas | C Hawkins | J Earle | G Chandler | T Forster | Everard Home | William Blizard | Henry Cline'.

[Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, Prebendary of St Paul's Cathedral, and Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.] Autograph Letter Signed to H. H. Acland

Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, Prebendary of St Paul's Cathedral, and Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
Publication details: 
79 Pall Mall [i.e. London offices of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel]. 10 July 1858.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Acland's name has been scored through in the salutation and after the signature, but is still legible. The letter reads: 'I have discovered my omission - & desire to apologise for it - herewith I send the Bp of London's corrections. | We are not in a hurry – i.e. not anxious for a few days about the Tract – tho' we would not lose [last word underlined] time.'

[ Ernest Hawkins, Canon of Westminster. ] Autograph Letter Signed, writing in affectionate terms ('My dear') to an unnamed recipient, about 'your little manual'.

Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, missionary society administrator and ecclesiastical author
Publication details: 
'79 Pallmall [sic] [ Pall Mall, London ] | July 3. 1851'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'My dear | Our Jubilee bustle - & subsequently four days spent at Oxford on a College Election have prevented my attending to your little manual - The last corrections which you made - are now sent to the Printer - & a revise shall be sent in a day or two.' He ends by expressing relief at the 'improving accounts of your poor brothers family'.

[ Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Northumberland') to Edward Hawkins, regarding a visit by the Duchess to the British Museum.

Hugh Percy (1785-1847), 3rd Duke of Northumberland, Tory politician and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [ Edward Hawkins (1780-1857), numismatist, Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum ]
Publication details: 
Northumberland House [ London ]. 3 May 1843.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He informs him that 'the Duchess will be obliged to postpone her visit to The British Museum till next week', and asks what day would be convenient.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L M. Hawkins') to Richard Twining (tea merchant and East India Company) at Isleworth.

Laetitia Matilda Hawkins [Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins] (1759-1835), English novelist from Twickenham; daughter of Sir John Hawkins, biographer of Dr Johnson [Richard Twining (1749-1824), tea merchant]
Publication details: 
11 December 1811; 'Riverside Twickenham | Friday morn'.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Thirty-nine lines of text. Good impression of red wax seal depicting Alexander Pope. In breaking open letter a 7 cm closed tear made to second leaf, and a small part of leaf torn away, and now under seal, with loss to three words of valediction. Slight glue staining from mount at head of verso of second leaf, which carries address and Twining's docketing.

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