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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Hunting [Captain Charles Gould; George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge Berkeley; the Lymington Hunt]

Manuscript copies, perhaps in Berkeley's hand, of two letters from Gould to Berkeley, with two of Berkeley's replies.

Berkeley was an author and sportsman [(1800-1881). Six pages, quarto. Good though grubby, and on discoloured paper. Removed from a letter book, and with the letters (all in the same hand) numbered 4 to 7. Concerns a dispute within the Lymington Hunt. LETTER 4: Gould to Berkeley, 27 November 1842...

Hyde Clarke

Autograph letter signed to "Dr Rost "(Ger.-Eng. orientalist)

Philologist and anthropologist. One page, 8vo. He expresses his appreication of Rost's "portrait" of (the recently deceased) Dr Burnell (Sanskrit scholar). It is a memorial which make sus mourn the more in knowing how much we lost".


Autograph Letter with illegible signature, to 'Frederick'

1 page, 16mo. Creased and discoloured, with holes and loss caused by pin, and with strip at foot loose and neatly reattached with archival tape. Stamped in blue 'HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT | 28 SEP. 1903'. Reads 'Dear Frederick | I see by the paper on Labuan sent over here that you have had a chart...

Music and Theatre £25.00
Iain Hamilton (1922-2000), Scottish composer, chairman of the 'Music Today' contemporary music programmes, held in the Royal Festival Hall Recital Room [Samuel Beckett]

Small collection of material relating to 'Music Today', comprising two advertisements, the programme for the inaugural concert, and a Typed Letter Signed from Hamilton to V. W. A. Conn, with the autograph draft of Conn's letter to Hamilton.

For more information relating to this influential series of concerts, see 'Pursuit: The Uncensored Memoirs of John Calder' (2001). Seven items, including two duplicates. Text of all items clear and complete. In fair condition, but with one side of a duplicate advertisement heavily sunned (see...

Music and Theatre £165.00
Ian Hay.

Autograph Note Signed to [Maurice] Codner, artist.

Ian Hay Beith, novelist. Two pages, 8vo. He is sending one of his books, "The Lighter Side of School Life" since Codner has expressed a desire to read it. He gives instructions about how he should return it.

Literature £25.00
Ian Hay.

Typed Note Signed to Rev. E.J.F. Davies, autograph-hunter.

Ian Hay Beith, novelist. One page, 8vo. He is sending his autograph "with great pleasure" and apologising for delaying.

Literature £20.00
Ian Rogerson [Albert Rutherston (1881-1953), artist and illustrator; Sir William Rothenstein]

Albert Rutherston: A Catalogue of the Illustrated Books, Periodicals, Pamphlets, Christmas Cards, Pantomimes, Diaries and Almanacks, Pattern Papers, Ornaments and Autographed Letters in the Collections of Manchester Polytechnic Library.

Quarto: ix + 21 pages. Stapled. In original cream wraps, with colour cover illustration by Helen Taylor. Full-page reproduction of drawing of Rutherston by his brother Sir William Rothenstein. Introduction places Rutherston in the tradition of Edward Gordon Craig and Claud Lovat Fraser. Copies...

Art and Architecture £10.00
Ian Wallace (born 1919), English baritone singer connected with Flanders and Swann

Typed Letter Signed to Leslie Bloom of the Gallery First Nighters' Club.

Two pages, on letterhead of roughly 13.5 x 17.5 cms. He has sent a wire accepting the 'kind invitation'. '[A]s you can imagine we are rehearsing all day and every day at the present [...] The only thing thaht could stop me being with you is that we are, I understand, to record the "Fanny" music...

Music and Theatre £18.00
Ian William Beresford Nye

Typed Letter Signed to F. R. McQuown.

Entomologist (1924-), author of the monumental 'Generic names of moths of the world' (6 vols, 1975-91). The recipient is the author of several works on gardening. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition, but creased and with one closed tear and with sellotape stains at head and foot. He thanks his...

Natural History £35.00
Anne de Vere Chamberlain [née Cole] (1883-1967), wife of Conservative Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain [Arthur Neville Chamberlain] (1869-1940), who pursued a policy of appeasement against Hitler

[Anne de Vere Chamberlain, wife of Conservative Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.] Autograph Note Signed ('Anne Chamberlain') to printed notice of thanks for messages of condolence on her husband's death.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Conventionally-presented printed notice, in copperplate with mourning border, with address and date at foot. Reads: 'Mrs. Neville Chamberlain is deeply grateful for the wonderful messages and letters which she has received and she sends you her...
