Detailed pencil illustrations of nine steam engines [locomotives].
Landscape sketchbook of twelve leaves. Dimensions of each leaf roughly 26.5 x 38 cm. Unbound and stitched. In original brown patterned wraps. Good, on lightly discoloured and spotted drawing paper, with some wear to extremities, heavy wear at head of spine, and in heavily-worn wraps. The first leaf, otherwise blank, has had a small square taken out of it, and there are stubs indicating the removal of a couple of leaves. The drawings of the nine steam engines, each a clear and entire side view akin to a blueprint, are, apart from occasional light spotting, each at the foot of a different leaf. The first (roughly 8 x 30 cm), showing engine and tender, is captioned, 'Rail. | Good's locomotive (long distance) | 85-99 | Diameter of Cylinders 18 1/2 inches. | [Diameter of] Wheels (engine) 5ft. 0. | Steam brake.' The second (roughly 4.5 x 31 cm), showing engine, tender and one carriage (with 'KA.S.C.RY.' on side), is captioned 'No. 380'. The third (roughly 8.5 x 31 cm), showing engine and closely-coupled tender, is captioned 'No. 300 [corrected to 320] Fast Express Locomotive'. The fourth (roughly 2.5 x 11.5 cm), showing engine, tender and carriage, is captioned '100-119 D. of Cy. 17 in. | [D. of] Dr. W. 6 ft. 6.' The fifth (roughly 8 x 30 cm), showing engine (with 'MERCURY' on side) and tender, is captioned '4ft - 1 in 320-345 | Diameter of Cylinders. 17 in. | [Diameter of] Dr. Wheel 7 ft. 6 [corrected to 9]'. The sixth (roughly 8 x 31 cm), showing engine (with 'IRON DUKE' on side) and tender, captioned '620-629. | Express (long distance) | Diameter of Cylinders 19 in. | [Diameter of] Dr. Wh. 6ft. 6.' The seventh (roughly 8 x 19 cm), showing the engine alone, is captioned '430-475. | Goods (long-distance, fast)'. The eighth (roughly 8 x 24 cm), showing engine and tender, is captioned '833-836'. The ninth (roughly 8.5 x 17) is an unfinished and uncaptioned picture of an engine. The album also contains, on another leaf, a crude small sketch for a seascape, captioned 'Beauty in Solitude" and signed 'B. Reynell', above an even cruder sketch of a steam engine driving into a sunset, captioned 'Red Light'. The first leaf carries a drawing (roughly 8 x 6.5 cm) of a cat on a hearth, staring into a blazing fire.