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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Michael Davitt (1846-1906), Irish republican and agrarian campaigner, founder of the Irish National Land League, Member of the British Parliament [Irish Republican Brotherhood; Home Rule; Fenians]

[Michael Davitt, Irish republican politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Michael Davitt.') to W. M. Knox, regarding his 'direction' of the forthcoming newspaper 'Labour World'.

The present letter relates to the founding by Davitt – who inspired Mahatma Gandhi – of the newspaper 'Labour World', in which he was an early promoter of the British Labour Party. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. The reverse of the second leaf carries...

History £200.00
Thomas Hood (1799-1845), English poet, author of 'The Song of the Shirt' and 'The Bridge of Sighs', member of John Scott's 'London Magazine' circle

[Thomas Hood, English poet.] Autograph Signature on valediction cut from letter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Rectangle of paper, evidently cut from a letter for an autograph hunter. Reads: ‘Yours truly / Tom Hood’. See image.

Literature £25.00 Hood
W. Harrison Ainsworth [William Harrison Ainsworth] (1805-1882), Victorian historical novelist and close friend of Charles Dickens

[William Harrison Ainsworth, Victorian historical novelist and close friend of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting ‘Mrs Barlow’ and her husband ‘Mr. Fred. Barlow’ to dinner on his daughters’ return.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Signed ‘W Harrison Ainsworth’. Signed ‘W Harrison Ainsworth’ and reads: ‘Dear Mrs Barlow / My Daughters return on the 30th. May[.] I therefore hope to have the pleasure of seeing you and Mr. Barlow at...

Literature £45.00 Ainsworth
Andrew Duncan, the elder (1744-1828), Scottish physician and Professor at Edinburgh University, joint founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh [Samuel Parkes (1761-1825), eminent chemist]

[Andrew Duncan, the elder, Scottish physician and Professor at Edinburgh University.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Duncan Sen.') to 'Samuel Parks', i.e. the chemist Samuel Parkes, regarding the discourse he delivered at an award to Parkes.

For the recipient Samuel Parks, internationally-renowned chemist and member of twenty-one learned societies, see his entry in the Oxford DNB, which explains his presence in Edinburgh at the time of the letter by explaining that it was during a visit to the city in June 1825 that Parkes 'was...

David Daniel Davis (1777-1841), Physician Accoucher at the Queen Charlotte Lying-in Hospital; attended at birth of Queen Victoria; Professor in Midwifery, University of London [Cadell & Davies]

[David Daniel Davis, Professor in Midwifery at the University of London, who attended at the birth of Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('D D Davis') to his publishers Cadell & Davies, about his translation of Pibel's 'Treatise on Insanity'.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed, with Sheffield postmark, to 'Messrs Cadell & Davies | Booksellers | Strand | London'. Folded several times. He begins by reporting the...

Edward Jesse [ (1780–1868), writer on natural history].

[ Edward Jesse ] Autograph Note Signed Ed Jesse to My dear Professor [not named], inviting him to dine with General Jones [...] head of the Rifles as the other guest.

One page, fold marks, very good condition. Would he dine with us next Thursday at 7 o'clock, to meet Genl Jones who distinguished himself so much in India [during the Indian Mutiny presumably] at the head of the Rifles. I have asked [?] shall play at [Cheat?] or Whist.

John Bunnell Davis (1777-1824), physician, founder in 1816 of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women], London

[John Bunnell Davis, physician, founder of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno B Davis M D') [to the trustees], tendering in odd terms his resignation from the 'valuable Institution'.

For Davis see Munk's Roll, the Gentleman's Magazine for January 1825, and I. S. L. Loudon's paper 'John Bunnell Davis and the Universal Dispensary for Children' (BMJ, 5 May 1979). The Universal Dispensary for Children, founded by Davis in 1816 and open to the under-twelves, was as Loudon points...

Admiral Peter Rainier (1741–1808) , "Vice Admiral of the Blue and Commander in Chief of HIs Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the East Indies." [Jas [Bonnard]; Joseph Corbyn; [W?] Briggs; Jn Wheatay

[Admiral Peter Rainier; "Boatswain's stores" ] Document Signed 'Peter Rainier' "To The Masters of His Majesty's Ships Victorious Intrepid Leopard and Alabatross or any three of them | By Command of the Commander in Chief | Fredk Hawke | pro secrs."

Four pages, folio, bifolium, leaves partly separated, sl. grubby, text clear and complete. Rainier states that he has been informed by letter by Captrain Charles Adam of "La Sybille" that "a quantity of sails and other boatswains stores [...] which are worn out, rotten, decayed and totally...

Military and Naval History £350.00
Malcolm Flemyng (c.1700-1764), Scottish physiologist and medical author [John Nourse (1705-1780), London scientific bookseller and publisher; William Hunter (1718-1783), anatomist]

[Malcolm Flemyng, Scottish physiologist and medical author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Malcolm Flemyng') [to his London publisher John Nourse], ordering books, discussing his 'Lectures', and requesting news of a 'Discovery' by William Hunter.

The recipient of the present letter is not named, but it is the scientific bookseller and publisher John Nourse (1705-1780), who the following year would published the 'Lectures' referred to in the letter: 'An Introduction to Physiology, being A Course of Lectures upon The most important Parts...

Robert Gooch (1784-1830), physician, obstetrician, Librarian to George IV, friend of poet laureate Robert Southey

[Robert Gooch, physician, obstetrician and Librarian to George IV.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt Gooch'), inviting the recipient to his house to talk 'for an hour or two about Yarmouth news'.

1p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the second leaf, which has been cut down the middle vertically, resulting in loss to one of the two postmarks, as well as to Gooch's addressing of the letter: '[...]ent Esqre | […] Webb...
