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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
[Ecclesiastical Preferments]

Manuscript [Untitled: //A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Preferments in England and Wales ]

221pp., 4to, recased, marbled boards, worn.. A relation of A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiasticall Preferments in England and Wales entituled Nomina & Valores . . .(Published in 1680). Comparison and contrast discussed later. This manuscript comprises: an index (2pp, leaf...

[ Colonel S. F. Cody [ Samuel Franklin Cody; Samuel Franklin Cowdery ] (1867-1913), American aviator and showman; Native American 'Indian Chief' ]

[ Col. S. F. Cody, American aviator and showman. ] Black and white postcard photograph captioned, 'Col. S. F. Cody with Indian Chief in his Aeroplane.'

9 x 14 cm black and white postcard. In frail condition, aged, worn and chipped, with near-vertical central crease repaired on reverse with archival tape. Removed from album, and with traces of newsprint adhering to the reverse. The caption scratched into the plate and appearing in small white...

[ Corbridge, Northumberland: manuscript valuation of houses and gardens, circa 1800 ]

Manuscript headed 'A Valuation of Houses and Gardens &c in Corbridge as follows', giving names of proprietors, tenants, 'What the Building consists of' and valuations.

10pp., 4to. On five leaves pinned together. In good condition, on aged laid paper with Britannia watermark. Folded into the customary packet, and docketted 'Valuation of Corbrid. Houses & Gardens &c.' Arranged in ten columns: No. of Claim; Proprietors Names; Situation & Tennants...

Social history £100.00
Mary L. Armitt [Mary Louisa Armitt (1851 -1911), polymath, teacher, writer, ornithologist and philanthropist, and founder of the Armitt Library, Ambleside.]

[Mary L. Armitt, polymath] MANUSCRIPT: Draft of the Index (ONLY) to her book, The Church of Grasmere: a history, published posthumously..

Sixteen pages (two are half pages), fol., some foxing, but text clear. The text is in a large hand, with additions and occasional corrections for example, the word out is written beside 'Eighteen, the see Sidesmen', itself crossed out.

History £380.00 Grasmere
G. Fitzhardinge Rose's Patent Submarine Lifeboats; Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd. [ George Fitzhardinge Rose (1862-1933), London china dealer and inventor; Commander James Harrison; RMS Titanic ]

[ 'Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd.' ] Printed prospectus (with reference to RMS Titanic): 'Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd. Share Capital £125,000 in 125,000 Shares of £1 each. Boats for all for passenger steamers :: The Difficulty Solved'. With diagrams.

Printed on one side of a piece of 62.5 x 46.5 cm paper. Headed: 'Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd. | Share Capital £125,000 in 125,000 Shares of £1 each. | Boats for all for passenger steamers :: The Difficulty Solved | Prospectus.' In fair condition, aged and creased, with some wear to extremities...

G. Fitzhardinge Rose's Patent Submarine Lifeboats; Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd. [ George Fitzhardinge Rose (1862-1933), London china dealer and inventor; Commander James Harrison; RMS Titanic ]

[ 'Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd.' and 'G. Fitzhardinge Rose's Patent Submarine Lifeboats'. ] Printed share prospectus (with reference to Titanic disaster), and separate 'Short Explanation', with diagrams, one of them printed on its own sheet.

ONE: Prospectus headed: 'Rose's Patent Lifeboats, Ltd. | Share Capital £125,000 in 125,000 Shares of £1 each. | Boats for all for passenger steamers :: The Difficulty Solved | Prospectus.' Printed on one side of a piece of 62.5 x 46.5 cm paper. In fair condition, aged and creased, with some...

J. C. Herries [John Charles Herries] (1778-1855), Tory and Conservative politician and banker

[J. C. Herries, Conservative politician and banker.] Autograph Letter Signed expressing a desire to be ‘enrolled among the Members of the Club for promoting the Authors of Science Literature & the Arts’.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible remnants of windowpane mount adhering at edges of reverse (which has the catalogue entry for the item laid down on the reverse). Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Sir / In reply to the letter which I have had the honor of receiving from you I...

Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood (1748-1810), 1st Baron Collingwood, commander at Trafalgar after Nelson's death [Sir William Richard Cosway; Sir John Thomas Duckworth (1748-1817), 1st Baronet]

[ Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood. ] Contemporary manuscript official copy letter to Vice Admiral Duckworth, regarding Royal Navy ships in the Mediterranean respecting the neutrality of Portuguese ships. With manuscript extract from treaty.

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Copy letter. 2pp., folio. On paper with watermark 'JOHN HOWARD | 1804'. Ends: 'To | Sir J. T. Duckworth K.B. | Vice Admiral of the White | &ca. &ca. &ca. | Given on board the Ocean off Cadiz | 12th. August 1806 | (signed...

[ Art Union of Great Britain ][James G. Law, Secretary.

[ Art Union of Great Britain ] "Large Room Exhibition of Works of British Artists | 39, Oxford Street, Manchester."

Printed, 4pp., 8vo, fold marks (partly stained), sl. chipped, mainly good condition. 243 paintings listed, with prices. Paintings selected from various sources from Manchester (243) to Edinburgh (15) to the RA (8), etc. A shilling ticket gave entry to a lottery.

[ University and King's Colleges, London ]

[Pamphlet; University of London] Souvenir Record of oneof the best 'Rags' that ever brightened London

[12]pp., 4to, printed green paper wraps, photos, stapled, good condition, tag to a cartoon cut (by printer, it seems). Subtitle: "Being an Authentic Account of the Struggle between University and King's Colleges for the Possession of Phineas, Monday, December 4, 1922, Phineas being a statuette...
