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Author, Title, Summary | Subject | Price | |
Sterling Heilig (1864-1928) of Philadelphia, American author, journalist and war correspondent [Fleet Street journalism; fin-de-siècle] 1p, 4to. On leaf of aged, worn and creased cartridge paper. Addressed to 'A. T. Q. C., | Care of The Editor of | The Speaker, 115, Fleet Street, E.C., London.' An interesting letter, touching on English and American journalistic practice, 'sensational' copy, plagiarism and fin-de-siècle Paris.... |
£180.00 | ||
Terence Rogers Tiller (1916-1987), poet and BBC radio producer, born in Cornwall, educated at Cambridge Tiller's entry in the Oxford DNB explains the background to this poem. In 1939 he 'went to Cairo to teach English literature and history at Fuad I University. During the Second World War he became closely associated with the group surrounding Personal Landscape, a review in the Middle East that... |
£220.00 | ||
Bishop of Chichester [John Buckner] Three pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, dusty but good condition. He requests Dr Swabey's opinion of some points of ecclesiastical law, as follows: "Can the dignitaries of a Cathedral, who are bound by their stautes to 3 months attendance there; and by the old Law obliged to retire for the remainder of... |
£450.00 | ||
Carlyle Bell (c.1779-1850), Conjunct-Clerk [joint town clerk] of the the City of Edinburgh [Great Reform Act, 1832] A nice piece of Edinburgh historical ephemera. See the entry on George Berry (1795-c.1874), the first man to register to vote there following the passing the Great Reform Act, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1874-1875, where he is described as 'an enthusiastic "Free Trader... |
History | £250.00 | |
Percy Nash (1869-1958), film director; his nephew the Bournemouth artist and cartoonist Eustace Nash (1886-1969) An interesting period piece. Two synopses of Percy Nash's review 'The Charm', the second dated by him to 1951, and with reference to the nationalisation of the coal industry. Together with the typescript of a song from the play about the 'Man of Might' Winston Churchill, and the Labour Party,... |
£250.00 | ||
Princess Catherine Dolgorukova (1847-1922), long-time mistress of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and later given the title Princess Yurievskaya Card, 13 x 10cm, text on both sides, card with attractive coloured and embossed royal insignia. "Permettez-moi de vous dire combien je suis touchee de votre don genereux d'un tableau, [?] par vous-meme qhe vous verrez de m'envoyer pour l'hopital russe. | Il est bien joli et nous tacherons de le... |
History | £450.00 |
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The Baroness de Feuchères [ Sophie Dawes (c. 1795–1840), Baronne (Baroness) de Feuchères by marriage, an English "adventuress" best known as a mistress of Louis Henry II, Prince of Condé] One page, 8vo, bifolium, good condition. From the celebrated manuscript collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton). Text: "The Baroness de Feucheres presents her compliments to Mr Wesmacott, and has much pleasure in sending a Snuff Box which Capt. Manby said she might venture to... |
£350.00 | ||
'Coquelin aîné' [Constant Coquelin; Benoît-Constant Coquelin] (1841-1909) of the Comédie Française, one of the greatest French actors of the nineteenth century 1p, 16mo. In good condition. He begins by telling her that he will not be travelling anywhere that summer for work, but that he may go and rest at Aix, 'et voilà tout'. He continues: 'On m'a dit que vous etiez charmante dans Andrea, mon premier soir de liberté sera pour vous aller voir... |
£50.00 | ||
'Coquelin cadet' [Ernest Alexandre Honoré Coquelin] (1848-1909), French actor, brother of 'Coquelin aîné' [Benoît-Constant Coquelin, known as Constant Coquelin] (1841-1909) of the Comédie Française 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. 'Alice' will be 'charmante' if she can let him know when he can see her 'chez vous'. 'Je voudrais vous parler de l'affaire de Deauville pour laquelle Plumkett [sic] a écrit à mon frère.' He asks again to be sent 'un mot' telling him when he... |
£50.00 | ||
Jean-François Raffaëlli (1850-1924), French realist painter, sculptor, and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists, admired by Huysmans and Degas 1p, 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded once. The female recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'Chère Mademoiselle, | J'ai recu votre aimable lettre, et, demain Lundi, j'aurai le plaisir de rendre visite à vos amis Mr. & Mme. Palmer, au "Grand Hotel" à 6... |
£90.00 |