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Author, Title, Summary | Subject | Price | |
Mary Taylor Zimbalist (1915-2008), actress, socialite, fashion model, activist and disciple of Krishnamurti, wife of film producer Sam Zimbalist (1901-1958) [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright] A total of twenty-eight items of correspondence, comprising: nineteen Autograph Letters Signed (two on the backs of cards), two Typed Letters Signed, and seven Autograph Cards Signed. In good condition. All signed 'Mary', and the large part addressed to 'Christopher', with a few to 'Kit' and one... |
Social history, Women | £650.00 | |
General Sir Robert Gardiner (1781-1864) of the Royal Artillery, Master Gunner, St James’s Park [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew (1791-1865), doctor, antiquary and Egyptologist] See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with Pettigrew’s. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. Reads: ‘Sir Robert Gardiner presents his compliments to Mr Pettigrew - / He begs Mr Pettigrew will forgive his taking the liberty of asking whether he is acquainted with General Anderson, and if so, he... |
£45.00 | ||
William Johnstone (c.1819-1874), General Merchant, Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ]; William Bayles; Henry Burge; Westgarth, Ross & Co.; Lewis Cohen; Du Croz, Nichols & Co.; Moses Moss See William Johnstone's obituary in the Illustrated Tasmanian News, May 1874. He was born in England and left Somerset for Van Diemen's Land in 1841. He set up in business the following year in Launceston, which had been founded in 1806, and is said to be the third oldest colonial settlement in... |
History | £450.00 | |
Nathaniel Pigot [ Nathanie Pigott ] (bap. 1661, d.1737), Roman Catholic lawyer. friend of the poet Alexander Pope [ Thomas Hunsdon ] For information on Nathaniel Pigott (so spelt), see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Pigott was a friend and adviser of Alexander Pope, who composed the inscription on his memorial tablet. 3pp., folio. Bifolium, on watermarked laid paper, folded into the customary packet, with 'Mr. Hunsdon's Case'... |
Law | £180.00 | |
Panapakkam Anandacharlu [ P. Anunda Charlu; P. Ananda Charlu ] (1843-1908), advocate, founder-member of the Indian National Congress [ Sir John David Rees (1854-1922), colonial administrator ] 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight glue staining on blank reverse of first leaf. The letter begins: 'My dear Mr Rees. | I beg to congratulate you & myself on your elevation to a membership of the Viceregal Legislative Council – you on your well-earned... |
£180.00 | ||
R. C. K. Ensor [ Sir Robert Charles Kirkwood Ensor ] (1877-1958), journalist, historian, poet and liberal intellectual [ Oxford University Fabian Society ] 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper.Reads: 'Dear Sir | The 19th May is out of it; becase it falls in Eights Week, which is an impossible time for any sober event – college concerts & dances per evening, with a vista of importunate relatives behind. | Fir the rest, the 26th is... |
£45.00 | ||
Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847-1935), composer and conductor; John Mackenzie Rogan (1855-1932), Director of Music, Coldstream Guards [ Herman Finck (1872-1939); Pagani's Restaurant, London ] Attractive menu, printed in black and gold, on card bifolium, folding into two 8 x 17 cm. panels, partly detached. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Calligraphic design, with 'Pagani's' printed in gilt on the cover, and the menu itself on the recto of the second leaf, facing some... |
£120.00 | ||
Sir Frederick Flood (1741-1824), Irish lawyer and politician 2pp., 4to. Closely written, with forty-three lines of text, in a somewhat difficult hand. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper with closed tear and creasing at head of leaf. The letter is written to a relation, after Flood has been shown a letter by 'yr Cousin, L[ad]y Flood', in which the... |
£150.00 | ||
G.F. Watts [George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904) painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.] One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. Dear Baroness | I will send the picture as you dsire & shall be ready to finish Miss de Rothschild when convenient to her to sit.Note: a. A particularly significant portrait was of the 23 year old Hannah de Rothschild painted in 1874, four years... |
Art and Architecture | £250.00 | |
Sir John Hall (1779-1861), consul, Secretary to the St. Katherine Dock Company, London [ Charles Greville [ Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville ] (1794-1865), Clerk of the Council and diarist ] 1p., folio. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with chips and loss along edges repaired with archival tape, and repairs to Hall's signature. Some biographical information in a light contemporary hand at head. The document reads: 'Sir, | I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your... |
£120.00 |