[ John MacDonald, engineer and son of Flora MacDonald. ] Autograph notes on 'Mr. Winstanleys Original Lighthouse, constructed on the Edystone [i.e. Eddystone] Rock, 12 Miles from Plymouth, and finished in 1698, after a labour of four years. | No. 2.'

John MacDonald (1759-1831), military engineer and cartographer, son of Jacobite heroine Flora MacDonald (1722-1790) [ The Eddystone Lighthouse ]
Publication details: 
Neither place nor date stated [ c. 1824?].

On two pieces of paper, one roughly 9.5 x 17.5 cm and the other 2.5 x 13.5 cm, laid down on a piece of grey card. Note on card in a nineteenth-century hand: 'Colonel John Macdonald's writing -'. In fair condition, on aged paper, on good strong card. The notes were apparently intended to accompany a plan, the words 'An Elevation of' being scored through at the beginning of the heading, as is a five-line passage, beginning 'No 1'. Beneath this deleted passage is a nine-line expanded version of it, beginning: 'No 1 proving insufficient as to strength and light, Mr.

Printed handbill requesting 'a Meeting of the Owners and Masters of Vessels' to discuss 'the establishment and maintenance of one or more Floating Lights', 'particularly on the East Coast' of England.

J. Herbert, Secretary, Trinity House, London [Dawson Turner; lighthouses]
Publication details: 
'TRINITY-HOUSE, LONDON, | 23rd November, 1826.'

On one side of a piece of laid paper, roughly 31 x 20 cm. 30 lines. Tipped in along one edge inside modern folder with grey paper boards. Good, on paper lightly creased at foot. Addessed 'To Dawson Turner Esqre' by 'Custom House | Yarmouth | 11 December 1826 | [signed]

[Pamphlet] General Basis of Estimates for Labor and Material, as prepared by the United States Light-House Establishment.

[From the papers of Montgomery Meigs, Jr, son of The Union Army's Quarter-Master-General] Anon.
United States Light-House Establishment
Publication details: 
United States Light-House Establishment

Pamphlet, 'Published for the Information of Officers of the Quartermaster's Department', 9pp.,12mo, original grey printed wraps, good, on aged paper, in worn and stained wraps, tiny cross shape neatly punched through the leaves in bottom outer corner.

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