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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
John Spencer Smith (1769-1845), FRS, British diplomat, politician and writer, President, Société Linnéenne de Normandie; Vice-President, Société des Antiquaires de Normandie; Nérée Boubée (1806-1862),

[ John Spencer Smith, diplomat, politician and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Smith. | president de la Société Linnéenne, vice prés. de celle des Antiqq. de Normandie, &c.'), in French, presenting two of his works to 'Mr. N[érée]. Boubée'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse (with 'R.S.V.P.') to 'Monsieur N. Boubée | correspondant de la société linnéenne de Mormandie | Paris'. (Nérée Boubée, naturalist, Professor at the University of Paris.) He offers him two works: he is the 'compilateur' of...

National Federation of Women's Institutes, London [ Margaret Macnamara; G. Lampson ]

[ National Federation of Women's Institutes. ] Two leaflets: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer' (including contributions by Margaret Macnamara and G. Lampson) and 'Leaflet for Women's Institute Members'.

Both items are 4pp., 8vo, on bifoliums. Both are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both are scarce: the only copy of the first on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC at the British Library, and no other copy of the second traced. ONE: Title: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer.' Leaflet headed '...

Orlando Greenwood (1892-1989), Lancashire artist and creator of London Underground posters [ J. Cuming Walters [ John Cuming Walters ] (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]

[ Orlando Greenwood, Lancashire artist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Greenwood') to J. Cuming Walters, describing his background (having been born 'between Pendle and Boulsworth'), reminiscing on his childhood, and commenting on dialect.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: 8 December 1929. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins by stating that he has read Walters' 'Charm of Lancashire' with great enjoyment, and considers it one 'of which every Lancashire family and lover of the county should possess a...

'Edward Carrick' [ Edward Craig (1905-1998), art director, author and illustrator, son of Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966) ]

[ 'Edward Carrick', i.e. Edward Craig, art director, author and illustrator. ] Page proofs of his 'Designing for Moving Pictures'.

104pp., 4to. Unbound page proofs. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In worn envelope with printed details of 'The Studio Publications', addressed to 'Edward Carrick, Esq., | G.P.O. Film Unit, | Soho Square, | London, W.C.', amended to '20 Gordon Place', 'W.8.' This was Craig's foremost...

'One of Them' [ i.e. Frederick Braby ] [ Gay and Bird, London publishers ]

[ 'A New Work on Evolution.' ] Prospectus for the second edition of 'Fallen Angels, A Disquisition upon Human Existence - An Attempt to Elucidate some of its Mysteries, especially those of Evil and Suffering.' With printed publicity card.

The work was hugely popular, going through numerous editions between 1894 and 1907. The title is (deliberately) misleading. The work is an exploration of theological rather than biological questions, with the author stating that 'The How, Why, and Wherefore have not received the full amount of...

Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Victorian economist, for whom the Tooke Chair of Economics at King's College London (LSE) was endowed, and after whom Tooke Town, Millwall, was named [Charles Babbage]

[Thomas Tooke, Victorian economist, throws over Charles Babbage for a 'superior attraction'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Tooke') to 'Mrs. Hawes', regarding a dinner invitation, sending three trout caught by his son in the Itchen.

In 1821, along with Ricardo, Malthus, James Mill, and others, Tooke founded the Political Economy Club. Although Carlyle is unlikely to have had him specifically in mind, Tooke is the archetypal 'Professor of the Dismal Science'. 2pp, 18mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice...

Rafael Kubelik [ Rafael Jeroným Kubelík ] (1914-1996), Czech-born conductor and composer.

[ Rafael Kubelik, Czech-born conductor and composer. ] Autograph Signature.

Good firm large signature in blue ink on 13.5 x 18.5 cm leaf of cream paper torn from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads 'Rafael Kubelik | 25.X.37.' No other writing on either side of the leaf.

Sir Alan John Cobham (1894-1973), English aviation pioneer, proprietor of the National Aviation Day Disply ('Cobham's Flying Circus')

[ Sir Alan J. Cobham, English aviation pioneer. ] Circular printed letter in the form of a facsimile of a signed letter by him, thanking the recipient for making 'our Air Display a success'.

Cobham started his National Aviation Day displays (known as "Cobham's Flying Circus") in 1932. These displays were a combination of barnstorming and joyriding by a team of skilled pilots in up to fourteen aircraft, ranging from single-seaters to modern airliners. The show toured the country,...

St John Adcock [ Arthur St. John Adcock ] (1864-1930), poet, novelist and editor of 'The Bookman' [ J. Cuming Walters [ John Cuming Walters ] (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]

[ St John Adcock, journalist, novelist and poet. ] Typed Letter Signed ('St. John Adcock') to J. Cuming Walters, on his health (a year before his death), work as editor of 'The Bookman', 'Collected Poems', and Cuming Walters's 'Charm of Lancashire'.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Cuming Walters, | Forgive me for not writing sooner. The fact is I have been down with influenza and pneumonia for the last three weeks. The worst time of the year for me! After the first week I contrived with...

'An Observer' [Second Battle of Copenhagen, 1807; Bombardment of Copenhagen; Royal Navy; Napoleonic Wars]

[Bombardment of Copenhagen, 1807.] Printed pamphlet: 'An Examination of the Causes which led to the late Expedition against Copenhagen. By an Observer.'

Although ostensibly neutral, Denmark participated was participating in the Continental Blockade, and under heavy pressure from the French and their Russian allies to pledge its fleet to Napoleon. As a consequence a Royal Navy fleet, under Vice-Admiral James Saumarez, bombarded the Copenhagen for...
