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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Robert Liston (1742-1836), Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States [William Jerdan (1782-1869), editor of ‘The Literary Gazette’; Freemasonry]

[Sir Robert Liston, Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States.] Autograph Note Signed to William Jerdan ('My Dear old Boy'), editor of the Literary Gazette, agreeing to come to 'the free masons'.

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Jany 30. / My Dear old Boy / Ill come on Thursday with great pleasure to the free masons / Yrs faithfully / Robt Liston / W. Jerdan Esq’.

Sir Walter Elliot (1803-1887), Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company functionary [Reinhold Rost (1822-1896), German orientalist in England]

Sir Walter Elliot, Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company servant.] Autograph Letter Signed to the German orientalist Reinhold Rost, regarding books he donated to ‘the Library’, needing a ‘Pandit’ to read them.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to ‘R. Rost Esq Ph.D’ and ‘Dear Dr Rost’, and signed ‘Walter Elliot’. He thanks him for taking the trouble to ‘hunt out the books. I gave a large number in 1866 & some in subsequent years but it is difficult to recal [sic] to...

J.Y. Simpson [Sir James Young Simpson, (1811 – 1870), Scottish obstetrician and a significant figure in the history of medicine (chloroform)].

[James Young Simpson; chloroform as anaesthetic] Autograph Note Signed J Y Simpson to unnnamed [medical] correspondent (Dear Dr.) about meeting.

One page, c.11 x 13cm, apparently trimmed, staining (perhaps glue from previous laying down?), text clear and apparently complete. Text: please call here (12[ ...?]) - as I cannot escape at present. See Image.

John Mitford (1781-1859), cleric and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine [The British Museum, London]

[John Mitford, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed, giving permission to print verses, and discussing an individual ('Lang') who was 'very unfit for the British Museum'.

See Mitford's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 32mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete on somewhat grubby and worn paper. The recipient (‘My dear Sir’) is not named, and the letter is signed ‘JMitford’. Closely written, with the result that a few word are difficult to decipher, unfortunately...

William Smith O'Brien [Liam Mac Gabhann Ó Briain] (1803-64), Irish nationalist Member of British Parliament, a leader of Young Ireland movement, convicted of sedition and deported to Van Diemen's Land

[William Smith O'Brien, Irish nationalist, a leader of the Young Ireland movement, deported to Van Diemen's Land by the British.] Autograph Signature and valediction on part of a letter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 8 x 4.5 cm, cut from a letter. In fair condition, on lightly aged and discoloured paper, with several vertical postage folds. On one side good clear signature and valediction: ‘I remain, dear Sir / Faithfully Yours / William S OBrien’. On...

History £30.00 William S OBrien
William Thompson (1793-1854), Lord Mayor of London, 1828-9, ironmaster, financier and Member of Parliament [Theodore Hook (1788-1841), writer and hoaxer; John Wilson Croker; Sir Henry Blackwood]

[The Lord Mayor of London plans a ‘cockney expedition’: William Thompson, Lord Mayor of London, 1828-9.] Autograph Letter Signed to Theodore Hook, describing the itinerary of the three-day ‘excursion to the Medway’.

An excellent slice of Georgian London history. See his entry, and Hook’s, in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Fifty-five lines of text. On bifolium. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-worn paper, with closed tear at foot of gutter. Also present is a typed transcript. The letter concerns a...

William Walker Stephens of Leith and Einburgh, Scottish merchant, mechanic and inventor

[William Walker Stephens, Edinburgh merchant and inventor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Frederic Harrison, presenting a copy of his book ‘Higher Life for Working People’, intended to counter ‘revolutionary “Socialism”’ and ‘Social mal-adjustments’.

See Harrison's entry in the Oxford DNB. Previous to the appearance in 1899 of ‘Higher Life for Working People’ Stephens had published a life of Turgot in 1895. Both appeared with the long-established London publishers Longmans. He was sole trustee of the soap manufacturers William Taylor &...

John Timbs (1801-1875), antiquary and author

[John Timbs, antiquary and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Hogg', complaining of poor health and asking him to write prescriptions for him and his 'poor friend Bates'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of mount adhering to one edge. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Hogg’ and with good firm signature ‘John Timbs.’ Since the previous Tuesday he has been ‘laid up again’ with ‘...

Joseph Knight (1829-1907), English theatre historian and drama critic with the Literary Gazette, Athenaeum, Sunday Times, Globe and Daily Graphic

[Joseph Knight, drama critic and theatre historian.] Autograph Letter Signed to a bookseller, discussing purchases from a catalogue.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Recipient not named (addressed to 'Dear Sir'). Signed 'Joseph Knight' and neatly written. He is sending the 'cheque as promised', and asks whether a book was 'a very nice copy', since he was 'disposed to order...

Lady Dufferin [(1843?1936), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava], Vicereine of India, wife of Frederic, 1st Marquis, Viceroy of India.

[Lady Dufferin [Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava], Vicereine of India; Emily Faithfull] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Faithful', regarding her celebrated fund to provide medical care for the women of India.

See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. Hers states: 'most memorably used her energies to found the National Association for Supplying Female Medical Aid to the Women of India, often known as the Countess of Dufferin Fund, in 1885.' 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper....
