Thomas DuGard [Dugard, physician to the Shropshire Infirmary, and honorary fellow of the Geological Society].
Paper, 19 x 6cm, all legible but poor condition with staining, one word obscured. Text: (recto) have sent you two spec[imens][rest of line cut off] found in this County - the other a rare [naturla?] product but very plentiful here. | The Actinatus amygdalites is found upon the Caer Caradoc the most conspicuous hill of the Stretton Group & a part of the Wrekin range. It is a [Pista?][it is] green actinolite in a trap or Wachen[?]; [verson] I have the honor to remain with great respect Dr Madam | Your obliged & fathful Servt | Tho. DuGard.