[ Printed pamphlet; Walter Crane ] On the Study and Practice of Art: An Address delivered by Walter Crane, to the Art Students of the Municipal School of Art, and the Municipal Technical School, Manchester, Saturday, March 4th, 1893.

Walter Crane [ Municipal School of Art, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
Manchester: "Manchester Guardian" Printing Works, Blackfriars Street, 1893.

19pp., 12mo. Stapled. In grey printed wraps. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; in wraps with stamp and label of the Education Department Library. Marginal headings include: 'Motives for following an Artistic Career', 'Primal Important of Facility of Hand', 'Triumph of Commercialism', 'The Worship of the Ugly', 'Art: Pictorial, Creative, Pot-boiling' and 'Decorum in Decoration'. Uncommon: only four copies recorded on OCLC WorldCat.

[ Offprint, inscribed by one of the authors. ] The perspective of Piero della Francesca's "Flagellation" | By R. Wittkower and B. A. R. Carter.

R. Wittkower and B. A. R. Carter [ Rudolf Wittkower (1901-1971), German-American art historian; Bernard Arthur Ruston Carter (1909-2006), painter of the 'Euston Road School' and art historian ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Vol. XVI, Nos. 3-4, 1953.'

11pp., 4to. With three plates and five figures in text. Paginated 292-302. Stapled in card wraps. Inscribed on front cover: 'with best wishes | B.A.R.C.' The only copies on COPAC at the Warburg Institute and V & A.

[Blanche Gottschalk, British miniaturist.] Photograph captioned '(The late) Miss Blanche Gottschalk in her Studio 1923', showing the artist before her easel, with several works of art around her.

Blanche Gottschalk (b. circa 1864), RMS (Royal Miniature Society), British miniature painter
Publication details: 
Without date or place. (London, 1923?)

10 x 8.5 cm original print of black and white photograph. In frail condition, with slight loss to one corner, and another corner torn away and repaired with archival tape. A full-length view of the elegant artist, in long painter's robes, pointing a brush at a painting on an easel, with three paintings, including a miniature, on the wall behind her, and two paintings leaning against the same wall, and a small sculpture on a painted clock behind the easal. There is no representation of Gottschalk in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

[Louis Haghe, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Haghe') to an unnamed correspondent, regarding the contribution of two paintings to a conversazione, and his brother Charles Haghe.

Louis Haghe (1806-1885), British lithographer and watercolour painter of Belgian descent [his brother Charles Haghe (d.1888), also an engraver]
Publication details: 
6 Upper Belmont Place, Wandsworth Road [London]. 28 May 1860.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with 'Conversazione' in a contemporary hand at head of first page. Addressing his letter to 'Dear Sir', Haghe begins by acknowledging the receipt of 'a card for the conversasione [sic] of the 5th. of June next', adding that he will be pleased 'to send you a couple of pictures at the appointed time'. He gives the dimensions of the two pictures. He ends by reminding the recipient that 'my brother Charles has not yet received the card you have usualy [sic] been kind enough to send him'.

[G. B. O'Neill, Irish painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Bernard O'Neill'), inviting G. W. Cooke to join in a 'friendly cup' with him and 'Mr. Callcott' [William Hutchins Callcott?], who is bringing sketches for him to inspect.

G. B. O'Neill [George Bernard O'Neill] (1828-1917), Irish painter [G. W. Cooke [George Wingrove Cooke] (1814-1865), lawyer and historian; Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)]
Publication details: 
'The Mall | Kensington. | Monday'. No date.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In 1857 O'Neill married Emma Stuart Callcott, granddaughter of the artist Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, from whose house the present letter is addressed. He informs Cooke that he has 'asked Mr. Callcott [probably O'Neill's father-in-law William Hutchins Callcott (1807-1882)] to come & take a "friendly cup" with me on Thursday Evg. & we shall be glad of your company if you can favour us'. In a postscript O'Neill states that Callcott has promised to let him have 'the sketches I spoke to you of, in case you should come'.

[Christie, Manson & Woods auction catalogue.] Catalogue of the Highly Important Collection of Pictures formed by the Right Honourable Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., P.C., M.P., deceased.

Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., P.C., M.P. [Christie, Manson & Woods, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, At their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, On Saturday, June 13, 1896. [London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]

33pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. Disbound from a collection of pamphlets, and with library stitching on spine. Aged and worn, with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, to damaged front cover. Covers and last leaf loose. 82 lots with unusually detailed descriptions. Mostly devoted to British artists, the collection included a Constable, couple of Turners, three Gainsboroughs and four by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC or WorldCat at Oxford.

[Samuel Prout, watercolour artist.] Fragment of Autograph Letter, with references to 'Dr. Tournay' and 'my friend 'Dr Burney', and to the house of the recipient being 'the rendezvous of all the learned & the rich in Oxford'.

Samuel Prout (1783-1852), English artist noted for his architectural watercolours [William Tournay (1762-1833), Warden of Wadham College, Oxford; Charles Parr Burney (1785-1864)]
Publication details: 
4 Brixton Place, Brixton, Surrey. 12 January 1833.

On both sides of a rectangular (5.5 x 16.5 cm) strip cut from letter. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Recto: '4 Brixton place | Brixton Surry [sic] | Janry: 12th. 1833 | Sir | M Mackenzie has conveyed to me y polite offier of allowing a few prospectus of my [...]'. Verso: 'to Dr. Tournay by my friend Dr Burney, but as your house is the rendezvous of all the learned & the rich in Oxford, perhaps it is unnecessary for me to solicit the onor of Dr Tournay's influence. | I remain, | [...]'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Leighton House. Brief Notice of the Work of the late Lord Leighton, as illustrated by the studies now permanently on view at the Leighton House by A. G. Temple, F.S.A., Director of the Guildhall Art Gallery.

A. G. Temple [Sir Alfred George Temple], F.S.A., Director of the Guildhall Art Gallery [Lord Leighton [Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton]; Leighton House, 2 Holland Park Road, Kensington, W.]
Publication details: 
London: George Bell & Sons. [1900.]

[36]pp., 12mo. In olive wraps printed in green. Printed on art paper with 17 photographic illustrations (14 of them of the house), and the last four pages carrying advertisements. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Disbound from a collection of pamphlets ('13' in manuscript at head of front cover), and with library stitching at spine. Uncommon: five copies on COPAC and WorldCat, but none at the British Library or in North America.

[Sir William Beechey, English portrait painter.] Autograph Note Signed ('Mr. Beechey'), in French.

Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), English portrait painter
Publication details: 
'16th. May [no year]'.

On 7 x 11 cm slip of paper. In fair condition, aged and creased. The note, all in Beechey's hand, and probably addressed to a bookseller, reads: 'Monsieur - | De Regno Laconico, de Piraeeo. 1687. 2to. | Mr. Beechey | 16th. May'.

[James Archer, Scottish artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Editor of 'Men & Women of the Time' [Victor Gustave Plarr], regarding the revision of his entry therein.

James Archer (1822-1904), Scottish artist [Victor Gustave Plarr]
Publication details: 
Haslemere, Surrey. 10 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'I beg to re-enclose for the excerpt from your publication "Men & Women of the Time," of my biography which I have revised, making a very few alterations, & adding a few lines which I write on the other sheet of this note: [not present] my permanent address now is the above'. The note relates to the fifteenth edition of the work, published by G. Routledge & Sons in 1899.

[Sir Edwin Landseer, PRA.] Autograph Signature, made at the request of J. H. Whitaker of Manchester.

Sir Edwin Landseer (1802-1873), RA, English artist
Publication details: 
London. 11 November 1860.

On 12 x 11 cm piece of watermarked laid paper. Lightly aged, with slight evidence of previous mount at head (not affecting text). Sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'London. Nov 11th. 60 | Obediently Yours | E Landseer. | (To J. H. Whitaker. | Manchester)'.

[Sir Kenneth Macmillan, choreographer.] Fourteen photographs of him by the theatre designer Yolanda Sonnabend, taken to assist her in painting her 1991 portrait of him, now in the National Portrait Gallery.

Kenneth Macmillan (1929-1992), Scottish ballet dancer and choreographer, artistic director of the Royal Ballet, 1970-1977 [Yolanda Sonnabend (b.1935), theatre designer and portrait painter]
Publication details: 
[London?] The fourteen photographs taken in preparation for Sonnabend's portrait, commissioned in 1991.

Thirteen of the fourteen photographs are in black and white, with the largest 21.5 x 15.5 cm (with slight paint staining at edge), another 17.5 x 12.5 cm, and the other nine roughly 12.5 x 9 cm. The other print is a colour polaroid, with paint smudges from Sonnabend's portrait on the white mount. Other than the paint marks to three of the prints, in good condition, although six of the smaller ones have aged due to acid in the paper stock.

[Richard Redgrave, RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Redgrave') to the artist Walter Fryer Stocks, discussing his intention to teach landscape drawing in Leamington, and praising his painting 'The Last Gleam'.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, English artist, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures,1857-1880 and art education reformer [Walter Fryer Stocks (1842-1915), English artist]
Publication details: 
18 Hyde Park Gate, South Kensington. Undated.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Walter F. Stocks Esq'. He begins by pointing out that his daughter is not to blame for the late reply: 'it is my own fault my correspondence being somewhat in arrears'.

[Printed booklet, with photographic illustrations.] The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home. Rickmansworth. Hertfordshire. Founded 1929.

[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, founded in 1929 by the artist Francis William Reckitt (1860-1932), 'as a Convalescent Rest Home for [...] male artists'
Publication details: 
[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire.] Undated. [Circa 1929.]

15pp., landscape 12mo. With four additional pages of photographic plates ('Exterior facing south', 'The lounge', 'The dining room', 'A bedroom'). Stitched into grey printed wraps. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The booklet includes a list of trustees and other officers, a descriptive text, the 'Regulations relating to the home', 'Form of application' (with two pages of 'rules', including 'CASES NOT ADMITTED') and 'Medical Report'. The descriptive text begins: 'The Home has been built and generously endowed by Mr. F. W.

[William George Shrubsole, Victorian artist.] Autograph Manuscript of lecture titled 'The Ideal in Art', 'delivered at Bangor, N. Wales in Dec. 1886, in connection with the Menai Society of Science and Literature'. With signed drawing of W. E. Bacon.

William George Shrubsole [W. G. Shrubsole] (1856-1889), British artist [The Menai Society of Science and Literature, Wales]
Publication details: 
'Bangor [Wales] Decr. 1886.'

The lecture, which is unpublished, is an interesting personal statement by a neglected Victorian painter who died tragically young. (A rather impressive example of his work, in Turneresque style, titled 'The Heart of the Hills', is in the Maidstone Museum.) The lecture is 30pp., 8vo, in a ruled notebook with embossed black wraps. In good condition, on aged paper with some wear and discoloration. Ownership inscription of 'W. G. Shrubsole | Bangor Decr. 1886' inside the front wrap. The first page is headed 'The Ideal in Art. | by W. G. Shrubsole Dec.

[Lawrence Dundas, 1st Marquess of Zetland.] Thirty-three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Zetland') to the portrait painter Shirley Slocombe. With eight letters from Lady Zetland, and drafts of two of Slocombe's letters and two accounts by him.

Lawrence Dundas (1844-1929), 1st Marquess of Zetland, of Aske Hall, Richmond, Yorkshire, British Conservative politician [Charles Llewellyn Shirley Slocombe (1872-1935), portrait painter]
Publication details: 
Twenty-two on letterhead of Aske, Richmond, Yorkshire; eight on letterhead of 10 Arlington St, London SW. The other eleven from various addresses. Between 1897 and 1911.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Zetland's letters total 26pp., 8vo; 19pp., 12mo; 1p., 16mo. The theme is the painting and engraving of a portrait of Zetland by Slocombe, and the correspondence casts an interesting light on the relations between patron and artist in late nineteenth-century England, with the drafts of Slocombe's two letters, and his accounts for painting and engraving, adding to its value.

[Frederick Lee Bridell.] Three pencil sketches of Elizabethan figures, including one of William Shakespeare.

Frederick Lee Bridell (1830-1863), English painter and friend of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On piece of 16 x 25.5cm paper. In fair condition, aged and spotted, with slight damp-staining to one corner, and remains of mount adhering to the reverse, on which is written in pencil: 'Sketches by Frederick Lee Bridell | born Southampton | died London 1864'. The three sketches are well finished, and placed alongside one another. The one on the left depicts a nobleman seated on a throne with a coronet on top of its backrest, his feet on a footstool, and left hand on an arm-rest, an animated look on his face.

[Joseph William Allen, landscape painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. W. Allen') to his pupil the artist Edward John Cobbett

Joseph William Allen (1803-1852), landscape painter, President of Society of British Artists and drawing master of City of London School [his pupil Edward John Cobbett (1815-1899); Liscard Hall]
Publication details: 
'Liscard Hall. | near Egremont | Cheshire.' Undated.

2pp., 4to. Aged and creased, mounted in windowpane on leaf removed from album. Liscard Hall was built for the former Mayor of Liverpool and slave-ship captain Sir John Tobin. Allen writes that since arriving there he has 'painted too little subjects', and that he has 'a wish' to 'leave them behind me - but not unframed - size of Pictures 16in: x 12in:' If Cobbett does not have 'two tolerable frames of that size' he asks him to order two: 'I do not require the "best double distilled - extra hyper - superfine" - but something tolerably good looking'.

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

[William Pengree Sherlock, watercolour artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W P Sherlock') to an unnamed recipient, sending his 'last little Effort' in engraving, as proof of his abilities.

William Pengree Sherlock (b.1775), watercolour artist and engraver, son of the artist and engraver William Sherlock (1738-1806)
Publication details: 
Cumberland Place, Shepherd's Bush. 21 July 1817.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged paper. The letter begins: 'Sir | I shew to you my last little effort which is a Copy from Vertues large Print after the Picture by Holbein now hanging in the Council Chamber of Bridewell Hospital'.( A note at the foot of the page reads: 'The above was engraved for the Purpose of Illustrating Pennant Walpole &c'. He notes that the print (not present) was 'engraved as the companion to the last Print I sent you.

[Sir Frank Brangwyn, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Brangwyn.') to an unnamed lady, regarding his efforts to get her 'a print of my etching "The Storm"'.

Sir Frank Brangwyn [Sir Frank William Brangwyn] (1867-1956), artist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Temple Lodge, Queen Street, Hammersmith, W. [London] 21 February 1905.

1p., 4to. On blue-grey paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. He has been trying to get her a acopy of the print, but will not be able to until the following Tuesday. He hopes that this is not too late, and it will give him 'much pleasure in sending it up'.

[George Marshall Ward, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G R Ward') to H. Magford, offering to lend two works by his father James Ward to the Crystal Palace, and the exhibition of another one among Manchester 'merchant Princes'.

George Marshall Ward (1798-1879), artist and engraver, son of the artist James Ward (1769-1859) [The Crystal Palace; Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857]
Publication details: 
31 Fitzroy Square W. [London] 27 April 1857.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, neatly placed by the second leaf in a windowpane mount. He has 'received an intimation' that his picture is in Bond Street ('from whence I must fetch it'), and is writing to say that he has 'two Pictures by my Father (one very small but a beautiful little bit) the other the Peak in Derbyshire; a Landscape by Smith of Chichester & a copy of mine after Liverseege all of which I would lend to the Crystal Palace if you would like to have them'. He can deliver these to Bond St on collecting the other.

[Edward Scriven, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Scriven') to the bookseller Joseph Harding regarding the retouching of his 'plate of Norfolk'.

Edward Scriven (1775-1841), engraver [Joseph Harding, bookseller, chief assistant to James Lackington (1777-1844) of Finsbury Square]
Publication details: 
51 Clarendon Square, Somers Town [London]. 29 October 1819.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scriven begins: 'I am afraid you will have thought I had forgotten to send the plate of Norfolk: the truth is, I decided on doing a few touches to that hand noticed by you & Mr Lackington; and although it was but a very little, I did not like to trust its going without first seeing a proof, as we can never be quite sure, on at all touching the copper, how it may come afterwards.' He ends by sending his 'best respects to Mr Lackington and the rest of your Gentlemen'.

[Abraham John Mason, wood engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. J. Mason') to 'J. Mayer Esqre', discussing a commission for an advertisement to be placed in the Art Union Monthly, mentioning individuals (Hall, Fairholt, Clements) and processes.

Abraham John Mason, wood engraver [Samuel Carter Hall, editor of the Art Union Monthly]
Publication details: 
28 Liverpool Street, King's Cross. 27 January [no year].
Upon request

4pp., 12mo. 55 lines of text, written in a neat, clear hand. On bifolium, with second leaf neatly placed in paper windowpane mount. The letter begins: 'I herewith send the electrotype of the Trowel, [not present] which is I think a beautiful specimen of the peculiar but slow process.

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

[George J. Stodart, engraver.] Signed engraving, from a photograph, of Dr Evan Buchanan Baxter, Professor of Materia Medica at King's College, London.

George J. Stodard, British engraver [Dr Evan Buchanan Baxter (1844-1885), Dr. Evan Buchanan Baxter, Professor of Materia Medica at King's College, London]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1880s.]

On piece of 21 x 13 cm India paper, laid down on a piece of thick paper, 33 x 24cm. The engraving is small in comparison, measuring around 8 x 6 cm, and showing a formally dressed and bearded Baxter's head and shoulders, facing to his right. Aged and dusty, with crease line to the mount at the foot. Stodart has signed in pencil in the bottom right-hand corner of the engraving paper, and the crease line bissects the signature and its underlining. At bottom right of mount, in pencil: 'Dr Baxter | Kings College'.

[Valentine Green, Engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('V. Green') to an unnamed male recipient, regarding the removal of two paintings, including one by William Daniell.

Valentine Green (1739-1813), English engraver and print publisher, Keeper of the British Institution, 1805-1813 [William Daniell (1769-1837), landscape and marine painter]
Publication details: 
British Gallery, Pall Mall [London]. 20 July 1807.

1p., 4to. In good conditon, on aged paper. He begins: 'As both the pictures you bought are to be taken without the frames, I can't take upon me to displace them, without either you or the Artists were present, and more especially Mr. Daniell's, which is framed in a particular way.' Consequently he will keep the paintings, till either the recipient or artists take them away, 'and give me a proper discharge for them'. He ends with his hours of attendance.

[Sir George Hayter, artist.] Autograph Receipt Signed ('George Hayter'), to Messrs Crace, for the loan 'of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour'.

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871), painter and engraver [Messrs Crace & Son, 14 Wigmore Street, London, interior designers]
Publication details: 
'33 Gloucester Place in the new Road [London]'. 25 April 1855.

On one side of a piece of cm blue paper. Reads: 'April 25, 1855. | 33 Gloucester Place in the new Road | Received of Messrs Crace | The favour of loan of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour, to be returned. | George Hayter | with Thanks & Compliments.'

[Shelagh Maitland, artist's model.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering her services to the Duchess of Kent, stating she has worked for Lord Plunkett, Cathleen Mann, Simon Elwes, Sir John Lavery, T. C. Dugdale, David Jagger. With risqué autograph poem.

Shelagh Maitland, artist's model [Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent [Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark] (1906-1968); Cathleen Mann; Simon Elwes; Sir John Lavery; T. C. Dugdale; David Jagger]
Publication details: 
40 Queensborough Terrace, W8 [London]. 19 July 1938.

Both items are in an envelope addressed to the Duchess at 3 Belgrave Square. The envelope and its contents are on aged and creased paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Knowing that the Duchess is 'a well-known artist', she is offering her 'services as a model'. 'I was permanent model to the late Lord Plunket [sic] and have been painted by Cathleen Mann, Simon Elwes, Sir John Lavery, T. C. Dugdale, David Jagger and several other well-known painters.' She describes her appearance and asks to be granted an interview. POEM: 2pp., 12mo. In pencil. Unsigned, but clearly by Maitland.

[Malcolm Osborne, painter.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Westley Manning, in the first describing his wartime enlistment in the Artists Rifles, and training under the artist William Lee-Hankey.

Malcolm Osborne (1880-1963), English landscape painter [William Westley Manning (1868-1954), artist; The Artists Rifles, British Territorial Army; William Lee-Hankey (1869-1952), artist]
Publication details: 
The first from 11 Edith Grove, Chelsea. 24 July 1915. The second from 15 Redcliffe Square, South Kensington. 25 July 1921.

Both letters in very good condition, neatly written out on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 2pp., 4to.

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