[Sally Salminen, Finnish author] Typed Letter Signed Sally Salminen to the Rev. Cornelius Greenway of NY, showing appreciation for his comments on her first publication, Katrina (1936).
One page, 4to, fold marks,good condition. Text: [...] My late answer does not indicate lack of appreciation, although it must seem so. I am on the contrary deeply and sincerely grateful for your kindness of writing to me. Your letter reached me at a time when I needed encouragement and confidence more than anything else. I have during the last two years received many letters from appreciative readers of my book Katrina. But praise can sometimes cause suspicion and self-distrust, and that, I am afraid, is what it has done to me. Your letter, however, written so long after that the ordinary flow of writings, which follows any sensational happening, was really encouraging and helpful. Such words by an American churchman make me date to believe that there was perhaps, in spite of all, something good in the book, and it gives me hope for the possibility of future work. | I came while I lived in New York to feel very warmly for America. This country stands now, besides Sweden, as a second country of mine and I do hope I shall be given the opportunity to visit America again[...] She says she enclosed a photograph (not present) to show her appreciation.