
[Sir Edward John Poynter, English painter and President of the Royal Academy.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Autograph Cards Signed, to different recipients including the painter Sir E. A. Waterlow.

Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919), English painter and President of the Royal Academy [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow (1850-1919), RA, English artist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 11 July 1874; Hotel de Lille et d’Albion [Paris]. TWO: 30 July 1890; letterhead of 28 Albert Gate, S.W. [London] THREE: 5 November 1905; letterhead of Alnwick Castle. FOUR:13 August 1913; letterhead of 70 Addison Road, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All four items are signed ‘Edward J. Poynter’. The first is somewhat discoloured, with cut corners (not affecting text), the others are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS to ‘My dear Robin’, 11 July 1874. 1p, 12mo. He has received ‘the four £10 notes’ and reports ‘the most tremendous thunderstorms’. TWO: ACS to ‘Mr. Gilkes’, 30 July 1890. He apologises for being unable to ‘attend the distributions of the School prizes’ that day. THREE: ALS to ‘Waterlow’, 5 November 1905. 1p, 12mo. ‘Your letter gives me the key to the memorial.

Six pencil sketches by E. J. Sullivan for illustrations in the Pall Mall Budget, including ones to the H. G. Wells stories 'The Stolen Bacillus' and 'The Thumbnail'. With autograph notes by Sullivan for an apparently unpublished short story.

E. J. Sullivan [Edmund Joseph Sullivan] (1869-1933), English book illustrator [H. G. Wells; The Pall Mall Budget, London]
Publication details: 
Undated [five of the illustrations appearing in the Pall Mall Budget, London, in May and June 1894.]

The six illustrations and seven pages of text totalling 13pp., 4to (22.5 x 18cm), on seven leaves of laid paper removed from an album. On aged brittle paper, with chipping and slight loss to the edges. The illustrations are simple sketches, indicating the layout of the page, with titles and occasional words of text by Sullivan. Five of the six designs are for the Pall Mall Budget: 'The Thumbmark by H. G. Wells' (28 June 1894), thumbmarks around title and a newspaper seller with headline reading 'Anarchist Outrage'; 'The Stolen Bacillus by H. G.

Printed pamphlet (with 'P.T.O.' in large letters on cover) and handbill notice, with autograph covering letter to an unnamed clergyman [Rev. Charles William Shepherd], in which he describes himself as 'the "Doyen" of Ecclesiastical Agents'.

Edward Broughton-Rouse, Sheffield solicitor, 'Ecclesiastical Agent' (agent for the purchase and sale of advowsons)
Publication details: 
None of the items dated. Pamphlet from circa 1897.

The three items indicate a brashness approaching hucksterism on the part of a Victorian professional, in addition to marketing techniques advanced for the period. Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Stamped at head: 'Edw. Broughton Rouse, M.A., LL.D. | 436, GLOSSOP ROAD, | SHEFFIELD.' Twenty-five lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Many hundreds of this letter must have been copied out and sent to clergymen throughout England.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Storr') to Rev. E. J. Shepherd of Luddesdown, containing a reference to Thomas Hardy.

Francis Storr (1839-1919), M.A., editor of the Journal of Education; Master of Marlborough College, 1864-75; Merchant Taylors' School, 1875-1901 [Edward John Shepherd (1805-1874); Thomas Hardy]
Publication details: 
4 April [1874]; on letterhead of Marlborough School.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-two lines. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, apart from the tearing away of the single-word answer to 'a very old riddle' in ancient Greek from Sir Thomas Browne, resulting in the loss of a few words of text from the reverse. Begins by thanking Shepherd for the unnecessary return of 'the Harper', followed by congratulations on his birthday. Hopes to amuse him with the riddle.

Six More Letters on Fox's Acts and Monuments, originally published in the British Magazine, in the Years 1837 & 1838.

Rev. S. R. Maitland [Samuel Roffey Maitland; J. G. F. & J. Rivington, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for J. G. F. & J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. 1841. [Gilbert & Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square, London.]

8vo: [iv] + [70] + [i] pp. The body of the text is paginated 75-144, with the six letters numbered seven to twelve. At the end of the volume are an index to the whole work, and a title-page for Maitland's 'Twelve Letters on Fox's Acts and Monument' (Rivingtons, 1841). In original buff wraps, with white printed label on front cover. Text clear and complete, but in poor condition: worn, dogeared and lightly-stained, with loss to margins.

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