[ Anonymous printed item, in French. ] Le Rhin et la Vistule.
16pp., 8vo. In yellow printed wraps. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn wraps becoming detached from one another and the pamphlet. Part of stamp to one corner at reverse of title. Regarding Germany and the political situation in Europe. Begins: 'L'Allemagne est inquiète. Les agitations du "National-verein," les souscriptions ouvertes pour constituer une force maritime, le conférences de Wurtzbourg, les discours au parlement de Berlin, le langage - clair sur ce point - des principaux journaux de la Confédération, sont autant d'indices auxquels on ne saurait se méprendre et dont il serait puéril de discuter la valeur.' The author's conclusion is that Germany's unease is unfounded, as it has nothing to fear from France. Thirteen copies on OCLC WorldCat (where it is attributed), but now scarce.