Letter Signed "Dr. Wilken" (text in copperpalte secretarial hand), to an unnamed correspondent (Aylmer Bourke Lambert?), asking for a copy of his book on The Genus Pines
One page, 4to, with backing paper, small loss at one corner, faint foxing, small closed tear, sl. ruckled in parts, mainly good, with text complete and legible. "The royal library of Berlin being very complete in the litterature [sic] of botany, wants yet the valuable and beautiful work by which you have explained andf illustrated the nature and characters of the genus of pines; and by the acquisition of which I desire very much to add a new and important ornament to our extensive collection. I take therefore the liberty to address to \Your Selves the most humble petition that you will have the kindness to favour the royal library with a copy of this splendid and most celebrated work. For the case you will grant my petition I beg that you will make deliver the copy to tMrs. Harding & Lep[ard/: 4 Pall Mall East London/ and fix the price which I shall take care to make pay without retardation to the person you will design [sic]. | Hoping that [...][...]" Signed "Dr. Wilken first librarian of His Prussina Majesty". "A Description of the Genus Pinus, Illustrated with Figures ; ... Also Descriptions of Many Other New Species of the Family of Coniferae", by Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1824)