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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator

Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') to John Grant, presumably the bookseller.

12mo: 1 p. On discoloured paper, ruckled and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. He is returning 'the account of the Burns Volume' which accompanied his correspondent's letter of 8 October. 'It does not suit me to purchase it, as I have already other & more important...

Book Trade History, Literature £45.00
George Boyle, 4th Earl of Glasgow [Lord Glasgow] (1766-1843), Scottish peer, successively Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, Rector of University of Glasgow [Princess Charlotte Augusta]

[George Boyle, 4th Earl of Glasgow.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Glasgow'), as Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, transmitting the condolences of 'the Co: of Renfrew - and Paisley' on the death of heir to the throne Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded several times. Endorsed on reverse of second leaf: 'Transmitting two Addresses of Condolence from the Co: of Renfrew - and Paisley -'. Reads: 'My Lord | I am directed by a Meeting of The Noblemen, Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, &...

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator

Photographic portrait by J. E. Mayall of Brighton and New Bond Street.

Dimensions of photograph 9 x 5.5 cm. Good sepia image, on backing card with Mayall's details printed in red at foot. Reverse of card mostly covered with remains of previous cream paper mount. This image does not feature among the three portraits of Martin listed in the National Portrait Gallery'...

Literature £35.00
Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') [to an autograph dealer?].

One page, 12mo. Good, though a little grubby at the right-hand margin, and with the name of the recipient neatly torn away at foot. 'Dear Sir | Neither Lady Martin nor myself feel any interest in any letters of ours, which may have come into your hands.'

Literature £50.00
Sir Thomas Brock

Autograph letter signed to Captain McFall,

Sculptor (1847-1922). 3 pp, 12mo, on mourning paper. "I have just returned from a short stay in the Country and find your letter of the 29th ult With regard to the proposed Statuette in silver I need scarcely say I shall have much pleasure in assisting you in any way I can. / Your letter however...

Art and Architecture £45.00
Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall (1784-1848), Deputy Lieutenant of Moray and Haddington, Scottish writer and academic

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Dick Lauder') to William Mitchell of Parsons Green.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. 61 lines of text; clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having recovered from 'the surprise which I received from the communication made to me today by our mutual friend Sir James Gibson Craig', his 'first idea was to go directly to Parsons Green to give full vent to my...

History £75.00
Sir Thomas Frankland.

Two autograph Documents in Frankland's hand, one initialled "T.F." addressed to "Mr Chas Walker"

M.P. for Thirsk, d. 1831. Document A, two page, 4to, chipped, one hole, with marginal textual loss, headed "York Courant / Tuesday Aug. 23d 1785 / City of York", measures taken against "Highwaymen, Housebreakers, Pickpockets, Horse--stealers, Common Thieve, Cheats, Sharpers, and other offenders...

Social history £200.00
Katharine Parry Collins [Katharine Kate Parry Frye born Katherine Parry Collins (1878 –1959) actress, diarist and suffragist.]

[ Katharine Parry Collins; women's suffrage; authorial inscription and annotation throughout ] Two Homemade Booklets in typescript (very short plays)

Two booklets, blank paper wraps, stapled. [One] 4pp., obl. 8vo, inscription front cover as above, numerous stage directions, additions and corrections in the author's hand, sl. foxed, entitled Prologue. | Time is Here, dialogue involving Young Time and Old Time, discussing the past and present (...

Sir Thomas Hungerford Holdich (1843-1929), English geographer, President of the Royal Geographical Society

Forty-eight Autograph Letters Signed, and one Autograph Card Signed (all 'T. H. Holdich') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts. With two letters written on his behalf and two enclosures.

The fifty-two items (in various formats) are in very good condition. Texts clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper. A cordial correspondence regarding the business of the Society, Holdich's close association with which is not noted in his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 21 February 1917 Holdich...

Sir Thomas J. Lipton

Autograph fragment signed,

Grocer and yachtsman (1850-1931). One page, 3 inches by 4 1/2. "Yrs faithfully / Thomas J Lipton". Slightly foxed. Attached to a page from an autograph album docketted with a biographical notice.
