[ Martin Fischer, German classical musician. ] Fourteen Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Martin'), in English, to Richard Hutchins, giving news of his activities as a viola player under von Karajan at the Berlin Philharmonic.

Martin Fischer (b. c. 1931), viola player with the Berlin Philharmonic, husband of soprano Helga Fischer [Richard Hutchins of Waynflete ]
Publication details: 
One dated from Berlin, 27 February 1963. The rest from between 1976 and 1981.

A total of 50pp., of which 46pp. are 8vo, and 4pp. are 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Some letters also signed on behalf of his wife Helga and their son Andreas. Also present is the first page of a fifteenth letter, dated from Paris, 19 May 1972. An affectionate correspondence, filled with personal and professional news. On 3 August 1978 he writes from St Oswald in Austria of a visit to East Germany: 'Our orchestra played for the first time at Dresden and Leipzig!!

[G. B. O'Neill, Irish painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Bernard O'Neill'), inviting G. W. Cooke to join in a 'friendly cup' with him and 'Mr. Callcott' [William Hutchins Callcott?], who is bringing sketches for him to inspect.

G. B. O'Neill [George Bernard O'Neill] (1828-1917), Irish painter [G. W. Cooke [George Wingrove Cooke] (1814-1865), lawyer and historian; Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)]
Publication details: 
'The Mall | Kensington. | Monday'. No date.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In 1857 O'Neill married Emma Stuart Callcott, granddaughter of the artist Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, from whose house the present letter is addressed. He informs Cooke that he has 'asked Mr. Callcott [probably O'Neill's father-in-law William Hutchins Callcott (1807-1882)] to come & take a "friendly cup" with me on Thursday Evg. & we shall be glad of your company if you can favour us'. In a postscript O'Neill states that Callcott has promised to let him have 'the sketches I spoke to you of, in case you should come'.

[Printed handbill libretto.] The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata. With Solos, Choruses, and Incidental Music, Composed expressly for the Royal Aquarium, by Mr. George Fox. The Juvenile Troupe, Under the Direction of Mr. J. E. Nolan.

George Fox [The Juvenile Troupe; J. E. Nolan; The Royal Aquarium and Winter Garden, London; Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street]
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata
Publication details: 
[Circa 1880.] 'The Music Published by Messrs Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street, Regent Street'.
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata

Small 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on browned high-acidity paper. Neat strip of stub from mounting in album still adhering to inner margin of verso of second leaf. Headed 'Words.' All but first chorus in double-column. A mixture of the original 'House that Jack built' with 'Jack and Jill'. Begins with 'Chorus. - "This is the house that Jack built."', the first lines of which are 'Our labours are done, our recompense won, | And anger has been on no back spilt, | So now with one voice we'll laugh and rejoice | As this is the house that Jack built.' Characters are: Mr.

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