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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Lady Diana Cooper [née Lady Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Manners] (1892-1986) Viscountess Norwich, actress and memoirist, wife of Duff Cooper, [Admiral Sir William Milbourne James (1881-1973), RN]

[‘I feel a survivor: Winston should be dead’: Lady Diana Cooper, society beauty, actress and memoirist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My dear admiral’ (Sir William Milbourne James), regarding their books, people and the past.

Written with the charm for which she was renowned. See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to, on two leaves of cartridge paper. In good condition lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Mostly written in pencil, with good firm signature (‘Yrs / Diana Cooper’) and last few lines in red...

T. Williams, [Hafrenydd] Llanidloes

[ The health of the people of Wales: Victorian medical pamphlet in Welsh. ] Y Cydymaith Teuluaidd, A Chyfarwyddwr I Iechyd; […] Gynghorion Defnyddiol, Amrywiaethol, a Chyffredinol. Gan T. Williams, [Hafrenydd] Llanidloes.

48pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight staining to outer leaves. A guide to health for the common people, with remedies. Written in Welsh, with a scattering of words in English. Williams is described on the title-page as 'Awdwr Y “...

William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments [ i.e Chief Clerk of the House of Lords ], 1716-1740, uncle of the poet William Cowper (1731-1800) and son of the judge Spencer Cowper (1670-1728)

[ Stationery for the Georgian House of Lords: William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments ] Manuscript Receipt, Signed twice by 'Wm Cowper', of stationery 'Delivered for His Majestys Service to The Honble. Wm. Cowper Esqre. Clerk to The House of Peers'.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On a single leaf of laid paper (with crown 'G R' watermark), signed at the foot of each page 'Wm Cowper'. Entries dating from 30 June to 2 August 1737. Around fifty items of stationery, placed together in twelve groups, the twelve totals...

Sir George Clausen (1852-1944), RA, English artist of Danish extraction [ E. V. Lucas [ Edward Verrall Lucas ] (1868-1938), essayist and publisher; Sydney Curnow Vosper (1866-1942), English painter ]

[ Sir George Clausen, RA, to E. V. Lucas. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Clausen') from Clausen to Lucas, a letter of introduction for the artist Curmow Vosper.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition. Clausen is writing to Lucas in the latter's capacity as chairman of the London publishers Methuen & Co., and the letter is a 'note of introduction' for Clausen's 'friend Mr Curnow Vosper, who has written and illustrated a children's book, which he wishes to...

Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Curtis (1746-1816), officer of the Royal Navy, during the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolutionary Wars, who distinguished himself at the Great Siege of Gibraltar

[ Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Curtis, British naval hero. ] Autograph Signature ('Roger Curtis') cut from letter.

On a 1.75 x 4.25 cm rectangle of laid paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged, with paper from mount on reverse. A neat, firm signature, reading 'Roger Curtis'.

Will Owen (1859-1957), English book illustrator associated with W. W. Jacobs, cartoonist, caricaturist and commercial artist making posters for London Underground, creator of the 'Bisto Kids'

[ Will Owen, illustrator of W. W. Jacobs. ] Two unpublished autograph volumes by Owen, the first and last of a three-volume work described by him as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'.

The two volumes constitute the first and last volumes (the middle volume is missing) of a three-volume work described by its author as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'. This unpublished work constitutes a topographical and social narrative, written...

Edward VII (1841-1910), King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India

[ Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India. ] Autograph Signature ('Albert Edward') on part of letter.

On 5.5 x 10 cm. piece of paper cut from the conclusion of a letter. Lightly aged and ruckled, with closed tear repaired on reverse with archival tape. Traces of previous mount on reverse. Reads: 'Believe me, | Yrs [last word underlined] very sincerely | Albert Edward'.

Ljuba Welitsch [ Lyuba Welitsch ] (1913-1996), Bulgarian operatic soprano, who settled in Austria, noted for her performance in the 'Salome' of Peter Brooke

[ Ljuba Welitsch, Bulgarian operatic soprano. ] Christmas card with Autograph Note Signed ('Ljuba' and 'Ljuba and Karl') in English and German.

14 x 11.5 cm Christmas card, with illustration of cherubs singing and message in German on cover. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The message, written in red ink, reads: 'Love and all best wishes for Christmas and New Year, your| Ljuba and Karl' Eleven-word postscript in German, signed...

Victor Silvester [Victor Marlborough Silvester] (1900-1978), British bandleader and ballroom dancer [Harry Nicholl and his Alexandrians; Alexandra Hall, Halifax]

[Victor Silvester, bandleader and ballroom dancer.] Autograph Signature on ‘Souvenir Programme’ for the ‘Grand Empire Day Dance’ at the Alexander Hall, Halifax, with local band 'Harry Nicholl and his Alexandrians' .

On 15 x 11 cm card, with vertical central fold making it into a bifolium with front and back covers, and central text across the opening. In fair condition, a little aged. Perforated outer corner removed from bottom of second leaf, no doubt as proof of use; with slight creasing to first leaf at...

Music and Theatre £25.00 Silvester
Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, Prebendary of St Paul's Cathedral, and Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

[Ernest Hawkins (1802-1868), Canon of Westminster, Prebendary of St Paul's Cathedral, and Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.] Autograph Letter Signed to H. H. Acland

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Acland's name has been scored through in the salutation and after the signature, but is still legible. The letter reads: 'I have discovered my omission - & desire to apologise for it - herewith I send the Bp of London's corrections. | We...
