[Augustus Austen Leigh, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge.] Autograph Signature and valediction cut from letter, with fragment of testimonial to unnamed individual.
Augustus Austen Leigh (1840-1905), Provost of King’s College, Cambridge, and President of Cambridge University Cricket Club
Publication details:
Without date [but 1889 or after] or place [Cambridge?]
SKU: 24451
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a valediction cut from a letter, clearly provided for an autograph hunter. On small rectangle of paper. Neatly written and in good condition. Reads: ‘A Austen Leigh / Provost of King’s / College, Cambridge / July 13, 1890’. Text on reverse (part of testimonial) reads: ‘[...] degree in 1889, being placed in the first division of the Second class of the Classical Tripos. He has always borne a high character; and his abilities, morals & manners [...]’.