Sir Michael Redgrave [Sir Michael Scudamore] (1908-1985), English actor and head of theatrical family dynasty
Publication details:
25 March [1944]. Garrick Theatre W.C.2. [London]. On his letterhead.
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Eighteen lines, closely written. On creased grey paper, with short closed tear at edge of central crease. The year 1944 has been added in another hand. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Macdermid’ and signed ‘Michael Redgrave’. He is grateful to him for the suggestion that he ‘should be an Hon. Associate Member of your Club, to which I wish every success’, but feels ‘rather strongly that I must not put my name to anything more than I can actively take part in - even if activity is confined to letter writing etc.