Three items (a printed announcement, invoice and receipt) relating to Johnstone & Hunter's edition of Dr John Owen's 'Works'.

John Johnstone & Robert Hunter [Johnstone & Hunter], printers, binders and publishers, 15 Princes Street and 104 High Street, Edinburgh [James Alsop of Leek, Stafford]
Publication details: 
June and July 1855;

All three items in good condition, a little grubby and lightly creased. Three pieces of nineteenth-century Scottish book trade ephemera. Item One (12mo, 1 p, nine lines of text): printed announcement that the 'concluding Volumes of our Edition of OWEN'S WORKS [...] will not be sent to Subscribers in arrear'. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the verso of the blank second leaf docketed by Alsop. Item Two (12mo, 1 p, on grey-paper printed form): invoice, 'To JOHNSTONE & HUNTER, 15 PRINCES STREET.', dated June 1855. The subscription of 'J. Allsop Esqr.

Autograph Letter Signed to his publisher and friend Alexander Macmillan.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher; Colin Hunter (1841-1904), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
1 February [no year]; on letterhead of Paston House, Paston Place, Brighton.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Inviting Macmillan to join him and 'some of the lads' in a dinner at the Reform Club, 'on the occasion of Colin Hunter's being made an Associate'.

Carbon typescript of review, for the magazine 'African Affairs', of Wallis's edition of Leask's 'Southern African Diaries'.

James Pollock, journalist, of the BBC and accredited Correspondent of Argus South African Newspapers Ltd. [Thomas Leask (1839-1912), elephant hunter; big game hunting; safari]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1954].

8vo: 3 pp. Lightly creased and aged, but in good condition overall. Text entirely clear and legible. Headed ''African Affairs | Book Review (Pollock)'. A knowledgeable and readable review, for the magazine 'African Affairs', beginning 'Thomas Leask was a modest elephant-hunter with a passion for scribbling. [...] he never seems quite to have got over his surprise at finding himself transplanted from his native Orkney to the land of the lordly Matabele and miserable Mashona.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Rayson Venables') to Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.

Horace Rayson Venables (b. c.1898) [AUTOGRAPHS; Montgomery of Alamein]
Publication details: 
3 June 1943; 28 Chalcot Square, Regent's Park, N.W.1, on cancelled letterhead of 44 Oakfield Court, N.8.

Four pages, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with one half-inch closed tear. Claims to be 'compiling an historic book [...] which has been left to the nation', and asks for his contribution. Provides a full-page list from the 'over 500 Autographs'. The collection 'could not be complete without' Montgomery's 'honoured name'. Asks for 'a few words (as many others have done) on the blank side so as to keep this for Gen Alexander & others who took part in your campaign'. Congratulates him on his 'brilliant Victory'.

Autograph Note Signed to the autograph hunter Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Ralph David Blumenfeld (1864-1948), newspaper editor
Publication details: 
15 December 1930; on letterhead of the Daily Express.

One page, 12mo. Very good, with light paperclip spotting. 'Certainly. I am glad to comply with your request.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. F. Monypenny') to Charles J. Trevor.

William Flavelle Monypenny (1866-1912), British journalist and historian, best known for his biography (with G. E. Buckle) of Benjamin Disraeli
Publication details: 
29 May 1907; on letterhead 2 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, on spotted paper. Folded twice.He is obliged to his correspondent for 'sending me a copy of the Disraeli letter in your possession'. He will not trouble his correspondent for a loan of the original 'as the contents are rather of private than of public interest'.

Signed Covering Document for the sale of papers signed by Nelson, Hardy, St Vincent and Trowbridge.

Commander Richard Longfield Davies, R.N., of Reddinick House, Penzance [R. Hedges Davies; Nelson; Hardy; St Vincent; Trowbridge; Autograph Collecting]
Publication details: 

On piece of paper five inches by six and a half. Good, with slight smudging to a couple of lines and a strip of archival tape on blank reverse. The four lines of text, in a different hand from the signature, were presumably written out by the purchaser, in order to indemnify himself in case of dispute. Reads: 'I hereby certify that these four papers signed respectively by Nelson, Hardy, St Vincent & Trowbridge have descended to me through my grandfather Richard Longfield Davies.-' Signature reads 'R. Hedges Davies | Nover. 10th. 1883.'

Autograph Letter Signed to autograph collector 'Miss <Lull?>'.

General Sir Francis Thomas Lloyd (1838-1912), British soldier
Publication details: 
9 October 1907; on letterhead of The Lawn, Walmer.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good, on lightly creased paper. He is sending five autographs to add to her collection and is 'sorry not to have those of distinguished men of later dates but I am quite out of the service now'. Wonders if she knows his 'very dear friend General Nicholson who is living now at St. Andrews. He and his wife are among our dearest friends.' He 'saw the Godfreys last week - both well.'

Autograph Note Signed ('H W Gwatkin') to 'Miss Thomas'.

Henry Melvill Gwatkin (1844-1916), English theologian and church historian
Publication details: 
8 Scrope [sic] Terrace, Cambridge; 12 May 1908.

One page, 12mo. Very good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. 'Dear Miss Thomas | The autograph-hunter has the advantage. It is not civil to ignore her, and she cannot be refused without getting what she wants'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas: Stanley:Little') to S[eymour C.] J. Freeman-Matthews [of Cape Town].

James Stanley Little (1856-1940), British novelist
Publication details: 
28 September 1900; on letterhead 18 Drakenfield Road, Tooting Common, S.W.

One page, quarto. On aged and lightly creased paper. He is sending the signature with 'one or two others'. 'Possibly the work I have done for South Africa (I have been upholding the Imperial cause for a quarter of a century) is your reason for paying me the compliment.' Thinks he recognises from Freeman-Matthews' crest that he is 'a descendant of the Llandaff Mathews family'.

Autograph Signature ('J B. Hobbs.').

Jack Hobbs [Sir John Berry Hobbs, 1882-1963], English cricketer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly 2.5 x 5 cm. Laid down on leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, from an autograph album. In slightly faded blue ink, and with a crease to the bottom left-hand corner, affecting the lower loop of the 'J'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

[BIG GAME HUNTING] Sir Edmund Lechmere, 4th Baronet
Publication details: 
No date (but docketed 'Letter of Mch 30' [1928]); on blindstamped letterhead 'Flat 2, | 45, Braham Gardens, | S. W. 5.'

2 pages, 16mo. Somewhat grubby and creased, and obtrusively docketed in ink, with the phrase 'Sent off | 10th 28' written across the text on the recto. Reads 'Dear Sir, | You hoped to return my book (album) last week but no doubt the holidays interfered. I am just sending a line to say I am leaving Town for the Country for the summer early on Monday next so hope it may be returned this week | Yours sincy | E Lechmere'.

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