[Scottish peer who planted millions of trees: John Murray, 4th Duke of Atholl.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Captn Ross [Rayley?] R. N.’, apparently regarding the sale and transportation of timber.

John Murray (1755-1830), 4th Duke of Atholl, Scottish peer who planted millions of trees by firing seeds from cannon
Publication details: 
‘Dunkeld [Perthshire, Scotland] Novr: 3d 1828’.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-six lines of text, signed ‘Atholl’. Text complete (except for address of recipient), on grubby and worn paper. Folded three times. The letter has been trimmed at the foot, resulting in some loss to the address of the recipient, which appears to read ‘Captn Ross R. N. / 160 New Bond Street’. This is presumably the ‘Rayley, [sic] Captain, R.N. 160, Bond-street’, who in 1832 was listed among the proprietors of shares in London University. The Duke’s handwriting is execrable.

[ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston of Marlborough College, botanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. A. Preston') to J. Ramsay, regarding 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', a subject 'in its infancy'.

T. A. Preston [ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston ] (1833-1905) of Marlborough College, botanist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The College [amended by Preston to 'Green'], Marlborough. 28 May 1881.

12pp., 12mo. On three bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. A long speculation - of great interest in the light of subsequent developments - on 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', beginning with a discussion of 'the case of the Hawthorn'. 'The whole subject', he notes, 'at present is in its infancy and there are so many varied questions for wh. we seek answers that at present I do not think we can state any certain conclusions. | Botanically, the constitution of each species is an interesting source of investigation.

[Printed newspaper, with halfpenny tax stamp.] Gore's Liverpool General Advertiser.

John Gore, proprietor of Gore's Liverpool General Advertiser [John Blackburne (1754-1833) of Hale Hall, near Liverpool, and Orford Hall, Warrington, Member of Parliament for Lancashire, 1784-1830]
Publication details: 
['Advertisements taken in by J. Gore, Castle-Street, Liverpool'.] No. 1260. - Vol. XXV. Thursday, February 18, 1790. Price Three Pence Halfpenny.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. Complete, on aged and worn paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Braybrooke') from Richard Griffin, Baron Braybrooke, politician and editor of Pepys's diary, to Rev. John Stevens Henslow, Cambridge Professor of Botany, discussing Lord Grenville's tree book and Dr Clarke's mulberry tree.

Richard Griffin [formerly Neville], 3rd Baron Braybrooke (1783-1858), Whig politician and first editor of Samuel Pepys's diary [Rev. John Stevens Henslow (1796-1861), Professor of Botany at Cambridge]
Publication details: 
'A[udley] E[nd]'. 1 January [1832].

3 pp, 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of stub adhering to the blank reverse of second leaf. The year 1832 has been added in pencil in a contemporary hand. The letter is on paper watermarked 1831. Docketed at head 'Braybrooke Ld.' He begins by informing Henslow that Lord Grenville has lent him 'the Book in which his Notes upon the growth of Trees, during many years, had been made. He assures me that nothing worth your notice will be found among the MS remarks, but I am not of that opinion.

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