
Substantial Part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Charles Dolman], Catholic Bookseller/Publisher.

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman]
Publication details: 
No date (but 1853); on letterhead '8 York Place | Portman Square | London W'.

Four pages. 16mo bifoliate. In poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and worn. Traces of previous mounting along top of two central pages, and of stub along one edge, removal of which has caused a small hole (not affecting text). A letter to the publisher of his 'Essays on various subjects' (3 vols, 1853): '<...> sermons, I have "50 Heaven" "Means of salvation" being "49." | Either therefore our lists do not agree, or one of us has made a mistake.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Roman Catholic cardinal-archbishop of Westminster (1802-65). Paper dimensions approximately 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. Grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours sincerely &c | N. Wiseman'.

Autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent

Thomas Keble
Publication details: 

Divine and writer, brother of John Keble (1793-1875). 2pp., 12mo. He thinks it would be as well to prefix a notice to "the Tract on Nupticions(?)", which will be removed when the volume is bound up. He has asked Dr Moberly (Bishop of Salisbury) to reply to a question about the number of copies of "the Poems" (John Keble's?).

Letter Signed to Chevalier Dr Karl de Scherzen

[H] Evans Darby [Peace campiagner]
Publication details: 

(Peace Society (1893)). 2pp., 8vo, H.(?) Evans Darby to the Chevalier Dr Karl de Scherzer, He informs his correspondent that the last “universal Peace Congress” in Chicago decided to invite eminent jurists “to form a Committee for thepurpose of considering the question of an International Court of Arbitration”. As a member of the provisional committee, he has beenasked to prepare a list for this committee for Europe. He invites hiscorrespondent to join it (“I should not think that it would involve muchlabour or responsibility”).

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

J.H. Parker.
Publication details: 
Oxford, 19 Nov. 1836.

Oxford Bookseller and Publisher (1806-1884). Two pages, 8vo, chipped and sl. marked, but text mainly clear. "Sir/ At the requestof Mr. Hill and Mr. Renand I write you a few lines respecting the books you wished to enquire about -on the Articles I send - but it is the most scarce of 's pieces- The Harmony of Confessions is a very [underlined] book.

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