
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad, Orange Free State.

South African Institute of Race Relations (Incorp.) / Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudings (Ingelyf) [Bantu; apartheid]
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad
Publication details: 
Dated in type 'A. L. S. July 1st, 1940.'
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad

Folio, 13 pp. Mimeographed typed document on seven leaves stapled together at head. Some leaves separated. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper with slight chipping to extremities. Report over first seven pages, followed by two appendixes: 'Minimum Diet for Urban Bantu Family of Husband, Wife and Three Children and Cost thereof in Kroonstad' and 'Occupational and Wage Statistics'. No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

The Cause of the Heavy Burdens of Great Britain, and of her National Debt; comprising a rapid survey of some of the great events, especially connected with the finances of British History, during the last hundred and fifty years.

[John Allen (1790?-1859) of Liskeard] [the National Debt of Great Britain]
The Cause of the Heavy Burdens of Great Britain, and of her National Debt
Publication details: 
Second Edition Revised. 1843. London: Harvey and Darton, Gracechurch-street, and C. Gilpin, 5 Bishopsgate-street. [Johnston & Barrett, Printers, 13 Mark-Lane.]
The Cause of the Heavy Burdens of Great Britain, and of her National Debt

12mo, 12 pp, and fold-out frontispiece of table showing the 'British National Debt, funded and unfunded, stated in millions of pounds sterling' from 1689 to 1843, with four other columns. Stitched and in original printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Several copies of varying condition. Usually Fair: lightly-aged and creased. Scarce: other than electronic reproductions, COPAC only lists copies of this second edition at the Bodleian and British Library.

Correspondence and Proceedings in the Negociation for a Renewal of the East-India Company's Charter. [John Fane's copy]

[John Fane (1751-1824), Tory politician] [the East India Company]
Correspondence and Proceedings . . .Renewal of the East-India Company Charter
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Black, Parry, and Co. Leadenhall Street. 1812. [London: - Printed by Cox and Baylis, 75, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.]
Correspondence and Proceedings . . .Renewal of the East-India Company Charter

8vo, [viii] + 92 + [iv] pp. The last four pages comprise a publisher's catalogue. Unbound. Stitched as issued. First leaf discoloured and stained, last five leaves creased: otherwise a very good tight copy. Ownership inscription at head of first leaf, reading 'J. Fane Esq MP | 8 Great George St.'

Manuscript account of 'Revenue as calculated to end of Charter', including reference to St Helena.

East India Company [St Helena; Charter of 1833]
Publication details: 
Dated at foot '1845'.

On one side of a piece of laid watermarked paper, 14 x 8 cm. On aged and creased paper. The accounts are brief, and neatly written in an unidentified hand. At foot '1845'. Headed 'Revenue as calculated to end of Charter', and featuring a total of £17,936,217 against itemised charges of £18,763517, including those incurred 'in India', 'Esp: St Helena', 'Political Chges in England' and 'Cost of '. Beneath this a section headed 'Of ye above charges may be pble in Engd'.

Collection of correspondence from Elizabeth Arden Ltd to agents Franklyn and Doris Rogers, Messrs Titcumbs, Chatham, including an Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth Arden') from Arden, and 40 Typed Letters Signed from director T. Gordon Yates.

Elizabeth Arden [Florence Nightingale Graham (1878-1966)]
Publication details: 
Between 1942 and 1956; most items on the letterhead of the Elizabeth Arden Ltd British headquarters at 25 Old Bond Street, London.

The collection of fifty-three Typed Letters Signed and six mimeographed circulars, in various formats, is in good condition on lightly-aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, and with a couple of items with closed tears. Providing an interesting sidelight into workings of the English branch of one of the twentieth-century's leading multinational corporations. Arden's letter (8vo, 1 p), dated 8 April 1955, is addressed to the Rogers' daughter 'Miss J. Rogers'.

Printed pamphlet (with 'P.T.O.' in large letters on cover) and handbill notice, with autograph covering letter to an unnamed clergyman [Rev. Charles William Shepherd], in which he describes himself as 'the "Doyen" of Ecclesiastical Agents'.

Edward Broughton-Rouse, Sheffield solicitor, 'Ecclesiastical Agent' (agent for the purchase and sale of advowsons)
Publication details: 
None of the items dated. Pamphlet from circa 1897.

The three items indicate a brashness approaching hucksterism on the part of a Victorian professional, in addition to marketing techniques advanced for the period. Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Stamped at head: 'Edw. Broughton Rouse, M.A., LL.D. | 436, GLOSSOP ROAD, | SHEFFIELD.' Twenty-five lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Many hundreds of this letter must have been copied out and sent to clergymen throughout England.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Trotter') to Hay, with signed 'List of Payments made to Sir William Forbes of Hunter & Co. by the undermentioned partners of the East Lothian & Merse Whalefishing Company Since the 6th of March 1805'.

John Trotter [The East Lothian & Merse Whale Fishing Company; James Hay, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh; Sir William Forbes (1739-1806) of Pitsligo]
Publication details: 
6 April 1805; Dunbar.

4to bifolium. Very good on aged paper. The letter covers the whole of the recto of the second leaf, the reverse of which carries the address and docketing: '6th. April 1805 | John Trotter - with List of payments to Sir Wm. Forbes & Co. on acct. of the whale fishing Cy.' Trotter quotes at length from a 'paragraph' in a letter he has received from William Forbes & Co, explaining why a credit 'does not appear in the annexed statement, as the receipt has not been delivered up to us'.

A printed circular by 'Members of the Birmingham Committee of Shareholders', addressed 'To the Shareholders of the Standard Bank of London Limited', with a lithographed facsimile letter from the firm's liquidator Leslie, and a share prospectus.

Henry Leslie, F.S.A. [The Standard Bank of London Limited; London Stock Exchange; Victorian economics]
Publication details: 
Circular dated 'Committee Room, 116, Colmore Row, Birmingham, 27th April, 1882.' ['Printed by JOSIAH ALLEN, Birmingham.'] Lithograph dated 8 May 1882. Prospectus: 10 December 1880.

According to the prospectus (item three below), the Bank was 'Incorporated under the Companies' Acts, 1862, 1867, 1877 and 1879.' The three items were formerly pinned together. Item One (printed circular): 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Headed 'TO SHAREHOLDERS ONLY. - PRIVATE.' Signed in type by seven 'Members of the Birmingham Committee of Shareholders'. The first paragraph reads 'The action of Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Knollys | Lt Genl') to J. Maitland, on the presentation of an address to the Prince of Wales by the Church of Scotland.

General Rt. Hon. Sir William Thomas Knollys (1797-1883), Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household of the Prince of Wales, 1862-1877 [General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; J. Maitland]
Publication details: 
25 March 1863; Buckingham Palace.

4to, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper, with small area torn away from top corner (not affecting text). Docketed at head in an Edwardian hand: 'From Lieutt Genl. Sir William Knollys to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on the occasion of the Prince of Wales' marriage | Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales [Edward VII]'.

Autograph Note Signed ('J H Gurney') to Messrs Hertslet & Scott, No 31 Norfolk Street, Strand, London.

John Henry Gurney (1819-1819), banker and ornithologist
Publication details: 
31 July 1840; Norwich.

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. With 1 cm vertical closed tear at foot of each leaf. Addressed, with postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, which is docketed '31. July 1840. | Gurney & Co. that Mrs E. Lofty resides at Hethersett near Norwich -'. Reads 'Respected friends | We believe that the lady for whose address you enquire in yr favor of the 29th Inst resides at Hethersett near this city'. Gurney joined the family business at the age of seventeen.

Part of Autograph Letter, with signature ('James Wilson').

James Wilson (1805-1860), Scottish economist and politician
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a piece of wove paper, roughly 5 x 18.5 cm, cut from letter by an autograph collector. Aged, and with staining from the glue used in mounting. Reads '<...> upon it. | I hope you are quite recovered. | Yours trly | James Wilson'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Selkirk') to unnamed male recipient.

Dunbar James Douglas (1809-1885), 6th Earl of Selkirk [Lord Selkirk; Alexander Hall & Co, Aberdeen shipbuilders]
Publication details: 
21 February 1857; Athens.

12mo bifolium: 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper.

Stamped, sealed document appointing Robert William Hopkins of Preston 'to be my Sealer and Deputy Keeper of the Seal [of the Duchy of Lancaster]'.

James Graham, 7th Marquis and 4th Duke of Montrose
Publication details: 
26 February 1858[; London].

Scottish noble (1799-1874), Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 1 page, 4to, on blue paper. In good condition despite a number of closed tears. Signed 'Montrose' and with his heavily-smudged red wax seal. Witnessed by 'F. Dawes Danvers | Duchy of Lancaster Office | London'. Decorative blind stamp 'ONE POUND FIFTEEN SHILLINGS', and with ink stamp 'LONDON | 27 . 2 . 58 | D'.

Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan', carbon printed on cloth, giving a detailed layout of the gold mine, keyed to seventy-seven entries. With Manuscript table of results of 'Crown Deep tube milling tests, 1907'.

Crown Deep Ltd (gold mine) [South African Gold Mining; Mines]
Publication details: 
Insurance Plan' dated in manuscript 1898. Manuscript table covering the period from 1 August to 9 October 1907.

The two items rolled into tubes. The 'Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan' carbon printed on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 44 x 102 cm. In good condition: slightly discoloured and frayed. The keyed entries range from '1 No. 1 Headgear & all appurtenances' to '77 Shed near Feedwater tanks', and include '69 Coolie Compound at Dam' and '57 Stable Boy's House'. The table of results of the 'milling tests', approximately 37 x 74 cm, is clear and complete on discoloured paper with closed tears at head repaired with archival tape.

Manuscript Pay Warrant and Receipt, with Autograph Signature.

John Murray, 2nd Earl of Dunmore (1685-1752); [Horatio?] Walpole.
Publication details: 
28 March 1740; Whitehall.

Two pages. Dimensions of paper fourteen and a half inches by nine inches. Aged and stained, with fraying to extremities and some loss to one corner (not affecting text). Order to 'deliver and pay of such his Majesty's Treasure as remains in your Charge unto John Earl of Dunmore or his Assigns the Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds', on Dunmore's 'Annuity or yearly Pension of One Thousand Pounds as one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Bedchamber'. With signatures of 'Winnington', 'G Earle' and <?>. Docketed 'Mr. Yorke I pray pay this Order out of Addl.

Collection of the firm's estimates, invoices and receipts, mainly addressed to Percy Young of Messrs. H. Young & Co. Ltd., Constructional Engineers, and concerning items for a 'House at Sheen' designed by the architect H. V. Milnes Emerson.

Doulton & Co. Limited, Manufacturers of Sanitary Equipment, Lambeth [Royal Doulton Potteries; bathroom fixtures and fittings; Percy Young; H. V. Milnes Emerson]
Publication details: 

A collection of twenty-two items, with one printed envelope, all in good condition, and relating to a complex order to one of the United Kingdom's best-known business concerns. Interesting for the light it casts on the best business practice in the British building industry of the 1930s. Includes typed two-page foolscap estimate, dated 1 November 1930, initialed and on the firm's letterhead, addressed to H. V.


Falkland Islands [Islas Malvinas; Government Savings Bank; Government Press]
Publication details: 

12mo, 8 leaves opening to make seven sets of columns running across seven pairs of facing pages. Stitched, and within original yellow printed wraps, with rough cloth weave. Lightly aged and worn, but in good condition overall, and free from any manuscript entries (i.e. not filled in). The front wrap is headed by a governmental crest, and carries eleven lines of text. Five lines of text, and the slug, on the back wrap ('The Officers engaged in the discharge of their duties under this Ordinance shall not disclose, except to the Governor, or in due course of law, the name of any Depositor.').

Autograph Signature ('J. Aislabie') on fragment of letter.

John Aislabie (1670-1742), English Chancellor of the Exchequer, best-known for his involvement in the South Sea Bubble
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 3.5 x 5.5 cm. Good firm signature, on lightly discoloured paper. Reads '<...> date hereof. | [signed] J. Aislabie'. Lightly docketed in pencil 'of South Sea notoriety'.

Document (part printed part manuscript) signed "H Fox"; printed heading "Annuity for Life, 1746".

Henry Fox [ Baron Holland ]
Publication details: 

Statesman (see DNB). One page, chipped, small tear, trimmed but text clear and complete. The document, part printed (a form), records that Henry Fox on the 23 Aug.

Manuscript Invoice/Receipt Signed to "Mrs Forbes", Ampthill, [Bedfordshire]

E. Handscomb, bookseller [add date to BBTI]
Publication details: 

One page, 8vo, minor damage and staining. The invoice is to the account of [J?] Handscomb but the receipt is signed by "E. Hanscomb" identifiable with Eb Handscomb perhaps in BBTI though the dates are a problem. Apparently unrelated figures in pencil on reverse.

Advertisement for 'Dorking Urban District Book, Waste Paper and Cardboard Drive'.

Dorking, Surrey, England [Recycling; the Environment; the Green Party; Publishing History; Bookselling; the Book Trade; Austerity]
Publication details: 
12th April to 1st May 1948.

Striking advertisement, in red ink, on one side of a piece of paper roughly seven inches by seventeen wide. With something of a prewar feel, it reads 'DORKING URBAN DISTRICT | BOOK, WASTE PAPER | and CARDBOARD DRIVE | [in box on right] 12th April | TO | 1st May | 1948 [end of boxed text] | Save the Nation from having to import Waste Paper from abroad | PROVIDE | MORE Employment = MORE Cartons for Food | = MORE Materials for Housebuilding ='.


E. H. Bourne, Director, Investigation Branch, Personnel Department [THE POST OFFICE; ROYAL MAIL; POSTAL HISTORY]
Publication details: 
[London,] 20 January 1939.

Two pages. On both sides of a piece of paper roughly twelve and a quarter inches by eight inches wide. Illustrated on both sides. An unusual piece of Post Office ephemera, and something of a period piece, on aged paper, with fraying to extremities. Begins 'The object of these instructions is to secure the apprehension of men and women who are negotiating stolen postal order forms and stolen penny stamps, the proceeds of thefts from Post Office. [...]'.

Manuscript debenture, signed 'Macclesfield' and 'Walpole'.

George Parker (c.1697-1764), 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, astronomer; Robert Walpole (1701-1751), 2nd Earl of Orford (as Baron Walpole)
'Macclesfield' and 'Walpole'.
Publication details: 
3 November 1741; [Whitehall].
'Macclesfield' and 'Walpole'.

Two pages. On piece of paper roughly five inches by nine wide. Aged and with a few nicks, but good overall. Seven lines, beginning 'Debentur Carolo Duci St. Alban Magro Austrag Dni Rs [...]'. 'Letter Money' in margin. Various docketings cross-wise on reverse, including signature of 'Jno: Bidleson' ('John Bidleson Atto. Int. J Dawson') and sums totalling £343 2s 6d.

Printed Exchequer Receipt for fifty pounds, 'for Six Months Annuity, due 5 July last past, of One Hundred Pounds' on the life of 'Margarett Mary Reeves'.

Henry Digby (d.1793), 1st Earl Digby, 7th Baron Digby
Publication details: 
12 July 1762; [London].

One page, folio. Aged and with fraying to extremities and some repair to blank verso. Text clear and complete, except for a couple of letters shaved in right-hand margin. With signatures of witnesses William Digby and Daniel Cummine. Signed 'Digby'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

General Charles Grey
Publication details: 
W[indso]r. C[a]stle | Feb. 14. 1859'.

Grey (1804-1870) was successively Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. Three pages, 12mo. Good, on grubby paper discoloured with age. He acknowledges receipt of the letter of the twelfth inst. 'The recovery of any <?> which shd revert to the Crown, is, I apprehend, a matter for the Treasury to look to - as it is for the Gnt. to consider the provisions which it is expedient to adopt in any measure of the nature of that to which you allude.' He is commanded by Albert to thank his correspondent for the 'kind attention which has prompted you to make this communication'.

Autograph Letter Signed "[Seigneur?] Laffitte" to M. de Rayneval, Directeur du Chancelleries[?] aux affaires Etrangeres a Paris.

Jacques Laffitte
Publication details: 
Paris 16 Dec. 1815.

Banker and Politician. In French. One page, 4to, good condition. If a consul to Guernsey has not yet been appointed, he recommends David Macculloch who has a good reputation and has commercial knowledge. He would be helpful to French ships there and his nomination would suit the Governor, Sir John Doyle, who had long since requested it of their Ambassador in London. {de Reyneval prob. the diplomat in Biog. Univ.]

Autograph Letter Signed to the Baron Bignon, membre de la Chambre de Deputes.

Jacques Laffitte.
Publication details: 
Paris, 18 May 1820.

Banker and Politician. In French. One page, 4to, fold marks, good. He says that Bignon has reached the limits which he suggested in a letter, and they have sold "en bourse" "[F?] 2025 de Rentes a 74 t produisent ......F29,9709= . . ." He adds the figures for commission and "Courtage". He adds that the Baron has been debited a certain sum, paid to the "porteur de votre [nom?]".

Autograph Letter Signed, Autograph Note, and newspaper article.

GEORGE BOOTH HEMING [Goldsmiths' Company; Daily Graphic]
Publication details: 
The note 10 January 1918 and the letter 14 January 1918; both on letterheads of Heming & Co., 28 Conduit St.

Mayor of Westminster (1858-1938), and prominent member of the Goldsmiths' Company, for whom he established an annual competition for craftsmen and schools in London. All items very good. Both manuscript items bearing the Society's stamp and the note also docketed. THE LETTER (one page, 12mo): 'I shall certainly try to be at the meeting on Feby 27th & will speak if opportunity arises - also will call upon you someday either this or next week.' Signed 'G. Booth Heming'. THE NOTE (one page, 12mo): 'With G.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Abel Smith
Publication details: 
Chelsea Squ[are]. | Augt. 29. [1866]'.

British banker and politician (1801-71). Four pages, 12mo. Good, but dusty and on discoloured paper, with traces of stub adhering to verso of second leaf. Docketed with date.

Eleven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, variously to W. Perry and G. F. Menzies, Royal Society of Arts; and three-page typed 'brief statement of Dr. [Charles] Carpenter's qualifications', headed 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

Edward Frankland Armstrong
Publication details: 
1927 to 1934; on letterheads including 'BUSH HOUSE, | ALDWYCH', 'BALDWIN HOUSE, | 67, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET', and that of the British Dyestuffs Corporation Ltd.

British chemist (1878-1945), Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1942-3. All items in very good condition. All letters, one page, quarto. Subjects include an R.S.A. lecture by Armstrong on 'Hydrogen and its uses', the proof of another lecture, Armstrong's chairmanship of various R.S.A. meetings, his appointment as R.S.A. Vice-President, and the possibility of a 'paper on the hydrogenation of bituminous coal ('even though a good many people may be a little tired of the subject'): 'I suppose the man you ought to ask in the first place is K.

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