[Chaim Weizmann] Charles Weizmann
Publication details:
Date of Application, 29 Oct., 1915 - Accepted, 6th Mar., 1919
Pp.4 with tipped on erratum slip, 19 x 8cm sm. fol., unbound as issued, good condition. See Image (Erratum slip obscuring main text of P.[1]. Note: Chaim Azriel Weizmann (Chayyim Azri'el Vaytsman, Russian: Khaim Evzorovich Veytsman; 27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Russian-born biochemist, Zionist leader and Israeli statesman who served as president of the Zionist Organization and later as the first president of Israel. [Wikipedia] Scarce: no other copy found (perhaps to be found in official collections).