Lieutenant Harvey Bateson (d.1805), RN, nephew of Sir Robert Bateson Harvey of Langley Park [ Admiral Hood [ Sir Samuel Hood ] (1762-1814) ]
Publication details:
Bateson's letter from 'Budge Town Barbadoes', undated, but received 'after his Death Apl. 1805.' Copy document undated, but original dated 7 November 1804.
Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Bateson's letter is 3pp., 4to. On a bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Sir Robert Bateson Harvey Bart. | Langley Park | near Uxbridge Bucks | England'. Docketted on same page: 'Harvey Bateson | Barbadoes | Recd after his Death | Apl. 1805'. He conveys the news of his appointment, thanks his uncle, and reports: 'We are waiting in expectation of a Spanish War and as the Amelia sails will I dare say we shall make something'.