[Sir Everard Home, Serjeant Surgeon to King George III.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Messrs. Laddiges', i.e. firm of George Laddiges, Hackney nurseryman, regarding bananas cultivated to 'perfection', with reference to 'Mr Eyton' and Kew.

Sir Everard Home, 1st Baronet (1756-1832), Serjeant Surgeon to King George III, brother-in-law and pupil at St George's Hospital of John Hunter (1728-1793) [George Laddiges, Hackney nurseryman]
Publication details: 
Sackville St [London]; 30 October 1826.

An interesting letter regarding the early cultivation of bananas in London. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight nicking to one edge. Neatly written over nine lines. Reads: 'Sir Everard Home is much obliged to Messrs. Laddiges for a present of some very fine Bananas, which were quite ripe, and had a flavour Sir Everard had no idea that they ever could acquire in this Climate. He mentioned yesterday to Mr Eyton with astonishment who said they had fruited at Kew, but not He believed to such perfection'.

[Bahamas; Printed] Notes on the Bahamas and Plan for a Colony.

[H.M. Frith]
Publication details: 
[Florida?, 1895]

Four pages, 4to, fold marks, closed tears on folds discreetly repaired, some marking, fair condition. Information about (headings) the climate, health, water, soil, fruit trees, cost of land, fruit, grain and fodder, vegetables flowers, sea water, fish, game, snakes, insects, animals, laboor, steamers. freight, cost of boats, cable, roads, inhabitants (mostly black, main occupation sponging, some petty theft, indolent, etc,) houses. schools. taxation, government, Wood Cay.

[Printed Victorian botanical handbill advertisement.] American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings, Kittatinny Variety. Imported by D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool. [Including text on 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY.']

D. C. Lowber [originally of New Orleans], Liverpool Merchant [American Blackberries, Kittatinny Variety; botanical ephemera]
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings
Publication details: 
[Circa 1875.] D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool.
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Attractive engraving of a blackberry cutting. The second page is headed 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY', and begins 'There is scarcely a more wholesome fruit than this, and one that has been more improved by judicious cultivation on the American side of the water.' The text, which continues to the last page and is signed in type by Lowber, contains two quotations from 'Rev. E. P. Roe, one of the most celebrated small fruit culturists on the banks of the Hudson'. In manuscript at foot of third page: '15/- per doz.

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