‘Lease of the Dock Yard at Plymouth’: Manuscript draft by lawyers Wimburn, Colletts & Dyson, of indenture between Sir John St Aubyn and ‘The Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty’s Navy’.

[Plymouth Royal Navy Dock Yard] Sir John St Aubyn (1758-1839), 5th Baronet, landowner, politician and fossil collector
Publication details: 
Draft indenture dated 1 November 1830.

St Aubyn’s entry in the Oxford DNB makes no mention of Plymouth or the Royal Navy. 9pp, foolscap 8vo, on nine leaves of laid paper with fleur-de-lys watermark. In poor condition: an attempt has been made to burn the document, and the left-hand side of each leaf has been badly damaged, with much of it crumbled away in burnt flakes, and the surviving text badly marked on that side. The description on the outside of the packet states that the draft is ‘For the perusal of Mr. Jones’ (presumably St Aubin’s lawyer).

[Pyramids of Egypt.] Substantial Conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed from ‘William Lydiard - / Master’s Mate of HM Prison Ship San Ysidro’ to the Earl of Leicester, suggesting, after the fall of Alexandria, that ‘these mysterious piles’ be opened.

[Pyramids of Egypt: William Lydiard, Master’s Mate of HM Prison Ship San Ysidro, Plymouth Dock [Earl of Leicester, President of the Society of Antiquaries; Egyptology; fall of Alexandria]
Publication details: 
Undated, but on Britannia paper watermarked 1805; and the San Ysidro was a prison ship at Plymouth between May 1805 and September 1814.

Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign, 1798-1801, inspired a period of ‘Egyptomania’ culminating in Champollion’s decipherment of the Rossetta Stone. The contribution of the author of this letter to this outpouring of scholarly activity is an offer to the President of the Society of Antiquaries of London to blow up one of the pyramids, in order to extract their contents. See the recipient’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. Bifolium of laid Britannia paper, watermarked 1805. Fifty-five lines, well laid out and written in a neat and stylish hand.

[Charles Richard Weld, author.] Printed notice of the election of ‘the Council and Officers of the Royal Society’ and ensuing dinner, signed by Weld, and addressed by him to W. Vaughan. With the Society’s seal in red wax.

Charles Richard Weld (1813-1869), historian of the Royal Society, London [William Vaughan (1752-1850), West Indian slave owner and co-founder of West India Dock, London]
Publication details: 
‘From the Apartments of the Royal Society [in Somerset Place, Strand], November 21st. 1844’.

Weld and Vaughan both have entries in the Oxford DNB. The notice is printed in copperplate on the recto of the first leaf of a 4to bifolium. In fair condition, aged and lightly worn, with short closed tear to one edge, and slight damage to the second leaf from the cutting of the seal, which is present on the verso, with a good impression, in red wax, together with two postmarks and the address, in Weld’s hand, to ‘W. Vaughan Esq - [F.R.S.] / 70 Fenchurch Street / [Royal Society.]’ The notice, signed ‘C. R.

[‘I have never felt more like chucking my hand in’: Jack Warner, English actor.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), regarding a bad bout of the flu, with signed publicity photograph in the part of Dixon of Dock Green.

Jack Warner [Horace John Waters] (1895-1981), English actor who played PC George Dixon in film ‘The Blue Lamp’ and TV series ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
19 November 1957. 9 Courtfield Mews, Courtfield Road, SW5 [London]. On his letterhead.

See the entries for Warner and Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Such was the popularity of Warner’s portrayal of George Dixon, that the Queen told him it had become part of ‘the British way of life’, and he was carried to his grave by six real officers from Paddington Green Police Station. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, lightly aged. Signature ‘Jack.’ and salutation to ‘My dear Popie’ in Warner’s hand; the rest typed. Letterhead with his name. He is sending ‘the long promised photos’, delayed because he ‘had to get some new prints of the “pipe” one.

[ Sir John Hall, Secretary to the St. Katherine Dock Company. ] Autograph Signature ('J Hall') to official secretarial letter addressed to Hon. Charles Greville, Clerk of the Council, on the question of householders in the 'St. Katharine Precinct'.

Sir John Hall (1779-1861), consul, Secretary to the St. Katherine Dock Company, London [ Charles Greville [ Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville ] (1794-1865), Clerk of the Council and diarist ]
Publication details: 
St. Katharine [sic] Precinct [ London ]. 11 November 1831.

1p., folio. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with chips and loss along edges repaired with archival tape, and repairs to Hall's signature. Some biographical information in a light contemporary hand at head. The document reads: 'Sir, | I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Circular of the 9th. instant, and to state that in consequence of the construction of the St.

[ Collier Dock, Isle of Dogs. ] Printed 'Report of the Directors to the Proprietors, at their second General Meeting 5th April, 1827.'

Collier Dock, Isle of Dogs [ George Byng, Chairman; W. Baker, Acting Secretary; G. Taylor, Printer, London printer ]
Publication details: 
W. Taylor, Acting Secretary, Limehouse, Middlesex, and 5, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, London. [ G. Taylor, Printer, Lamb's Conduit Passage. 1827. ]

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium with three pages of text, with title on reverse of second leaf (printed crosswise for folding into packet). In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first page is headed 'Collier Dock - Isle of Dogs', followed by a list in two columns of the twenty-four directors, and solicitor's details. The 'Meeting of the Proprietors' was held at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, 5 April 1827, and there was only one topic.

'Confidential' Autograph Report Signed by 'D. G. D', to 'Mr. Superintendent B. J. Oswell', on form of the Mendicity Society, London, regarding a 'Begging Letter' assocation called 'The Seamen and Boatmen's Friend Society | Regents Canal Dock | E'.

D. G. D. [Rev. D. G. Doman?], Mendicity Society, 13 Red Lion Square, London [Superintendent B. T. Oswald, Police Office, Burton-on-Trent; The Seamen and Boatmen's Friend Society, Regents Canal Dock]
Publication details: 
On printed form of the Begging Letter Department, Mendicity Society, 13 Red Lion Square, WC, London. 29 June 1870.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium on blue paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight fraying and loss to extremities. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Superintendent B. T. Oswald | Police Office | Burton on Trent'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Brassey') from Brassey to 'P. Michelli [later Sir Pietro James Michelli], Esq | Secretary | Seaman's Hospital', regretting that he was not able to visit the Albert Docks.

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey [Lord Brassey] (1836-1918), Liberal politician [Sir Pietro James Michelli (1853–1935), Secretary, Seaman's Hospital; Albert Dock Seaman's Hospital]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Park Lane, W. [London]. 16 July 1889.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with short closed tear to one edge and traces of mount on blank second leaf of bifolium. Signature slightly smudged. Brassey writes that he has been 'detained at the House of Lords, where I have been acting as chairman of a private committee', and as a result 'found it impossible to go down to the Albert Docks yesterday afternoon'. The letter almost certainly relates to the Albert Dock Seaman's Hospital, which was officially opened the following year, as a branch of the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich.

Offprint titled 'Pulmonary Amoebiasis.'

Philip Manson-Bahr, D.S.O., M.D. Camb., F.R.C.P. Lond., Physician to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Albert Dock Hospital; Lecturer, London School of Tropical Medicine [tuberculosis]
Offprint titled 'Pulmonary Amoebiasis.'
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from THE LANCET, 1923, II., 599.' [The Lancet Office, 1, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. 2.']
Offprint titled 'Pulmonary Amoebiasis.'

8vo, 8 pp. Stitched. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Three charts and list of references at end.

Autograph Letter Sign "T. Tyrrell" to the "Worshipful Committee for Improving the Port of London".

Timothy Tyrrell, Remembrancer of the City of London.
Publication details: 
Guildhall, 3 Dec. 1802.

Two pages, 4to, dusted and otherwise marked, but text clear and complete. He "begs leave to represent the the State of my account of Fees & Disbursements in obtaining the Act of Parliament 'for rendering more commodious & for better regulating the port of London' which ammounts to ____________"5989.12-". He has received £4400 "by your warrants out of the Parliamentary hand, £100 of the Dock Company, balance due £489.12". He explains a complication involving the Dock Company's payment.

Archive of papers relating to his employment.

George Hazlehurst (1867-1941); Millwall Dock Company; Manchester Ship Canal Company
Publication details: 

20 items. Various formats (see below). Showing signs of age, and with some foxing, fraying and creasing, but in very good condition overall. Collection indicates that Hazlehurst, who was born in Grappenhall, Lancashire, to an illiterate mother, was a capable individual entrusted with responsible positions. ITEMS 1 TO 5: Certified Copies of Hazlewood's birth and marriage certificates (birth certificate in poor condition, but with text entirely legible), his wife's birth and death certificates, and his parents' marriage certificate.

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