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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir George Rose (1782-1873), barrister of the Inner Temple and law reporter [East India Company]

[Sir George Rose.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Rose'), endorsing the 'Pursuit' by an unnamed recipient of a directorship of the East India Company.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. 'Mr. George Rose' in another hand at head. Following a visit by the recipient's son, Rose writes to wish him 'Success in your Pursuit to be chosen a Director of the East India Company on a Vacancy; in which Situation I think you are likely to be useful...

Simon Lane [Oliver Simon Lane] (1957-2012), novelist, playwright, bon viveur and wit

[ Simon Lane, novelist and bon viveur. ] Typescripts of two unpublished plays, the first signed by the author: 'Anagrams' and '"Petipa Dort" or "The Sleeping Princess Revised (again)"'.

In his obituary in the Independent, Lane was described as 'one of those writers whose published oeuvre is only matched by the supreme fiction of their own existence'. The present two pieces, both unpublished, date from his time studying theatre design at Wimbledon Art School, before 'launching...

Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., London publishers [ Anthony Powell (1905-2000), novelist ]

[ Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] A Catalogue of the Books published by Duckworths'.

71pp., 8vo. Stapled in orange printed wraps. Divided into three sections: 'The catalogue arranged under authors', 48pp.; 'Lists of series', 14pp.; and 'Index to titles', 9pp. An interesting range of authors and topics (at the time Anthony Powell was the firm's literary editor), from Harold Acton...

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury (1621-1683), Whig statesman [ Sir Robert Long (1600-1673) ]

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, Whig statesman. ] Document with Autograph Signature ('Shaftesbury') to Sir Robert Long, regarding the payment of an annuity to David Walter, Groom of the Bedchamber.

1p., small 4to. Irregular shaped leaf of paper, aged and worn, laid down on a piece of paper 21 cm. square. Fourteen lines of text in a secretarial hand, regarding the payment of an annuity of £500 to 'David Walter - Esqr. one of the Groomes of his Mats. Bedchambr.' Signed at bottom right by...

History £280.00
Ulla-Brit Edberg (b.1928), Swedish playwright [Kungliga Teatern, Operan; Sveriges Radio.]

[ Ulla-Brit Edberg, Swedish playwright. ] Unpublished typescript of English 'draft of translation' of the play 'Paris - tidig morgon', titled 'Paris - Early Morning'. In two parts.

105pp., 8vo. Duplicated typescript, in two parts, each with title-page, continuously paginated. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The piece, described as a 'musikdramatiskt' (music drama), was produced in 1976 by the Kungliga Teatern, Operan, and in 1977 on the Sveriges Radio. No other...

Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke

[printed item; Library of author, Charles W. Dilke] The Present Position of European Politics

[62]pp., sm. folio, full leather in poor condition, dec. eps, hinge strain, contents mainly good (cheap paper). Presumably bound specially for a Library, this volume being one of several with a provenance in Dilke's Library (items by him, inscribed to him etc). This binding has the same gilt...

'Le Docteur Revel' [ Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, France ]

[ 'Le Docteur Revel' and Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, printed pamphlet in French on asthma. ] L'Asthme et La Poudre du Docteur H. Cléry, Antiasthmatique du Tigré. Par le Docteur Revel.

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. No copy of the present item traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, or in the Bibliothèque Nationale, but WorldCat does record one copy of ''La Vérité sur le remède d'Abyssinie poudre antiasthmatique' by Hugues...

Cassell's, London publishers [ Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., Ludgate Hill; the Boys' Newspaper ]

[ Cassell's, London publishers. ] Printed prospectus for 'The Boys' Newspaper'

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Seventy-five lines of small type. The first page is headed: 'IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. | Messrs. Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. beg to announce that THE NEW WEEKLY PAPER FOR BOYS, which they have been for so long a time and in so many...

George Combe [ born George Comb ] (1788-1858), English phrenologist [ Elisha P. Hurlbut ]

[ George Combe, phrenologist. ] Autograph corrected text from his appendix to his edition of Elisha P. Hurlbut's 'Essays on Human Rights and their Political Guaranties'.

On 8 x 22 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, aged and creased, and laid down on piece of card. Note in a contemporary hand in red ink in the margin: 'George Combe the Phrenologist | (Holograph) [sic]'. With five emendations and deletions. Reads: '[...] that in the Standards of no church with...

Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (1781-1851), Scottish antiquary, artist and collector, and friend of Sir Walter Scott

[ Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Scottish antiquary and artist. ] Watercolour drawing of Edinburgh murderer Mrs Mary Mackinnon with a young girl in her condemned cell, attributed to him in a contemporary hand.

A watercolour drawing in ink, coloured in yellow, blue and red, against a sepia ground. The drawing is on a 24.5 x 18.5 cm piece of thick white paper, laid down on a 28.5 x 29.5 cm piece of grey paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. In pencil in a contemporary hand on the grey-paper...
