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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882), Scottish physician and toxicologist, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and British Medical Association [John Eddowes Bowman Jnr (1819-1856),

[Sir Robert Christison, distinguished Scottish phyisician and toxicologist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dr. Bowman’ [John Eddowes Bowman Jnr], correcting a statement regarding ‘the subject of the Nitrate of Iron as a remedy for chronic diarrhoea’.

Christison was the author of a standard Victorian textbook of toxicology and founder of a medical dynasty; see his 1885 autobiography and his entry in the Oxford DNB (the latter also contains an entry for Bowman). 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice, with small closed tear...

Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873) [Dr. Frederick Foster Hervey Quin (1799-1878), homeopathic doctor]

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready, to homeopathist Dr F. F. H. Quin.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C F Macready') inviting Quin to dinner, with signed postscript requesting 'Powders' for her 'Nose & Legs'.

2pp, 16mo. Bifolium, with the letter on the recto of the first leaf, and a long postscript on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged, folded twice. A friend of Charles Dickens and his circle, and physician to Queen Victoria's uncle Prince Leopold, Quin founded the London...

[Cave exploration in Ireland; Irish potholing]

[Irish potholing.] Anonymous printed document titled ‘Cave Exploration in Ireland’, giving ‘a general indication of the cave areas of Ireland’.

3 pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Central horizontal fold. Each page on a separate piece of paper, with the three pieces stapled together. In small print (not typed). First page headed ‘CAVE EXPLORATION IN IRELAND’, and beginning ‘The limestone area of Ireland contains...

Comte de Volney [Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney] (1757-1820), radical French politician and friend of Thomas Jefferson

[Constantin François, Comte de Volney.] Autograph Note in the third person, 'au Ministre du tresor public', presenting a copy of his 'Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis'.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. On bifolium with stub from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Neatly written and reading: 'Le Senateur Volney a l'honneur d'offrir au Ministre du tresor public, comme a l'un des juges les plus competens et les plus Eclairés l'examplaire ci-joint de...

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), celebrated caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), inventor, pioneer of the submarine telegraph]

[George Cruikshank, celebrated caricaturist, on Sir Charles Wheatstone and the 'Submarine Telegraph'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe Cruikshank') to C. Le Motte, describing Wheatstone's attempts to 'lay a wire across the Thames' and in Swansea.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. With Cruikshank's splendid sprawling signature. Addressed to 'C. Le Motte Esq' and beginning: 'Sir, | Professor Wheatstone did not lay the wire across the Thames as he proposed to do, on account of the “Trawling” in that River and also...

Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), celebrated poet and critic

[Matthew Arnold, poet and educationalist.] Autograph Signature with date.

In very good condition, on 12mo leaf, with light horizontal folds above and below the signature. Clearly written in response to a request for an autograph. Excellent underlined signature, firm and bold, centred on the page, and reading: 'Matthew Arnold. | February 1st, 1868.' Arnold is one of...

Marie Lohr [Marie Löhr] (1890-1875), Australian film and stage actress

[Marie Lohr, Australian film and stage actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Marie Löhr') to 'Miss Johnson'

Postcard with printed stamp. In good condition, on aged paper. Address by her to 'Miss Johnson [identified in pencil as Isa Johnson] | 23 Weltje Road | Hammersmith | London - W'. The card reads: 'My thanks for your letter - I am sorry I did not see you to speak to the other day. I hate leaving...

Algernon Blackwood [Algernon Henry Blackwood] (1869-1951) English ghost writer, one of the most celebrated and prolific in the history of the genre of supernatural fiction [Eileen Lond]

[Algernon Blackwood, celebrated ghost story writer.] Typed Card Signed to ‘Miss Cond’ [autograph collector Eileen Cond], thanking her for a card that has enchanted him.

Blackwood’s entry in the Oxford DNB quotes H. P. Lovecraft’s opinion that he was the author of ‘some of the finest spectral literature of this or any age’. On post card with printed stamp. In good condition, lightly worn, on light-brown card. Addressed to ‘Miss Cond, / Deer Park, / Honiton.’...

Literature £150.00 Blackwood
[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall; Harry Sydney, music hall artiste and songwriter; Charles Dickens and 'Household Words']

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall.] Anonymous Manuscript of the lyrics of two comic songs: 'Balooning [sic]' (inspired by a piece in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words') and Harry Sydney's 'It's just as well to take it in a quiet sort of way'.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On a bifolium of laid paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. The first poem, 'Balooning [sic]', covers both sides of the first leaf. No evidence has been discovered that this poem was ever published, but it is inspired by the exploits of 'Mr. Green' in a humorous essay...

Spenser Wilkinson [Henry Spenser Wilkinson] (1853-1937), military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University [Colonel A. G. A. Durand of the Hunza-Nagar Campaign]

[Spenser Wilkinson, military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Bryan' regarding a meeting with 'Col. [A. G. A.] Durand'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Spenser Wilkinson.’ Begins: ‘Dear Mr. Bryan, / I am glad to hear from you again, for you...
