[William Bateson, English biologist who coined the word 'genetics'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bateson') to the musicologist R. A. Streatfeild, regarding 'leave to quote' from him in Streatfeild's edition of Samuel Butler's 'Life and Habit'.

William Bateson (1861-1926), English biologist who coined the word 'genetics' [Richard Alexander Streatfeild (1866-1919), musicologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Manor House, Merton, Surrey. 23 December 1910.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for 'kindly sending the new Life and Habit' (i.e. Streatfeild's edition of the book by Samuel Butler), and he is 'delighted to have that extraordinary book in its fullest form'. The book has been carried off by a 'young man who works with me here', so Bateson has 'not yet seen the additions'. He is glad Streatfeild 'should have thought my reference to Butler worth quoting and I can't see any need for asking leave to quote'.

[ Royal Navy in the age of Nelson. ] 'A true Copy', in manuscript, of Harvey Bateson's appointment as 'Lieutenant on the Board the Amelia 7th. day of Novr. 1804.', with Autograph Letter Signed from Bateson to his uncle Sir Robert Bateson Harvey.

Lieutenant Harvey Bateson (d.1805), RN, nephew of Sir Robert Bateson Harvey of Langley Park [ Admiral Hood [ Sir Samuel Hood ] (1762-1814) ]
Publication details: 
Bateson's letter from 'Budge Town Barbadoes', undated, but received 'after his Death Apl. 1805.' Copy document undated, but original dated 7 November 1804.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Bateson's letter is 3pp., 4to. On a bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Sir Robert Bateson Harvey Bart. | Langley Park | near Uxbridge Bucks | England'. Docketted on same page: 'Harvey Bateson | Barbadoes | Recd after his Death | Apl. 1805'. He conveys the news of his appointment, thanks his uncle, and reports: 'We are waiting in expectation of a Spanish War and as the Amelia sails will I dare say we shall make something'.

[ The English agricultural crisis of 1816, 'the year without a summer'. ] Corrected manuscript copy of letter from unnamed Irish landowner (peer?) to the future Sir Robert Bateson, describing the agricultural crisis affecting his English estates.

[ Sir Robert Bateson (1782-1863), Irish Conservative politician ] [ 1816, 'the year without a summer' ]
Publication details: 
Written from England. Note by author: 'Copy to Robt. Bateson Esq. | May 8th. 1816'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, folded into packet. 34 lines of text. He begins by expressing his pleasure on Bateson's 'kind attention in naming me one of the God Fathers to your little Boy' [the future Conservative MP Robert Bateson (1816-1843)]. He next turns to the agricultural crisis: 'The accot. you give me of the state of the North of Ireland is very distressing under these circumstances. I feel no inclination to witness it by visiting my Estate there this Summer.

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