[H. W. Nevinson, campaigning journalist.] Circular Typed Letter, with facsimile signature, appealing for support for the National Council for Civil Liberties.
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. A very good facsimile of a typed letter, with the main text in black, some in red and the facsimile signature 'Henry W. Nevinson' in light blue. Names of Nevinson as President, E. M. Forster as Past-President, and dozens of Vice-Presidents in left-hand margin, including Aldous Huxley, A. A. Milne, J. B. Priestley, H. G. Wells and Rebecca West. Addressed to 'Dear Sir', the letter sets out the history of the organization, appealing for 'support for its activities'. In sending a copy of its monthly journal 'the Council makes an appeal not only because it stands for all those things upon which we, as a free people, pride ourselves but also because it is a live energetic body and shows practical results'. There is a reference to 'these critical days', and the letter ends by stating that 'it is in your interest to use its services and to see that it is strong and efficient to protect your liberties'.