[‘Pray destroy this letter.’ Hall Caine, English novelist, regarding his war work for the B.ritish Government.] Long ‘Strictly Private’ Autograph Letter Signed to Douglas Sladen, also assessing the position of the man of letters in his England.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), hugely-popular Victorian and Edwardian Isle of Man author [Douglas Sladen [Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen] (1856-1947), author and academic]
Publication details: 
10 April 1917; on letterhead of Heath Brow, Hampstead Heath.

An excellent letter, in which Caine evaluates his wartime activities, criticises those of others, and gives his opinion of the the standing of the man of letters in the England of his time. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. A long letter: forty-two lines in Caine’s distinctive close hand, with the first two pages on the rectos of the leaves, and the third page written lengthwise on the verso of the first leaf. Signed ‘Hall Caine’ and addressed to ‘My dear Sladen’.

[Hall Caine, novelist: studio portrait and signed autograph inscription.] Signed Autograph Inscription ('Hall Caine') to Lady Campbell Clarke, with print of studio portrait photograph.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), popular Isle of Man author [Lady Campbell Clarke]
Publication details: 
No place. 9 November 1905.

An attractive item, in good condition, lightly aged and spotted. On one side of a piece of 17.5 x 25 cm landscape paper, with the autograph writing on the right-hand side and the 15 x 10 cm print of a studio portrait laid down on the left-hand side. Caine was a striking and instantly-recognisable individual, and the photograph shows him in characteristic style, bare-headed in his usual dress of long double-breasted coat with white cravat, staring intently at the camera, with a book in his right hand, and his right hand draped across his left thigh, his left leg being elevated on a chair.

[Hall Caine and William Lestocq of Charles Frohman's: a playwright and his producers.] Typed Letter Signed from Lestocq regarding 'the whole matter of the prospects of "The Christian" tour', with Autograph Copy of Caine's response.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), Isle of Man author; William Lestocq (1851-1920), playwright and London manager for New York producer Charles Frohman (1856-1915)
Publication details: 
Lestocq's letter on his letterhead, Charles Frohman's, Duke of York's Theatre, London. 3 April 1900. Copy of Caine's reply daterd 5 April [1900].

An interesting exchange, casting light on manegerial practices in late-Victorian theatre. ONE: Typed Letter Signed by 'W. Lestocq'. 2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. A long letter, single-spaced. He has 'talked over the whole matter of the prospects of “The Christian” tour with Mr Frohman for next season, and he does not desire to send out a company on tour himself. Now I could of course let it on Mr Frohman's behalf or perhaps sell his rights and the production outright.' He gives details of his first choice if the latter course were pursued.

[ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine, Manx author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Hall Caine') to Manchester journalist and editor John Cuming Walters, regarding his book 'Recollections of Rossetti'.

Hall Caine [ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine ] (1853-1931), Manx author [ John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Greeba Castle, Isle of Man. 24 August 1928.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by noting that they have not corresponded for a while, and that he has 'been abroad most of my time for several years'. He is sending him 'a set of advance sheets of a little book I am to publish with Cassells at the end of September' ('Recollections of Rossetti'), 'because I have a very grateful memory of all the kind, appreciative and very able articles which you have written about other books of mine'.

[Pamphlet/Offprint[?]] The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican

C.W. King [Portrait of Christ in Vatican]
 The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican
Publication details: 
Printed by Harriet Curphey, "Sun" Office, Douglas [Isle of Man], no date
 The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican

Pp.[1]-12, sewn as issued, loose enclosure folder containing (loose) photographi of the image of Christ)( see COPAC for 24pp. pamphlet published by the Manx Society in 1872 - relationship with this unknown), some foxing and sunning of exterior, other marking, fair. With occasional annotation/correction in unknown hand.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Hall Caine
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Manx novelist (1853-1931). Paper dimensions roughly three inches by one and a half. Very good. Reads 'Yours vy truly | Hall Caine'.

Manuscript receipt Signed.

Isle of Man [ Thomas Smyth ]
Publication details: 
Douglas, 1 April 1853.

Presumably the Thomas Smyth (b. c. 1799) whose Roman Catholic marriage to Margaret McAleagh took place on the Isle of Man on 27 April 1839. Dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 1/2 inches. Creased and discoloured, with a number of spike holes at foot, not affecting text. Reads: 'Douglas Isle of Man | April 1/53 | Mr. John Whittle | To Thomas Smith | To a Horse & Gig 4 days 1 . 4. 0 | [signed] Thomas Smyth'.

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