Typed Letter Signed from George Hands, director, Grotrian Steinweg Ltd, to the pianist and teacher Professor Willibald Richter.

George Hands, director, Grotrian Steinweg Ltd, pianofortes and player-pianofortes [Professor Willibald Richter (1860-1929)]
Typed Letter Signed from George Hands, director, Grotrian Steinweg Ltd
Publication details: 
20 January 1925; on letterhead of Grotrian Steinweg Ltd, 40 Great Marlborough St, London.
Typed Letter Signed from George Hands, director, Grotrian Steinweg Ltd

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. He has been 'asked by the firm in Braunschweig' to give his opinion on two questions relating to 'Concave Sharps'. He puts the questions to Richter, adding that the Sharps are 'a special patent of Grotrian Steinweg', adding that Richter will 'see from the enclosed leaflet [not present] the reception they found in the musical circles in Berlin'. He asks Richter for his own opinion.

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