30 photographs illustrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott, marked up for publication.
The photographs vary in size from 24 x 18.5 cm to 8 x 6.5 cm. The overall condition is good, with one chipped along the edges. 13 have been touched up for publication, a few quite heavily. Annotated, with dimensions, on backs. Subjects include 'Sir Walter Scott's card & card plate at Abbotsford', 'Miniature portrait of Lady Scott', 'Charles Scott', 'Sir Walter Scott's cat', 'Small Turret Room at Abbotsford called by Sir Walter Scott - 'Speak-a-bit' ', 'The Armoury at Abbotsford', 'Sir Walter Scott's chair at Abbotsford', 'Sir Walter Scott's House Lasswade', 'The Monument to Sir Walter Scott in the Market Square, Selkirk'. Also included are four seemingly-unrelated images (including two of Robert Browning's locket of his wife's hair) and a couple of engravings. Sources include Col. Maxwell Scott, Fox Photos Ltd, York and Son, James's Press Agency and Planet News Ltd.