[ Royal Navy in the age of Nelson. ] 'A true Copy', in manuscript, of Harvey Bateson's appointment as 'Lieutenant on the Board the Amelia 7th. day of Novr. 1804.', with Autograph Letter Signed from Bateson to his uncle Sir Robert Bateson Harvey.
Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Bateson's letter is 3pp., 4to. On a bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Sir Robert Bateson Harvey Bart. | Langley Park | near Uxbridge Bucks | England'. Docketted on same page: 'Harvey Bateson | Barbadoes | Recd after his Death | Apl. 1805'. He conveys the news of his appointment, thanks his uncle, and reports: 'We are waiting in expectation of a Spanish War and as the Amelia sails will I dare say we shall make something'. He has been obliged to draw on his uncle, 'as my mess will cost me a great Deal [...] Sir Samuel Hood was married the other day To Miss McKenzie a Daughter of Lord Seaforths and appears to be very happy at last he has every reason to be so - we had great rejoicing for several days on board the different ships'. He expresses regret on leaving HMS Centaur, and considers himself 'fortunate in having escaped the Fever but more people die merely through Fear having such a bad account of the West Indies they imagin they must die so they go to bed and are off in 2 days such is the case with a great many'. A postscript conveys the worrying news: 'I have joined the Amelia she is very sickly having Lost 120 men by the Fever - but do not mention it to my Mother as it will distress her very much'. The copy document is 2 pp., folio. On a bifolium docketted on reverse of second leaf: 'A Copy of Harvey Bateson's Apointmt. [sic] to be Lieutenant on the Board the Amelia | 7th. day of Novr. 1804'. It begins: 'In pursuant of directions from Saml Hood Esqr Commodore and commander in chief of His Majestys Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed at Barbadoes the Leward Islands &c. &c. &c. | dated this seventh daya of November 1804 we have examined Mr Harvey Bateson, who appears to be more than Twenty One Years of age, and has been to Sea, more than Six Years, in the Sips and Quality as Undermentioned.' A table giving details of his service on HMS Serius and HMS Centaur follows. 'He produceth Journals kept by himself in theh Serius and Centaur and Certificates from Captains Littlehales Maxwell Shipley and Richardson of his dilgence Sobriety and obedient to command he can Splice Knot, reef a Sail, work a Ship in sailing, Shift his Tides, Keep a Reckoning of a Ship's way by plain sailing and Mercator, Observe by theh Sun or Star, find the Variation of the Compass, and is Qualified to do his duty as an Able Seaman and a Midshipman | Given Under our Hands on board the Centaur Carlisle Bay Barbadoes 7 Novr. 1804'.