[?Bazaar of Nations?, Ealing Town Hall, London, 1920.] Printed ?Book of the Bazaar?, ?Complete Guide to Bazaar, containing a Detailed Account of the Stalls, Entertainments, Side Shows, also Names of Stall Holders, Helpers, &c.?
A nice piece of Ealing ephemera, and scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat or JISC. 48pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey wraps, with heavily-inked cover illustration by Joan Murrell, depicting six figures from various nations (Japanese geisha in the middle), beneath bunting of five flags with Union Flag in centre, and with 'BAZAAR OF NATIONS' at head. Title page reads: ?Book of the Bazaar / held at the / Ealing Town Hall, / Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, / June 8th, 9th, 10th / 1920. / Complete Guide to Bazaar, containing a Detailed Account of the Stalls, Entertainments, Side Shows, also Names of Stall Holders, Helpers, &c. / PRICE . ONE SHILLING.? The 48pp of text have become detached from the wraps as a result of the rusting of the staples; apart from rust staining, they are in fair condition, lightly discoloured and worn, in wraps with slight wear at extremities. On the reverse of the title page is a photograph of the organizer, ?Rev. A. C. BUCKELL, M.A.? Facing this is a ?List of Patrons? of the ?Bazaar of Nations?. On the reverse of the list is a photograph of ?Rev. L. T. S. BARRETT?, facing which is the ?Daily Programme?, with a photograph of ?Rev. J. G. T. FIRTH? on the reverse. P.7 carries an explanation of ?The Object of the Bazaar?. This consists of raising money for the payment of a debt for the parish hall, and payment for repairs to the hall and to the clergy house. The pamphlet mostly consists of advertisements, but among the features are poems, including a full-page one by ?T. P. Cope-Proctor, Ealing?. Details of the sixteen stalls are given, each of the first fifteen representing a country, from England to the U.S.A. (no Germany); also details of the opening ceremony and pageant. See Image.