[B. Feldman & Co., London music publishers.] Printed ‘Selected List of New and Popular Numbers. / Vocal and Instrumental’, including 'Musical Comedy & Revue Successes' and 'Talkie Film Songs'.

B. Feldman & Co., London music publishers
Publication details: 
No date, but late 1930s/early 1940s. B. Feldman & Co., 125, 127 & 129, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2.

Few copies of this ephemeral item can have survived. (No copies appear to show up on Jisc or WorldCat.) 20pp, 4to. Small print. Stapled. In very good condition for such a publication: lightly browned paper, with one off-centre horizontal fold. The item can be dated from the films listed on the two pages of ‘Talkie Film Songs’ seem to all date from the 1930s (e.g. ‘The Cowboy and the Lady’ and ‘Song of the Saddle’). Title page has box containing a list of ‘Immortal Melodies by Victor Herbert’.

[Sheena Tennant, Scottish composer and Margot Asquith's niece.] Two pieces of printed sheet music: her piano accompaniments of 'An Irish Cradle Song', 'From Poems by W. B. Yeats'; and Yeats's 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree'.

Sheena Lilian Grant Tennant (1883-1974, later Kendall), daughter of James Tennant (1852-1933) of Fairlieburne, Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, industrialist and cousin of Margot Asquith [W. B. Yeats]
Publication details: 
Both items published by The Frederick Harris Company, London. 'An Irish Cradle Song' from 85 Newman Street, Oxford Street, W. [1914.] 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' from 40 Berners Street, London, W1. [1917]

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Excessively scarce, with COPAC only listing one copy (at the British Library) of both items. ONE: 'An Irish Cradle Song. Words by W. B. Yeats. From Poems by W. B. Yeats, published by T. Fisher Unwin'. [1914.] 5 + [1]pp., folio. Title page carries the gaelic motto: Goth yani me von gilli beg, | N heur ve thu more a creena. TWO: 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree. Words by W. B. Yeats'. [1917.] 5 + [1]pp., folio. Illustration of tree on bank of lake on front cover.

[ 'In the Shadows', one of the last songs played on the Titanic. ] Three printed scores of music by Herman Finck, from his papers and with autograph emendations by him: 'Two Little Dances', 'Dance'. and a proof of 'In the Shadows'.

[ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor ] [ RMS Titanic ]
Publication details: 
All three items by Hawkes & Son, London. 'In the Shadows', 'Copyright, 1910, in U.S.A.'; 'Dance', 'Copyright, MDCCCCX, in U.S.A.'; 'Two Little Dances', 'Copyright 1914 in U.S.A.'

Constant Lambert referred to 'In the Shadows' as 'that rightly renowned piece'.For the playing of the song as the Titanic sank, see Ian Whitcomb, 'The Titanic Songbook' (2011) and Steve Turner, 'The Band Played On' (2011). The three items of sheet music are from Finck's papers, and their condition bears testimony to their having been working copies. ONE: 'In the Shadows'. 8pp., 12mo. In poor condition, with outer leaves detached from one another. At head of first page: 'In the Shadows. | Dance. | Piano-Conductor. HERMAN FINCK.' Rest of page blank. Two sections deleted in blue pencil.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Rodney Bennett') from the librettist Harry Rodney Bennett to Leslie Arthur Boosey of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes, including a discussion of royalties

Harry Rodney Bennett (1890-1948), librettist and author, father of composer Sir Richard Rodney Bennett (b.1936) [Leslie Arthur Boosey (1887-1979), president of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes]
Harry Rodney Bennett
Publication details: 
Letter One: 20 Woodstock Road, Bedford Park, Chiswick; 1 May 1926. Letter Two: The George Hotel, South Molton, North Devonshire; 22 September 1941.
Harry Rodney Bennett

Letter One: 2 pp, 12mo. 23 lines. Good. Docketed '3.5.26 | copd.' He thanks him for his letters, and has 'sent the verses to Sanderson'. The copies of the 'Quilter publications' that Bennett needed for the writing of an article in the 'Music Teacher' have not arrived. Asks for information on a 'volume of songs by Sibelius'. 'If they are available could they be included in the Quilter parcel'. He is 'writing about Sibelius for publication in July, & want to be as complete as possible'. Letter Two: 2 pp, 4to. 23 lines. Good, with staple holes to one corner.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Burghersh') from Lord Burghersh, regarding the copying of the score of one of his compositions.

John Fane (1784-1859), 11th Earl of Westmorland [as Lord Burghersh], English diplomat and composer
Autograph Letter Signed ('Burghersh') from Lord Burghersh
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter Signed ('Burghersh') from Lord Burghersh

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. He is returning the score, and asks Hedgely to 'copy the three voice parts of the two canons Criste Eleison & Crucifixus & the Voice part of the Soprano Song, Gratias Agimus', and to send the whole back 'as soon as you can finish them'.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte', signed by 'Leslie Regan'.

Dr Leslie Regan (1900-1968), Professor of Harmony at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated '10 July 1919'.

On one side of a leaf, roughly 18 x 24 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Sixteen grand staff bars, followed by 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte | [signed] Leslie Regan | 10 July 1919.'

Poster for English publication of the score of Donizetti's opera 'La Favorite' ['The Favourite'].

Gaetano Donizetti [Charles Jefferys and Co., 21 Soho Square]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1843.

Roughly twelve and half inches by nine and a quarter. Neatly mounted on piece of cream paper, with surrounding ink rules. Good, with some ruckling and wear to corners. Characteristically arresting arrangement of type. Reads: 'CAUTION. | THE ONLY CORRECT COPY | OF DONIZETTI'S OPERA | THE FAVOURITE | AS PERFORMED IN ENGLISH AT THE | THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE, | IS PUBLISHED BY | JEFFERYS AND CO.

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