[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian Ambassador, regarding a 'charming appeal' of ' M. Derôme to the Times', and his latest paper in the Quarterly Review.
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Begins: Dear M. Van de Weyer / Altho' I had been prudent enough to preserve the appeal of M. Derôme to the Times in its original form, not the less welcome was the glorified text which I found on my table yesterday on our return from a short visit to Brighton. That charming appeal acted as a mental Conserve alimentaire to me, when it first appeared, and it shall be placed with certain other valued opuscules, where I can offen turn it to the like account. Who can regert the griefs of a chef, who can turn out of them such an admirable plât à sa façon? He will rank henceforth in my Catalogue of worthies with Horace's Davus.-' He points him towards a paper he is publishing 'in the next Quarterly' on 'The Drama of England': 'I sat down intending to write a paper on Garrick's Contemporaries, - la Troupe de Garrigue - & Co, & ventured off in quite a different direction.' He criticises 'the decrepid [sic] state of our drama'. He ends with fulsome wishes for good health for Van de Weyer and those close to him, in which 'Mrs. Martin fully joins'.