Natural History

Autograph letters signed (x 2) to Sir William [Henry] Flower (1831-99), director of the Natural History Museum,

Sir George Otto Trevelyan
Publication details: 
1891 and 1898.

English historian (1838-1928). The first letter, 27 February 1891, with letterhead 8 Grosvenor Crescent, one page, 12mo. "Dear Flower, / I have a great deal of work tomorrow morning: but I will certainly come to the general meeting, and to the Standing Committee as soon as I can get there." Long vertical tear caused by removal from mount, traces of which adhere to blank verso. The second letter, 18 October 1898, with letterhead Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. 3 pages, 12mo.

Typed Note and Typed Letter Signed, one to the Editor and the other to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Charles Crowther
Publication details: 
20 February and 14 March 1940; both on crested letterhead of the Harper Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Hampshire.

Agricultural chemist (1876-1964). Both one page, quarto, and very good, though lightly creased. The letter carries a few light carbon-paper stains. The note informs the editor of the R.S.A. journal that Crowther is returning the 'corrected copy of my remarks in the discussion on my paper. | I presume that you will be sending me a supply of reprints when the Journal comes out'. The letter thanks the secretary for the copies of the journal.

Printed invitation to the 'opening of the Cosmo Melvill Herbarium'.

Publication details: 
31 October 1904; printed by Cuthbertson & Black of Manchester.

Melvill was a noted English botanist (1845-1929). 8vo bifoliate. Four unpaginated pages. In very good condition, with some discolouration from age and remains of stub from previous mounting adhering to verso of second leaf. Decorative vignettes on all four sides. Engraving of Museum on recto of first leaf. 'PROGRAMME' (reception; tea and coffee; address by Sir William Turner Thiselton Dyer; inspection) on verso of first leaf. Description of 'AN EXHIBITION | of | A SERIES OF SPECIMENS | from the Herbarium' on both sides of second leaf.

3 Autograph Letters Signed and 1 Autograph Card Signed [to his publishers?]

James Britten
Publication details: 
The letters, 21 and 31 May and 29 July 1883, all from Isleworth; the card, 20 [month?] 1890, stamped '18, WEST SQUARE | SOUTHWARK, S.E.'

Botanist and Roman Catholic propagandist (1846-1924). All but the second letter, which is addressed 'Gentlemen', are addressed 'Dear Sirs'. The letters are all 12mo, and embossed at the head of the first leaf 'NOX VENIT QUANDO NEMO POTEST OPERARI'. In letter 1 (1 page) he asks that his 'Collecting book of Flowering Plants' be sent to him: he will mention it in his 'Journal of Botany' for June.

A Darwin Symposium. Darwin, Evolution and Modern Life (The British Society for the History of Science).

Charles Darwin (Symposium).
Publication details: 

Ephemera relating to this even in the Auditorium of the Wellcome Building, including the Prospectus and application for tickets, one page, 4to; tickets for the Symposium and Buffet Lunch (2); and the Programme (speakers include J.S. Weiner, Asa Briggs, J.M. Thoday, F.E. Zeuner, etc), 4pp., 8vo, brief notes on lectures added by Nehemiah Asherson, Harley Street specialist.

Typed Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Publication details: 
1 November 1943 and 28 November 1944; both on letterhead 'UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR | NATIONAL PARK SERVICE | Chicago, 54, Ill.'

The letter of 2 pages, 4to. Discoloured, dusty and frayed. Dr Carl P. Russell has asked him to reply to Epps's letter regarding 'the preservation of outdoor Geological Sections'. Discusses this matter over two paragraphs. Says he is sending a copy of his 'Field Manual for Museums' and refers Epps to two illustrations. 'I am personally as well as professionally interested in all problems related to the preservation of natural and historical objects and will be pleased to learn of any methods you have found to be satisfactory.' The note of 1 page, 16mo.

Autograph Letter Signed to [F. J.] Epps[, F.G.S.].

Margery Fisher
Publication details: 
26 May [no year]; on letterhead 'Old Rectory Ashton Northampton'.

Margery Lilian Edith Turner Fisher (1913-92), English novelist. 1 page, 8vo. With two folds but in good condition overall. She is enclosing 'a rather assorted MS. of my husband's paper for the <?>' and hopes 'the delay has not been too frightful for you. | He would be grateful if you could let him have 3 proofs of the galleys as soon as they are available. | If the figure is unsatisfactory, he will get it re-drawn, but he thinks it should do all right.'

Eight Autograph Letters Signed "Stanley" to Messrs Routledge, publishers.

Henry Edward John Stanley, 3rd Earl.
Publication details: 

Diplomatist and orientalist (see DNB). Total 20pp., 8vo, good condition. The main subject is illustrations of animals and birds perhaps relating to a book (a "book" is mentioned) which I cannot trace in NSTC, etc., but perhaps multiple copies of pages of illustrations of monkeys, kangaroos, cats, dogs, birds, seals, squirrels, etc. His first letter is dated 27 July 1851 (signed "Stanley" by Henry had not yet succeeded to the title[?]) and he asks "Will you commence printing a thousand of the monkeys. How many thousand sheets would form a convenient parcel . . . 6000 . .

Autograph Letter Signed to [R. N. Freakes].

David Seth-Smith
Publication details: 
10 March 1934, on embossed letterhead 'CURATORS HOUSE | ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, N.W.8.'

Presenter of 1930's show on BBC radio, 'The Zoo Man'. 1 page, 12mo. Folded twice. In good condition. 'All you can do for your parrot is to paint the jaws with iodine, but I am afraid the trouble may be with the kidneys & in that case you cannot do much. | Give quite simple food, nothing fattening | Yours truly, | D. Seth-Smith "The Zoo Man". Seth-Smith's book 'The Zoo Man Speaking' was published by Thomas Nelson in 1937. In grubby stamped envelope addressed in autograph to Freakes.

Typed Letter Signed to F. R. McQuown.

Ian William Beresford Nye
Publication details: 
15 September 1964, on letterhead of the British Museum (Natural History), Department of Entomology.

Entomologist (1924-), author of the monumental 'Generic names of moths of the world' (6 vols, 1975-91). The recipient is the author of several works on gardening. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition, but creased and with one closed tear and with sellotape stains at head and foot. He thanks his correspondent for the letter of 10 September enclosing a caterpillar, and compliments him on its preservation. '[I]t is in perfect condition for determination. It is very difficult to preserve the green coloration, as in life.' He identifies the specimen as a cabbage moth.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr [?] Grinling.

William Percival Westell
Publication details: 
22 September 1915, on letterhead Verulam, The Icknield Way, Letchworth.

Fellow of the Linnaean Society, Naturalist and first curator of the Letchworth Museum. 2 pages, 8vo, in good condition, but with slight damp damage to one margin not affecting text. Closely written. 'I thought you would like to know that our Naturalist's 'Society' & Museum here are progressing & I believe we are doing a good educational & scientific work, even in war time. | We now have a membership of 220'. Goes into detail about grades of membership. 'We should welcome you personally & should also like someone associated with the G[reat]. N[orthern]. R[ailway].

Autograph Signature on fragment of Typed Letter to unnamed correspondent.

Edward Hindle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Naturalist, Fellow of the Royal Society and Scientific Director, the Zoological Society. The fragment is approximately two inches by five, good condition. It reads 'Yours sincerely, | Edw Hindle | (Edward Hindle) | Scientific Director.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of Typed Letter to unnamed correspondent.

Edward Hindle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Naturalist, Fellow of the Royal Society and Scientific Director, the Zoological Society. The fragment is approximately two and a half inches by five: paper slightly discoloured. It is mounted on a piece of paper and reads 'With kind regards, | Yours sincerely, | Edw Hindle | (Edward Hindle) | Scientific Director.'

Typed Letter Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Carl P. Russell
Publication details: 
18 August 1943; on letterhead United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Chief Naturalist of the National Park Service and Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. One page, 8vo, slightly stained but in good overall condition. Russell is replying to Epps's request for information about the National Park System, 'particularly those areas which are classed as "nature preserves"'. He says that he is sending a number of publications under separate cover, and that with this letter he encloses copies of the 'Antiquities Act' of Congress, 1906 and 'Dr. Kendeigh's article' (neither of which are present).

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Mellersh.

W. T. Thiselton-Dyer
Publication details: 
The Ferns, Witcombe, Gloucester, 8 August 1928.

English professor of botany, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew (DNB). One page, 8vo, creased, slightly discoloured and with a few closed tears. 'I failed, as I think I told you, to get any light on the Chancellors Eulogium from Oxford! I thought it only fair to send to Sir Herbert Warren, the President, Magdalen, what Cheltenham yielded as solicitor. | You may like to see the enclosed as an interesting aspect of Curzons many-sidedness. | I should like to have it again. | I am writing this with some difficulty as the house is full of work people'.

Autograph postcard signed to H. Tuckwell.

John O. Westwood.
Publication details: 
Oxford, 26 June 1891.

Entomologist and palaeographer (1805-1903). As follows: "Mrs Doncaster 36 Strand London, W.C. near Charing Cross sells Insect Pins [?] & all other apparatus of the like character, as well as British & foreign Insects, Caterpillars, Eggs, &c."

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent

Edward Jesse.
Publication details: 

Writer on natural history (1780-1868). One page, 8vo, good. He thanks his correspondent for his “interesting pamphlet” and discusses rough drawings of swans he is sending him.

Autograph note signed to [?] Silver,

Sir William C. Sargeaunt, K.C.M.G.
Publication details: 
28 May 1887, 61 Montagu Square.

Colonial administrator (died 1888). One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "Pray accept my best thanks for the Botanic tickets you have so kindly sent me. -" With an obituary from "The Colonies and India" for 1 August 1888.

autograph postcards signed (x 2) to F. O. Whitaker,

Alfred Barton Rendle
Publication details: 
4 and 9 January 1929, both with letterhead of the British Museum Department of Natural History, Cromwell Road.

Botanist (1865-1938). Both 12mo. Both stamped and addressed in autograph to "F. O. Whitaker Esq. / 45 Elmdene Rd / Plumstead / S. E. 18". The first, with a crease to one corner: "I have just seen Mr Salmon who is anxious to be at the B M. Secl. meeting. Mon Tues or Wed in the next week (Jan 21 22 or 23) would suit both of us. Can you arrange for one of these days?" The second: "I have sent on the letter to Mr Salmon. Please call the meeting for Jan 15 as originally suggested." Both signed "A. B. Rendle". Two items,

Catalog der Flora Bohmens nach weiland Professor Friedrich Ignaz Tausch's Herbarium Florae Bohemicae

Johann Ott, editor
Publication details: 
Prague, 1851

60pp., sm. fol., foed throughout, hinge strain, covers worn, contents complete and mainly good, interleaved throughout with pages used for some annotation, with a form of bookmark throughout (finger index(?)), some annotation (correction/addition) to the text.

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Draper

Henry Lee
Publication details: 

Naturalist (1826-1888). 2pp., 8vo, signs of having been laid down, thanking Draper for "the Japanese book on Birds, commenting on the drawings ("wonderfully instinct with life", "suggestion of movement about their portraits of animals or human beings"). he mentions another Japanese book he has "full of grotesque pantomime figures". He goes on to discuss the "Hippocampus" Draper has given him, asking for further information. He concludes with news about the por health of a mutual friend, W.O. Whiteside ("one of the 'wigwams'"(?)).

Autograph Postcards Signed (x 3)2 initialled, to C.H. Grinling, labour activist

J. Arthur Thomson
Publication details: 
1905 (1), 1918 (2)

Zoologist (1861-1933). Two of the cards say very little. The third is as follows: "'Nature' remains, more or less wisely, on an altitude. Books brought ot the altar will be reviewed. Others won't. If Prof. Carr sends a copy to 'Nature', as surely should have been done on publication, the all-highest Editor may send it to me for review, and for return therafter to the alter (sic). As far as \i know, this is the invariable rule. Of course I shall be glad to call attention to first-rate work." 3 items,

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent

Edward Jesse.
Publication details: 

Writer on natural history. One page, 8vo. He thanks his correspondent for his "interesting pamphlet" and discusses rough drawings of swans he is sending him.

The Language of Field Sports

C.E. Hare
Publication details: 
London, revd ed. 1949

Pp.xvi.276, v.g. in worn dw.

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