[Arthur Hinsley, Catholic Prelate] Autograph Card Signed A Hinsley to Douglas, blessing his and displaying discomfort at being In Rome (no place of peace and rest), longing to return to Africa.
Two sides of card with printed heading as above, 13 x 10cm, sl. crumpled but text clear and complete. Many hearty thanks for your kind letter of Dec. 20th and for all your kind wishes. May God bless you and all yours during the New Year and for all the years to come and for all Eternity. I am so overwhelmed with work annd so full of cold I have not been able to answer half my letters. Rome is no place of peace and rest for me. I shall have to get back to Africa as soon as I can. Give my love and my blessing to all the tender Olive shoots. How I wish I could see them. My best love to dear Little Mother. How sorry I am to hear of the dread accident. But I am glad to know she is mending. Best of the best to the best bundle I know. [...]. See image.